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Understanding Exposure - ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed Explained

Understanding Exposure - ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed Explained
What controls exposure? ISO ratings determine the image sensor’s sensitivity to light, each value of the rating represents a “stop” of light, and each incremental ISO number (up or down) represents a doubling or halving of the sensor’s sensitivity to light. The Aperture controls the lens’ diaphragm, which controls the amount of light traveling through the lens to the film plane. The aperture setting is indicated by the f-number, whereas each f-number represents a “stop” of light. The Shutter Speed indicates the speed in which the curtain opens then closes, and each shutter speed value also represents a “stop” of light. When these three elements are combined, they represent a given exposure value (EV) for a given setting. ISO Speed ISO is actually an acronym, which stands for International Standards Organization. Aperture A lens’s aperture is the opening in the diaphragm that determines the amount of focused light passing through the lens. Shutter Speed What is "Auto Bracketing"? Conclusion

blubbr - Play & create video trivia games Ugly Hedgehog - Photography Forum Focusing Basics | Aperture and Depth of Field Depth of Field Depth of Field (DOF) is the front-to-back zone of a photograph in which the image is razor sharp. As soon as an object (person, thing) falls out of this range, it begins to lose focus at an accelerating degree the farther out of the zone it falls; e.g. closer to the lens or deeper into the background. With any DOF zone, there is a Point of Optimum focus in which the object is most sharp. There are two ways to describe the qualities of depth of field - shallow DOF or deep DOF. Aperture The aperture is the opening at the rear of the lens that determines how much light travels through the lens and falls on the image sensor. Small vs Large Aperture Manipulating the aperture is the easiest and most often utilized means to adjust Depth of Field. Aperture Range The aperture range identifies the widest to smallest range of lens openings, i.e. f/1.4 (on a super-fast lens) to f/32, with incremental “stops” in between (f/2, f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11, f/16, and f/22). Conclusion

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