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Golubka Kitchen - Plant-Based Recipes for Health and Vibrance

Golubka Kitchen - Plant-Based Recipes for Health and Vibrance
April 15th, 2014 Boy, do we have a treat for you today. A few weeks ago, the ladies from a Brooklyn-based juice company Jus by Julie reached out to us about their 3 day cleanse and the possibility of a giveaway. We rarely do giveaways and only when we love and believe in a product. This was certainly the case with Jus. What’s unique about these particular drinks is that they consist of blended fruit and vegetables, with fiber intact.

Related:  MangerCulinary

Assiette Planète L’équipe Anne Didier-Pétremant Anne Didier-Pétremant a créé De mon assiette à notre planète en 2006, pour prolonger le travail engagé depuis 2000 dans les écoles et les collèges. Après des études à l’ESC Reims (aujourd’hui NEOMA Business school) , Anne a travaillé dans le secteur de la santé (Institut Pasteur et laboratoire CIBA-GEIGY) et dispose d’une large expérience associative (association de parents d’élèves et association de patients), en France et aux États-Unis Son activité comprend l’accompagnement de projets de restauration durable pour de nombreuses collectivités, des projets pilotes de solidarité alimentaire et des interventions en éducation au goût, du bébé à la personne âgée. Elle est passionnée par les sujets des pratiques et des comportements alimentaires des mangeurs et par l’alimentation des publics fragilisés. Chantal Geronimi

Measuring Your Macros: What 30 Grams Of Protein Looks Like Main | Protein | Carbohydrates | Fat Protein is a molecule made of amino acids. It's an essential piece of every cell in your body. Cuisine Campagne A la Chandeleur, l'hiver meurt ou prend vigueur ! Lundi dernier 2 février de l'an 2015, jour de Chandeleur, la neige est tombée dans le Berry. C'est toujours un moment que j'aime, car d'un bon hiver dépend un bon été. Trop de personnes pestent après le froid, la pluie, le vent, la neige, alors que bon sang, nous sommes en hiver ! Savoir accepter la météo, c'est comprendre que sur Terre, tout est cyclique, qu'il s'agisse du calendrier lunaire, des marées, des saisons, de la croissance des végétaux ou de la fécondité des êtres vivants. En attendant, le fameux dicton indique que le temps froid va se maintenir chez nous et cela se vérifie déjà depuis quelques jours.

Why did our ancestors prefer white bread to wholegrains? – Rachel Laudan A couple of days ago, a reader contacted me to ask me to clarify my post on why our ancestors preferred white bread. I checked the post. It’s been consistently one of my most popular. And it was written in 2011. A Brief History of Bread Bread, in all its various forms, is the most widely consumed food in the world. Not only is it an important source of carbohydrates, it’s also portable and compact, which helps to explain why it has been an integral part of our diet for thousands of years. In fact, recent scholarship suggests humans started baking bread at least 30,000 years ago. Prehistoric man had already been making gruel from water and grains, so it was a small jump to starting cooking this mixture into a solid by frying it on stones. A 2010 study by the National Academy of Sciences discovered traces of starch (likely from the roots of cattails and ferns) in prehistoric mortar and pestle-like rocks.

How the Potato Changed the World When potato plants bloom, they send up five-lobed flowers that spangle fields like fat purple stars. By some accounts, Marie Antoinette liked the blossoms so much that she put them in her hair. Her husband, Louis XVI, put one in his buttonhole, inspiring a brief vogue in which the French aristocracy swanned around with potato plants on their clothes. The flowers were part of an attempt to persuade French farmers to plant and French diners to eat this strange new species.

Polish Hamburgers - The Tipsy Housewife This is one of those family recipes that you never stop craving. These Polish Hamburgers are a meal that my Grandma always used to make. We would have them on weekdays, and sometimes we would even have them on special occasions. They were THAT good. Polish Hamburgers are called Klotlety or Klupskies in Polish. Every family makes them their own special way, but they are all similar. Mushroom & Turkey Quiche - Fufu's Kitchen Hi friends! I made this quiche last week when I didn’t have much time on my hands and wanted to make something easy yet filling. So, I made a turkey mushroom quiche which my husband happens to love. Ring In 'Lemony Snicket' On Netflix With A Series Of Unfortunate Recipes Pasta puttanesca is perhaps the most well-known dish among Lemony Snicket fans, although Count Olaf would have preferred roast beef. Kristen Hartke hide caption toggle caption Kristen Hartke

The R2B2 pedal-powered kitchen appliance concept Christoph Thetard has developed a mechanical flywheel drive to power a set of kitchen appliances for his Diploma in Product Design at Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany. The kitchen machine, coffee grinder and hand blender chosen for this device would under normal circumstances need to be plugged into an electrical wall socket, but there's no electricity needed for R2B2. Pumping the pedal spins the flywheel, which in turn provides the energy needed to operate the three cooking aids. Christmas Sugar Cookies with Easy Icing These are my absolute favorite cut-out Christmas sugar cookies! My recipe for sugar cookies promises flavorful cookies with soft centers and crisp edges. You’ll enjoy this easy glaze icing, too. It’s a wonderful alternative to royal icing and makes decorating hassle-free!

Life is Sweet with Healthier Homemade Candy Recipes Updated Oct 24, 2017 @ 10:06 am BY: tanya By Lindsay Cohn If just the word “October” gets you salivating over those all those orange and black-wrapped mini candies, you are not alone. Halloween is one of the most fun days of the year… and also one that always leaves us feeling not so festive afterwards. Family picnic Work is slow in the Summer so I decided to host a picnic party for the family one Sunday. It wasn’t perfect, but we had fun. Invitation Click here to download invitation template We visited a few parks and settled with Flushing Meadows Corona Park.

Put That Wok To Work: A Trick For Smoking Fish Indoors Smoked fish — a cooking method that uses the smoke of an indirect fire to lightly cook, flavor, and preserve the meat — is too often left to the professionals. But there are ways to do it indoors, at home and without much effort. Photo Illustration by Ryan Kellman and Emily Bogle/NPR hide caption toggle caption Photo Illustration by Ryan Kellman and Emily Bogle/NPR
