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A guide to the basics of jQuery

A guide to the basics of jQuery
jQuery Fundamentals is designed to get you comfortable working through common problems you'll be called upon to solve using jQuery. To get the most out of this site, you'll want to read the content and try the various interactive examples. Each chapter will cover a concept and give you a chance to try example code related to the concept. We highly recommend using this site with the Chrome browser or another browser that supports modern JavaScript features and includes good developer tools. Using the built-in editor Most pages on this site include a built-in editor where you can try out code.

Related:  JQUERY

Sidr - Berriart You will be able to create multiple sidrs on both sides of your web to make responsives menus (or not, it works perfectly on desktop too). It uses CSS3 transitions (and fallbacks to $.animate with older browsers) and it supports multiple source types. Get started Like any other plugin, you must include it after the jQuery script. For a better performance load them at the bottom of your page or in an asynchronous way. You have to include a Sidr Theme stylesheet too, choose between the dark or the light one, or if you prefer create one by your own. DataGen: Generate Large Test Data Files – Like A Boss « Blog A couple of months ago I was doing some volume and performance testing against an application that was expecting a 500% data growth, which meant I had to generate lots and lots of dummy data to test whether the storage would hold up and whether the application itself would still perform well. I quickly came up with a script that loops through N times, generates dummy data, and creates an XML file. I left the script running while working on something else in parallel, and at the end the script finished after about a couple of hours. There were 3 issues with this approach: 1) It sure wasn’t going to be the last time I had to generate large test data. The next time I had to do something similar, I much preferred a simpler solution than scripting. 2) A couple of hours were too long. I wanted a better solution to cut down data generation time. 3) The script ran on an i7 with multiple cores, but only 1 core was being utilised.

FlexNav - A jQuery Plugin for Responsive Menus A Device-Agnostic Approach to Complex Site Navigation The mock navigation you see above is a mobile-first example of using media queries and javascript to make a decent site menu with drop downs. Special attention is paid to touch screens using touch events with tap targets (the key feature of FlexNav). This is something I use to test different navigation techniques and may change as I iterate over different solutions to the problem.

Unit Testing Backbone.js Apps With QUnit And SinonJS This article will be appearing in my forthcoming book on Backbone.js and continues the section on unit testing. We previously looked at Jasmine and will now look at QUnit and SinonJS. QUnit is a powerful JavaScript test suite written by jQuery team member Jörn Zaefferer and used by many large open-source projects (such as jQuery and Backbone.js) to test their code.

BookBlock: A Content Flip Plugin - Demo 2 January 2013 Monday Tuesday jQuery Fading Methods Example using fadeIn(), fadeOut() and fadeToggle() Have you ever come across a situation where you had to fade in or fade out elements on a web page? I am sure you have and here in this article I’ll show you how to fade in hidden elements and later fade out elements using three jQuery methods such as fadeIn(), fadeOut() and fadeToggle(). Be careful while using these methods, as these are case sensitive. The first two methods that I’ll explain with examples are the fadeIn() and fadeOut() methods, followed by the fadeToggle() method. jQuery fadeIn() and fadeOut() Methods The jQuery fadeIn() method fades in all matched elements that you wish to explicitly define for fading in, using its unique id or a class.

Pedalboard.js by dashersw - Open-source JavaScript framework for developing audio effects for guitars Check out! It's pedalboard.js packaged as a product you can really use. Introduction jQuery One Page Navigation Plugin Sep 26, 2010 When appropriate, I am a fan of the one-page sites. I really like the ones that add smooth scrolling and highlight the navigation depending upon which part of the page you have scrolled to. Here are a few examples: Brizk Design and Crush + Lovely. I finally have a freelance project where a one-page site makes sense, so I needed to write the JavaScript to make the navigation work how I wanted.

annyang! Easily add speech recognition to your site Go ahead, try it… Say "Hello!" Annyang! Let's try something more interesting… Rich JavaScript Applications – the Seven Frameworks (Throne of JS, 2012) It’s no longer good enough to build web apps around full page loads and then “progressively enhance” them to behave more dynamically. Building apps which are fast, responsive and modern require you to completely rethink your approach. The premise was to take the seven top JavaScript frameworks/libraries for single-page and rich JavaScript applications — AngularJS, Backbone, Batman, CanJS, Ember, Meteor, Knockout, Spine — get the creators of all of them in one location, and compare the technologies head to head.

slick - the last carousel you'll ever need Set up your HTML markup. <div class="your-class"><div>your content</div><div>your content</div><div>your content</div></div> Move the /slick folder into your project Add slick.css in your <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="slick/slick.css"/> // Add the new slick-theme.css if you want the default styling <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="slick/slick-theme.css"/> jQuery Plugin – Increment ← jQuery Increment Plugin Inspired by this article on, I decided to release a plugin dedicated solely to quick keyboard-based manipulation of numeric values in HTML input fields. It’s called Increment. Simply assign the set of inputs you wish to attach this behavior to:$('input.hours').increment(); And let your fingers do the walking: use the up arrow to increment values, down arrow to decrement.

reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework HTML Presentations Made Easy Created by Hakim El Hattab / @hakimel Heads Up reveal.js is a framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML. You'll need a browser with support for CSS 3D transforms to see it in its full glory.
