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Measuring & Fitting Doll Clothes Patterns

Measuring & Fitting Doll Clothes Patterns
NOTE: Book recommended for beginning sewers. It contains a lot of basic sewing/fitting techniques, terms, basic fabric/thread information, hints on buying a sewing machine/serger, etc. The book is: "Mother Pletsch's Painless Sewing - Fourth Edition" and can be ordered on the Palmer/Pletsch website (click here). These notes are primarily aimed at measuring and fitting dolls. However, I have put in some references to human (and human pattern) measurements for comparison and to use when working with a human pattern to create a doll pattern ---- (see Pattern Creation Page). *NOTE: I will not be covering how to make pattern alterations for individual body differences as it would take an entire book! MEASUREMENTS - only part of the story! There is no doubt that taking accurate body measurements will get you a better fit - either for yourself or for a doll. You almost can't take too many measurements! 1. Dolls aren't always easy to measure. Bust Around the bust line, at the fullest part.

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