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The best content curation tools online

The best content curation tools online
91.3K Flares Twitter 2.4K Facebook 72 Google+ 48 StumbleUpon 88.6K Pin It Share 22 22 LinkedIn 94 inShare94 Email -- Email to a friend Buffer 36 91.3K Flares × Content curation is increasing as more and more bloggers see the potential in using the various tools available to them. Want to try it yourself? Of course you do… But before you do let’s consider what content curation is, and weigh up the pros and cons. Content curation is a technique to find, gather, and present highly selective online content around specific topics/aimed at specific groups. The content can come from various sources, including articles, blog posts, videos, photos, tools. There are ethical concerns over content curation. Nevertheless, if done properly, content curation has many benefits. You can combine it together including with your own unique content and inform others about it. Gives readers what they demand and what they are interested in. Zemanta: Content curation whilst you write on your blog. Lilach

Ways to help you be more efficient and effective Muck Rack - Journalists on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and social media Successful Content Marketing Content marketing is a way of communicating with your customers and prospects without pitching your products or services. Also known as inbound marketing, content marketing is non-interruptive. Instead of overtly trying to sell something to your audience, you consistently create and deliver valuable information that educates them. Ultimately they reward you by purchasing your products, recommending them to friends via social media channels and word-of-mouth, and acting as brand ambassadors. It is the opposite of interruption marketing, also known as outbound marketing, a traditional method of product promotion which interrupts a person’s flow of activity to grab their attention and tell them about what they should buy. In today’s marketplace, people often search for reviews and recommendations when they’re evaluating products. Intergage, a full-service digital marketing agency, created the infographic below to illustrate the steps you should take to create a focused content plan. 1. 2.
