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Exploring Abandoned NYC Exploring Abandoned NYC Steve Duncan is a modern day archaeologist, an “urban historian” who employs a rare practice to catalog the history of New York City. Duncan and his videographer partner Andrew Wonder explore the abandoned past of New York below the city streets– from the subway tunnels of yesteryear to the peaks of the city’s bridges. The duo runs through active subway tunnels, climbs through sewers over rushing water, scales massive bridges and does so without detection.

Curiosity: It Helps Us Learn, But Why? : NPR Ed The Limbic Reward System lights up when curiosity is piqued. LA Johnson/NPR hide caption itoggle caption LA Johnson/NPR The Limbic Reward System lights up when curiosity is piqued. LA Johnson/NPR How does a sunset work? Flying Pegasus Operated with LEGO Gears & Cranks « How-To News Korean MOC Pages user Kyoung-bae Na, aka edulyoung, constructed this beautiful LEGO automaton of a winged Pegasus. Maneuvered with a series of mechanical LEGO gears and cranks, watch below as Pegasus "hovers", flapping her wings. Kyoung-bae Na sells his creations out of his e-shop, Studio Amida. The Pegasus automaton was previously going for $140, but is no longer listed; however, there is a clownfish currently available for the lower price of $33.50. The models are so fantastic—it makes one wonder, what does the lair of a LEGO automaton creator look like?

Eco-city Inside a One Kilometer Crater in Siberia Eco-city 2020 is a proposal for the rehabilitation of the Mirniy industrial zone in Eastern Siberia, Russia designed by the innovative architectural studio AB Elis Ltd. The project would be located inside a giant man-made crater of more than one kilometer in diameter and 550 meters deep that used to be one of the world’s largest quarries. The idea is to create a new garden city that will be shielded from the harsh Siberian environmental conditions characterized by long and severe winters and short hot summers.

WHAT *SHOULD* WE BE WORRIED ABOUT? Clematis 2013 by Katinka MatsonClick to Expand | "The most stimulating English-language reading to be had from anywhere in the world." —The Canberra Times "A profound question a treasure trove of ideas...each one is a beautiful and instructive reflection, which encourages thinking and reading."— de Volkskrant (Netherlands) Design Technology Wiki SL/HL Core Content Topic 1 - Design process This topic introduces the design cycle model—a fundamental concept underpinning the design process and central to a student’s understanding of design activities. Each element of the design cycle represents how designers progress through the design process to refine the design solution in increasing detail. The topic then moves on to focus on the strategies that designers use to arrive at solutions to problems, and the varied nature of the skills and knowledge they need to carry out their activities successfully. The skills identified in this topic should be reflected in the internal assessment (IA) and reinforced throughout the course.

Twelve Things You Were Not Taught in School About Creative Thinking 2382 516Share Synopsis Aspects of creative thinking that are not usually taught. 1. 10 People Share The Mistakes That Cost Them A Job Offer When it comes to fear-inducing situations, job interviews are right up there with public speaking and first dates. In fact, a recent survey of 1,000 job seekers found that 92% of people feel interview anxiety, citing doubt over their qualifications, whether they’d be able to answer questions correctly—and even if they’d make it to the meeting on time. Frankly, this stat should come as no surprise.

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