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Aperture and Depth of Field

Aperture and Depth of Field
Depth of Field Depth of Field (DOF) is the front-to-back zone of a photograph in which the image is razor sharp. As soon as an object (person, thing) falls out of this range, it begins to lose focus at an accelerating degree the farther out of the zone it falls; e.g. closer to the lens or deeper into the background. With any DOF zone, there is a Point of Optimum focus in which the object is most sharp. There are two ways to describe the qualities of depth of field - shallow DOF or deep DOF. Shallow is when the included focus range is very narrow, a few inches to several feet. Aperture The aperture is the opening at the rear of the lens that determines how much light travels through the lens and falls on the image sensor. Small vs Large Aperture Manipulating the aperture is the easiest and most often utilized means to adjust Depth of Field. Aperture Range Distance from the Lens Conclusion You might also like:

Met Exclusive: Jason Lee's 10 Creative Kids Photography Tips As a trendspotting and inspiration site, My Modern Met has seen creative work go viral. Who holds the top spot? Which post is our all-time most visited? That title would belong to Jason Lee. A Father Who Creatively Captures His Kid has been seen over a million times in eight months. Since its been featured, it has been one of our top 10 posts of the day for every single day . The answer is simple: It connects with us and it inspires us. Jason started putting up pictures of his two daughters back in 2006 when his mother was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma. Take a look at his photos and you can't help but be inspired to want to pick up your camera and shoot away at your son, daughter, niece or nephew. We've kept in touch with the photographer and today, we present to you, some of Jason's exclusive tips on how you can take creative kids photography, too. So now, without further,'s Jason. Thanks, Alice... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Jason Lee's website and Flickr page

Breathtaking Long Exposure Photography and How to Capture It As you know, our first free e-Book was launched and so we were all, including me, busy making Photoshop resources. Thanks to you, the e-Book has met with a landmark success. Now I am free to focus on the other subjects as well. For today, I chose a form of trick photography. So after many weeks, here’s a super tutorial for learning Long Exposure Photography. As the name suggests, long exposure photo is when the camera’s image sensor was exposed to light for a longer period of time than usual. Examples Niagara Falls Exposure: 30 Seconds Image by John A Ryan Light House Exposure: 114 Seconds Image by MumbleyJoe (Tyler) Fireworks Exposure: 10 Seconds Image by Express Monorail Sky ways Exposure: 1 Hour Image by c@rljones Spinning Wheel Exposure: 20 Seconds Image by Sara Heinrichs (awfulsara) Waterfalls Exposure: 2-5 Minutes Image by Dene’ (Seattle) Miles Speed Exposure: 5-10 Seconds Image by Patrick Smith Photography Use of This Effect Taking the Shot Also try to capture a shot which I always wanted to. Extra Tips

Everything you need to know about buying a camera 184inShare Jump To Close By David Pierce and Vlad Savov Cameras are everywhere. Camera companies don’t exactly make life easy, either. Sticky TOC engaged! A guide to this guide As with our smartphone buyer’s guide, you should be careful not to treat this as a definitive dictum on what to buy. Basics of photography Basics of photography Every camera, from the tiny webcam embedded in your laptop to the full-frame pro cameras built by Nikon and Canon, operates under the same set of basic principles. The most common technique for making this recording is by channelling light through a lens onto a photosensitive material that soaks it up and turns it into an image. Since light is the only information your camera collects, it should come as no surprise that well-lit scenes typically come out looking sharper and nicer than dark and moody shots illuminated only by a streetlight — more light just gives you more information to work with. The key settings The key settings Other features that matter

Exposure | Understanding Exposure - ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed Explained What controls exposure? ISO ratings determine the image sensor’s sensitivity to light, each value of the rating represents a “stop” of light, and each incremental ISO number (up or down) represents a doubling or halving of the sensor’s sensitivity to light. The Aperture controls the lens’ diaphragm, which controls the amount of light traveling through the lens to the film plane. The aperture setting is indicated by the f-number, whereas each f-number represents a “stop” of light. The Shutter Speed indicates the speed in which the curtain opens then closes, and each shutter speed value also represents a “stop” of light. When these three elements are combined, they represent a given exposure value (EV) for a given setting. ISO Speed ISO is actually an acronym, which stands for International Standards Organization. Aperture A lens’s aperture is the opening in the diaphragm that determines the amount of focused light passing through the lens. Shutter Speed What is "Auto Bracketing"? Conclusion

My Modern Metropolis Camera Exposure: Aperture, ISO &Shutter Speed A photograph's exposure determines how light or dark an image will appear when it's been captured by your camera. Believe it or not, this is determined by just three camera settings: aperture, ISO and shutter speed (the "exposure triangle"). Mastering their use is an essential part of developing an intuition for photography. Achieving the correct exposure is a lot like collecting rain in a bucket. In photography, the exposure settings of aperture, shutter speed and ISO speed are analogous to the width, time and quantity discussed above. Each setting controls exposure differently: Aperture: controls the area over which light can enter your cameraShutter speed: controls the duration of the exposureISO speed: controls the sensitivity of your camera's sensor to a given amount of light One can therefore use many combinations of the above three settings to achieve the same exposure. By the Numbers. How it Appears. Slow Shutter Speed Fast Shutter Speed By the Numbers. How it Appears.

