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100 Helpful Photography Tutorials for Beginners and Professionals

100 Helpful Photography Tutorials for Beginners and Professionals
Photography as both a profession and a hobby is an incredibly expansive topic that covers a remarkably vast range of subjects from science and art. No matter where you lie on the professional spectrum, there is simply always more to learn. We spent countless hours scouring the web for the best content we could find and share with you, and today we'll help you expand your knowledge with 100 photography related tutorials! "There are many composition guidelines which can be applied in almost any situation, to enhance the impact of a scene. Below are ten of the most popular and most widely respected composition rules." "Graphic illustrations [and explanations] of the difference between RAW and JPEG (also called JPG). A basic discussion of white balance and how to respond to different lighting situations. "Use a simple device to get perfect color in all of your shots" "What you need to know to get the most from today’s amazing high-ISO settings" "Low light photography can be a lot of fun.

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40 Tips to Take Better Photos Many years ago when I was a starry-eyed undergrad I would ask every photographer I came across the same question: “How do I take better photos?” I was extremely lucky to have many talented and generous photographers take me under their wing to show me the ropes. Without their valuable advice there is no way I would have become the photographer I am today. Ironically, the number one question I now get asked as an Open producer is “How do I take better photos?” So along with some tips that I’ve picked up over the years, I’ve recruited some outstanding snappers across Australia to share their own secret techniques about how they take their photos to the next level.

88 Brilliant Examples of Forced Perspective Photography Forced perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. It is used primarily in photography, filmmaking and architecture. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera. There are many ways to attack photography and some are much more expensive than others. How To Give Your Photos a Cool Retro Analog Effect Back in the days of analog photography imperfections were part of the job. Colour washes, light leaks, vignettes and blurs were all common problems that appeared during the processing of your film, particularly from cheap cameras such as the Holga, or simply down to human error. While these problems don’t affect digital cameras, we can recreate the cool effects in Photoshop to give our shots that cool lo-fi retro effect.

The 20 Best Websites for Learning Digital Photography I’m beginning to warm up to cheesy stock photos… have you noticed that I’ve used some super cheesy ones the last few days? I’ve spent several days searching all over the Internet to find the very best 21 up-and-coming photography websites. Each of the sites on this list are well deserving of a good read. While I have been following most of them for some time, a few of them were new to me. 55 incredible examples of photo manipulation We present collection of 55 incredible examples of photo manipulation. Some of them... you may know already, but another ones... could be new for you. What I'm sure about... all of them are simply worth of your attention.

This Cheat Sheet Will Help You Learn Manual Photography Better If you’ve decided to take the manual photography route, Skylum has a cheat sheet to help you get started. Another day, another photography cheat sheet. There’s a lot of them out there, especially for those who want to break away from the auto mode and take full control of their camera settings. But we can never stress enough how important it is to learn how to shoot in manual mode to maximize your creative potential. With this cheat sheet from Skylum, you won’t have to dive blindly into manual photography. 25 Free Stock Photo Sites When I began the research for this article, I knew of only a handful of free stock photography sites. I set out to find as many good ones as I could, thinking maybe I’d find a dozen. I was quite surprised to find 25 good, solid resources out there. There are probably more, but these are the ones I found.

45 Astonishing Examples of Long Exposure Photography - Noupe Design Blog Apr 08 2010 Today we bring you an enticing article about long exposure photography. Long exposure photography is a technique in which a camera’s shutter is left open to expose over a longer period of time (be it 8 seconds or 8 hours). It is quite famous, trendy and somewhat difficult form of photography that allows you to witness things from a different perspective and lets you experience time in a different fashion. It enlightens your imagination to see beyond the face of an image, and to see what it can become. So, without a further ado, here we present a list of 45 of the dazzling and unbelievable long exposure photographs that will take your breath away.

How to Use Every Nikon Digital SLR: 18 steps (with pictures) There are a bunch of settings that you will want to set up once, and only once, with your Nikon digital SLR. As with everything else in this article, we'll make some enormous generalisations that will get you out there and shooting but don't hold true for everyone all the time. You can play with these things later, but for now, you want the basics out of the way. Where Children Sleep James Mollison traveled around the globe and took some incredibly eye-opening photos of children's bedrooms. He then compiled them into a book, titled Where Children Sleep. Each pair of photographs is accompanied by an extended caption that tells the child's story. The differences between each sleeping space is striking.

How to Photograph Anything When we launched Learn My Shot, just over 2 years ago, our mission was to create the most comprehensive resource where photographers could learn how to photograph anything. We are still enthusiastically working towards this goal. With the help of contributing photographers we published over 90 creative step by step howto tutorials that answered the most common question: How to photograph…? How to Photograph a Model Improve your photography with classical art. Adjusting your photographs to get the color 'just right' can be a chore. Think about this: The Old Masters of painting spent years of their lives learning about color. Why let all their effort go to waste on the walls of some museum when it could be used to give you a hand with color correction? When Photoshop entered the CS series it included a new tool called 'Match Color.' This tools was made so that you could match a series of photos to one another.

Thank you all for the comments. Pearltree has been my guilty pleasure for finding good content. Enjoy! by webnetworkengineers Feb 16

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