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Harold Jarche

Harold Jarche
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partum intelligendo Online Learning Update Employers like MOOCs — if they know what one is April 15th, 2014 By Jake New, Editor, eCampus News MOOCs-employers-studentsEmployers are fans of massive open online courses (MOOCs), according to a new study by researchers at Duke University and RTI International. Share on Facebook An E-Portfolio With No Limits By David Raths, Campus Technology Students at the University of Mary Washington build their academic identities on their own personal Web domain. Share on Facebook Is Google Eyeing a Satellite Startup? By Rumor has it that Google Inc. is looking to acquire Skybox Imaging, a startup that manufactures satellites and deploys data analytics services to companies. Share on Facebook In conversation with: Sebastian Thrun, CEO, Udacity April 14th, 2014

Change Management Body of Knowledge (CMBoK) | Change Management Institute The next best thing to knowing something is knowing where to find it. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) British author. CMBoK Launched at the 2013 Conference The Change Management Institute (CMI) and APMG-International (APMG) have formed a strategic partnership to develop the CMI Change Management Body of Knowledge (CMBoK) and to promote its worldwide use and adoption as best practice for change management. This CMBoK is designed for practitioners, employers, authors and academics. Practicing Change Managers - or those aspiring to practice as Change Managers - with a recognised outline of the required knowledge (for those seeking accreditation through our professional accreditation program. Purchase the CMBoK The first edition of the CMBoK was launched at our Sydney Conference on 28 October 2013. CMBOK LOOK INSIDE - SAMPLE 1st CHAPTER CLICK HERE Pricing Information: Hardcopy Edition: Member Price: $55.00 AUD (includes GST), $66.00 NZD, £33.00 GBP Please note: We look forward to hearing from you

Story colored glasses Mobilemind | Thoughts on mobile computing and elearning Change Management Blog Sense-Making Related Articles, Papers, and Commentaries This section of the Sense-Making Web site includes abstracts and/or full text articles, papers, and commentaries that are relevant in some way to the Sense-Making Methodology. Each listing is linked to a file that includes an indication of the proper citation for the listing, as well as its copyright status. In addition, when copyright restrictions prevent placing the full text online, we have provided instructions for obtaining the full text wherever possible. Brendlinger, Nancy Helen: Brendlinger, N. Cardillo, Linda Wheeler: Cardillo, L. Cheuk, Wai-Yi Bonnie: Cheuk, W-Y, B. (1998). Cheuk, W-Y, B. (2002). Cheuk, W-Y, B. (2003). Cheuk, W-Y, B., & Dervin, B. (1999). Clark, Kathleen Diana: Clark, K. Dervin, B., & Clark, K. Dervin, B., & Clark, K. Dervin, B., & Clark, K. Coco, Angela: Coco, A. (1999). Dalrymple, P. Dervin, Brenda: Dervin, B. (1975/2002). Dervin, B. (1980). Dervin, B. (1981). Dervin, B. (1983, May). Dervin, B. (1984). Dervin, B. (1988/2002). Dervin, B. (1989). Dervin, B. (1989).

E-Learning Curve Blog Winter Solstice at Newgrange, Ireland 5,000 years ago, an extraordinary people lived in Ireland. They were farmers, hunters and builders. Without the benefit of the wheel, and with tools made only of flint, they carved their culture into history. Newgrange – exterior (image courtesy I don’t spend all my time involved in learning and development. No, no, no. Among my more arcane, but nevertheless very satisfying interests is in the culture of the Neolithic (New Stone Age), and particularly the culture of the Beaker People of Western Europe. At ten minutes to nine on the morning of the shortest day of the year, a pale and weak sun slowly rises above a ridge in the Boyne River valley in County Meath, Ireland. Newgrange is best known for the illumination of its passage and chamber by the winter solstice sun. Light Enters the Tomb at Newgrange (image courtesy Irish Times) At the entrance to Newgrange (see image right) stands the highly-decorated Entrance Stone. Thank you. Notes:

I 'discovered' Jarche this year and he's quickly become one of my favourite people to follow. I like his work on the connected workplace, and how learning needs to fit into all of life. Follow him on Twitter - talk to him - he talks back! by sooziebea Sep 17
