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The best of the European press

The best of the European press

A guide to querying 'references' in the Content API | Open Platform We have recently extended the ways that you can search our Content API to include queries with 'references'. You can query the API with an ISBN number, and see articles about the corresponding book, or by a MusicBrainz ID, and see articles about the artist or composer. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about this feature. Questions Answers What is the 'show-references' parameter? The show-references= parameter has been added on content search, tag search and item endpoints. show-references=isbn => display ISBN references where available. show-references=musicbrainz,isbn => display MusicBrainz and ISBN references where available. show-references=all => display all available references. What is the 'reference-type' parameter? The reference-type= parameter has been added on content search, tag search and item endpoints. reference-type=musicbrainz,isbn => return content which has both an ISBN and MusicBrainz identifier associated. What is the 'reference=' parameter? No. No. search?

Global Issues El mundo Free Online MIT Course Materials | Urban Studies and Planning News from Canada and the world - The Globe and Mail L'anglais pratique / Practical English - Nieuws, Sport, Financiën en Showbizz Door op "Akkoord en naar" te klikken, gaat u akkoord met de plaatsing en gebruik van alle cookies en vergelijkbare technieken via TMG websites en apps door TMG en derden. TMG websites en apps maken gebruik van cookies en vergelijkbare technieken i) voor functionele en analytische doeleinden, ii) om het mogelijk te maken content via social media te delen, iii) om informatie te verzamelen over uw voorkeuren en de informatie toe te voegen aan uw klantprofiel en iv) om de inhoud van haar websites en advertenties af te stemmen op uw voorkeuren. Cookies kunnen ook geplaatst en gebruikt worden door derden, zoals advertentienetwerken, adverteerders en technologiepartners. Meer informatie over het cookiegebruik op de TMG websites en apps, waaronder de specifieke cookies, doeleinden en bewaartermijnen vindt u hier.

Actualité à la Une Press Widely Criticized, But Trusted More than Other Information Sources Views of the News Media: 1985-2011 Overview Negative opinions about the performance of news organizations now equal or surpass all-time highs on nine of 12 core measures the Pew Research Center has been tracking since 1985. However, these bleak findings are put into some perspective by the fact that news organizations are more trusted sources of information than are many other institutions, including government and business. Further, people rate the performance of the news organizations they rely on much more positively than they rate the performance of news organizations generally. And the public’s impressions of the national media may be influenced more by their opinions of cable news outlets than their views of other news sources, such as network or local TV news, newspapers or internet news outlets. The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press has been tracking views of press performance since 1985, and the overall ratings remain quite negative. Long-Term Views of the Press
