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Teacher Resources

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To Make Blended Learning Work, Teachers Try Different Tactics By now, most would agree that technology has the potential to be a useful tool for learning. Many schools have invested in some form of technology, whether it’s in computer labs, tablets, or a laptop for every student, depending on their budget. But for many schools, finding a way to integrate the use of tech in a traditional setting — teacher-centered classrooms — is proving to be a challenge. What educational software should be used? Elementary Computer Activities & Games - Grade Level kindergarten ABCya is the leader in free educational computer games and mobile apps for kids. The innovation of a grade school teacher, ABCya is an award-winning destination for elementary students that offers hundreds of fun, engaging learning activities. Millions of kids, parents, and teachers visit each month, playing over 1 billion games last year. Apple, The New York Times, USA Today, Parents Magazine and Scholastic, to name just a few, have featured ABCya’s popular educational games. ABCya’s award-winning Preschool computer games and apps are conceived and realized under the direction of a certified technology education teacher, and have been trusted by parents and teachers for ten years. Our educational games are easy to use and classroom friendly, with a focus on the alphabet, numbers, shapes, storybooks, art, music, holidays and much more!

10 Blended Learning Trends Infographic Blended Learning Infograpics The 10 Blended Learning Trends Infographic gives a snapshot on how making student learning more personalized, more engaging, and more collaborative is what’s driving innovation. The student-centered learning experienceSoaring numbers of digital learnersBuilding higher-order thinking skillsRealizing benefits for both teachers and studentsA framework for data-driven decision-making in educationPersonalized learning accompanied by a lean, blended, interactive approachProductive GamificationThe mobile world is where learner live nowStudents’ personal access to mobile devicesMore broadband, please! Via: Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog! Copy and Paste the following code!

5 examples of blended learning success Discover how New Hampshire is sustaining positive blended learning policies in its schools As new educational models gain support among educators and students who want to learn in new and different ways, blended learning is perhaps one of the strongest among these new models. Now, researchers have discovered that some of these models work well together–for instance, blended learning and competency-based learning, another strong model in which students advance based on mastery and not grade level or time-in-seat, have evolved to overlap and complement one another. A new report from the Clayton Christensen Institute, authored by Julia Freeland, notes that blended learning supports competency-based learning in at least four ways:

Ms. Conway's Kindergarten Website: About Play-Based Learning It has long been known that there is a strong link between play and learning. Children are full of natural curiosity and they explore this curiosity through play. When kids are playing, it's the perfect time to learn. Play teaches kids how to problem solve, how to make friends, how to express themselves, how to enjoy the world around them, and how to recognize letters and numbers. All of these skills form the foundation of a love of learning.

The Blended Learning Pathway Infographic Blended Learning Infograpics At the Blended Learning Pathway Infographic you will find tips for successful blended learning implementation. Most schools want Blended Learning, do not have a strategic plan for implementation. Via: Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog! 65 Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources Interactive whiteboard resources are a great way for teachers to engage classrooms in learning. While many teachers are spending hours a day creating their own activities for their interactive whiteboards, there are tons of free sources to help teachers learn about and use IWBs with students to further their use of technology in the classroom. Here is a list of some great interactive whiteboard resources and activities guaranteed to stimulate learning: General Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers TeacherLED – TeacherLED is a site dedicated to making the use of Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) easier and more productive.

Four ways to extend the ‘fast’ blended learning student By Peter West Read more by peterwest June 4th, 2014 There is often insufficient time in the fast paced world of blended learning to create these materials ‘on the fly’ Self-paced blended learning (and any type of blended learning that provides access for students to “future” learning materials) produces a wonderful “problem” – what should be done with those students who successfully complete the assigned learning quickly? There are a number of possibilities. The linear extension model

The Mud Kitchen - A Recipe for marvellous Outdoor play Hello lovely blog visitors. Welcome! I am sharing the newest edition to Dimples out door play area today. The awesome and totally messy mud kitchen. The best recipe for engaging children in messy, active, outdoor learning is with mud. Teacher Autonomy and Blended Learning at USC Hybrid High School Earlier this month I had the privilege of visiting the USC Hybrid High School (HHS), a new charter school in Los Angeles and winner of a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Next Generation Learning Challenges grant. HHS is pursuing a blended and competency-based model—that is, the school is leveraging technology to deliver some academic content online and building opportunities for students to advance upon mastery, rather than according to hours of instruction. HHS has seen numerous iterations over its past two years in existence (EdSurge’s Mary Jo Madda did a great write up of these changes earlier this year). For example, last year the school used Apex Learning almost exclusively to drive a Flex blended-learning model (wherein online learning is the backbone, and teachers work with students one-on-one and in groups on projects and tutorials). It’s difficult to summarize the school model I saw because HHS has so many different efforts afoot.

4 Tips for Getting to Know the Blended Instructional Model The days of talking at students are finally over. I recall many a college class filled to the brim with students feverishly taking down notes, as our professor talked at us. Sounds familiar? Probably. Recently, I finished my Masters degree in what was a new environment for me: blended classes. The experience allowed me to further communicate with my colleagues and classmates in a manner that I hadn't been accustomed to. Families and Teachers as Partners / Browse Our Publications / Publications & Resources This Early Childhood Digest, produced by the National Institute on Early Childhood Development and Education of the Office of Educational Research and Development in the U.S. Department of Education, is based on Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP) materials, New Skills for New Schools. About This Series These one-page digests focus on ways that families and schools can work together to help young children learn and grow.

37 Blended Learning Resources You Can Use Tomorrow 37 Blended Learning Resources You Can Use Tomorrow by Dr. Justin Marquis Remixing the curriculum – compiling resources from a variety of sources such as free online texts, proprietary information from publishers, and self-created media such as podcasts – is starting to push its way into K-12 and higher education. The Role of Humans in Blended Learning - EdTech Researcher Last month a colleague at U.C. San Diego sent along a lovely piece of research that begins to address one of the most important gaps in online learning research: what roles do people play in blended learning environments? When people take an online course for credit, or a MOOC, or some other self-contained online learning experience, they don't just learn from the software or the online content. Sometimes they learn online but off-platform, by looking up terms on Wikipedia, posting questions on sites like StackOverflow, or looking up answers in search engines.

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