15 Tips for Low Light Landscape Photography A Post By: Natalie Denton (nee Johnson) Capturing scenes in low light remains one of the most challenging aspects of photography, yet the results when executed well can be truly captivating. Whether it’s an energetic cityscape or ethereal seascape the possibilities are endless. Here are a few essentials points to consider before you begin. It’s a good idea to formulate a plan of attack before the twilight hour so scout out a position while there is another available light and grab a few set up shots to make sure your scene works and will be free from distracting objects. Cityscapes are best viewed from a distance, whereas seascapes are more dramatic nearer to the shoreline. Image by V31S70 So start by setting your camera upon a solid tripod and switching the unit to manual or shutter priority if you are wish. Image by kern.justin Image by Paco CT Incorporate a foreground element to add interest, scale and to help contextualise the piece. Read more from our category Most Popular 12657 Shares

Vinnare 2016 | Årets Bild Årets Bild Årets Bild: Magnus Wennman (Aftonbladet) Juryns motivering: Årets Bild är tagen av en extremt stilsäker fotograf med en medvetenhet om vad som händer både inuti och utanför kameran. Det är en empatisk, mogen fotograf som har något på hjärtat. Årets Bild skriker inte ut sitt budskap; det är en poetisk bild som med sin skönhet fängslar oss och ger oss lust att stanna upp och betrakta den för att tränga in i berättelsen. Bilden förmedlar normalitet i en onormal situation. Årets Fotograf Årets fotograf: Anders Hansson (Dagens Nyheter) Juryns motivering: Juryn får ett starkt intryck av Årets Fotograf i en portfolio med ett klassiskt tillvägagångssätt till bildjournalistik. Årets Fotograf har arbetat hårt under 2015; han har rest mycket men har också gjort projekt hemma i Sverige. Nyhetsbild Sverige 1:a pris Anders Hansson (Dagens Nyheter) Juryns motivering: Bilden sammanfattar årets viktigaste nyhet i Europa, ur svenskt perspektiv. 2:a pris Urban Andersson (Aftonbladet) Nyhetsbild Utland

Stolen Camera Finder - find your photos, find your camera ALTFoto Andreas bilder från föräldraledigheten får alla att skratta Svenske Andreas Miezans, som bor i norska Tönsberg, har försökt förgylla sin föräldraledighet genom mer eller mindre manipulerade bilder på sig själv och sonen Oscar, 11 månader. – Jag hoppas att det kan inspirera folk som ska vara föräldralediga. Det är inte så tråkigt som man kan tro, säger Andreas. Det började med att Andreas Miezans lade ut ett par roliga photoshoppade bilder på sig själv och 11 månader gamla sonen Oscar. – Det var först bara en kul grej som jag tänkte visa på Facebook för familj och vänner, säger han. Inspirationen kom från ett liknande projekt han sett på nätet för några år sedan. – Det var kul att alla tog emot det så bra. Han tar uppmärksamheten med ro och tycker det är kul att det skrivs om bilderna. – Det är klart att det är kul att det skrivs om lite gladare grejer också ibland. Här är några fler av bilderna på han och sonen Oscar:Poolhäng Gunga i parken Biltur Blöjbyte Städdags Fotbad En liten olycka i köket Matdags Grilltajm Bebiskvintett Löpträning Heja Sverige! Brödbak

Top 10 Photography Hacks "Magic Lantern turns Canon DSLRs with video capabilities into near-professional video cameras." No, it does not. It's nice to have the lenses and the ability, but a single sensor Video camera is very far from a pro video camera. DSLR's are great for the slow motion no moving shots, if you need to get artsey with your 55mm prime, they are great! if you need to videotape a car race, news event, sports event, they completely suck. It's a great example of why a single sensor is not used in professional or even prosumer video cameras. Plus handheld, the optical IS system in my Canon video camera beats the IS in any of my canon DSLR lenses hands down. Finally, DSLR's cant record for 1 hour straight.

12 Essential Photoshop Skills Every Photographer Should Know (With Video) “…If you’re saying in your head, ‘Oh, I’ll just fix that later in Photoshop,” stop what you’re doing and slap yourself as hard as you can.” –Zack Arias If you’ve been reading my stuff for a while, you know that I’m a huge proponent of getting it right in the camera. One of the beautiful things about Photoshop is that there seem to be at least five or six different ways of accomplishing just about everything. Cropping While most of us think about cropping only in terms of preparing an image for print or web display, the truth is that the crop tool can be invaluable when it comes to either correcting or creating an entirely new composition. Brightness & Contrast Brightness and contrast adjustments can be a valuable tool in finding and correcting flaws in exposure. Curves & Levels As long as we’re on the subject, curves and levels are basically a more advanced approach to brightness and contrast. Saturation Working With Layers Sharpening Cloning and Healing Content Aware Fill Color Balance Wrap-Up

Essence of Bellingham - City of Bellingham, WA Each year, the City of Bellingham and the Whatcom Museum sponsor the "Essence of Bellingham" photography competition. Digital or scanned entries gathered over the previous year that capture the "essence" of Bellingham are showcased and added to a collection documenting Bellingham and the diverse nature of life in our city and county. Entries may appear in Whatcom Museum and City of Bellingham publications and in various places such as print, TV, and the Internet. Background As we transition from film to digital cameras in our society, there are countless images being created digitally. This competition aims to help preserve these images before they are lost. Eligibility All residents of Whatcom County are eligible to participate with the exception of those called upon to jury the competition. Jury Criteria A jury comprised of representatives from the Whatcom Museum, professional art community, and City of Bellingham staff will evaluate all eligible submissions received by the deadline.
