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Apprendre et comprendre jQuery – 1/3

Apprendre et comprendre jQuery – 1/3
Tutoriels jQuery Introduction rapide et en douceur à l’utilisation d’une des bibliothèques JS à la mode. Ou comment ajouter une couche d’interactions simplement et proprement à vos pages. NB : ce billet sera divisé en trois parties. Publié il y a déjà trop longtemps… Introduction jQuery est une bibliothèque JS développée principalement par John Resig. Par bibliothèque on entend donc un ensemble cohérent de fonctions permettant de s’affranchir des tâches rébarbatives et répétitives de façon uniforme sur les navigateurs les plus courants. Elle est sous licence GPL et MIT, et donc complètement réutilisable sur des travaux professionnels. Les navigateurs supportés sont : Firefox 1.5+Internet Explorer 6+Safari 2.0.2+Opera 9+ La bibliothèque est utilisée par exemple sur des sites comme : DellGoogle CodeDiggNBCAmazonMozillaWordPressDrupalSPIPThe Zend Frameworketc Par ailleurs cette bibliothèque est compatible (elle n’entre pas en conflit) avec d’autres. Pré-requis Bases Appel <! Compression Une fonction etc. Related:  JQUERY

25 Free jQuery Photo Gallery / Albums with Tutorials | VisonwidGet 30 Free Photo Gallery / Albums with Tutorials Details Category: Webdev Hits: 20172 jQuery image galleries and albums are very common on portfolio sites and are also useful for any other type of site for displaying images and photos. Since they are already so popular I believe you don’t need me to tell you more about it. A Cool Instagram “Gravity” Gallery This will be a script that runs a search on Instagram, fetches and displays the photos in a grid, and then uses the Box2D library to simulate physical interactions between them. {ads1} Fresh Sliding Thumbnails Gallery with jQuery and PHP In this tutorial we are going to create another full page image gallery with a nice thumbnail area that scrolls automatically when moving the mouse. Thumbnail Grid With Expanding Preview The interesting part is to calculate the correct preview height and to scroll the page to the right position. Photo Booth Strips With Lightbox Free jQuery Photo Gallery ( Tutorial ) Polaroid Photobar Gallery with jQuery

13 Excellent jQuery Animation Techniques | Tutorials Only a few years ago, if something was animated on a website it was automatically assumed to be Flash. However, this is not the case today. With the growing popularity and wide spread use of JavaScript frameworks, sometimes you have to take a closer look to find out what is powering all of those smooth animations. With several JavaScript frameworks available, jQuery is quickly becoming a favorite. Building an Animated Cartoon Robot with jQuery Animate a hover with jQuery How To Create A ‘Mootools Homepage’ Inspired Navigation Effect Using jQuery CSS Sprites2 – It’s JavaScript Time Build An Incredible Login Form With jQuery Learning jQuery: Revealing Photo Slider Learning jQuery: Fading Menu – Replacing Content Using jQuery for Background Image Animations Animated Menus Using jQuery Create a Cool Animated Navigation with CSS and jQuery Animated Drop Down Menu with jQuery jQuery Tutorials for Designers How to Load In and Animate Content with jQuery About the Author Related Posts

SlideDeck | Free Slideshow Software Download, Slide Show jQuery jQuery Plugin – Increment ← jQuery Increment Plugin Inspired by this article on, I decided to release a plugin dedicated solely to quick keyboard-based manipulation of numeric values in HTML input fields. It’s called Increment. Simply assign the set of inputs you wish to attach this behavior to:$('input.hours').increment(); And let your fingers do the walking: use the up arrow to increment values, down arrow to decrement. Use Cases: Time sheet applications (how I came to develop this), Order / Requisition forms, anywhere multiple numeric form inputs are needed. v0.6 — Added support for mousewheel plugin, small Closure Compiler bugfix v0.5 — Initial release Increment has been tested on: Firefox 3.6 / WinChrome 4.0 / WinIE 8 / WinSafari 4 / MacFirefox 3.6 / MacChrome 5 Beta / Mac Download Increment Now New v0.6 with mousewheel plugin support Thanks to Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) for the inspiration, and to Karl Swedberg (@kswedberg) for the still-solid jQuery plugin architecture guide.

Mise en forme de texte I. Introduction À l'origine, HTML devait décrire la structure du texte sans imposer sa représentation physique qui devait rester le choix de l'utilisateur et de son navigateur (voir le premier chapitre). Pour décrire la structure du texte, c'est à-dire la nature du contenu (nom, adresse...) on parle de formatage logique. Ce cours va présenter ces deux types de formatage et les balises qui leur sont associées. II. 1. Il s'agit ici des titres qui s'afficheront dans la page (et non dans la barre de titre comme la balise <title> précédemment) : ce sont les en-têtes de sections ou paragraphes. Il existe six niveaux de titres d'importance décroissante : <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>. >Retour à la TdM Exemple et code source avec chaque balise TITRE : Table 1. 2. a. Fonction : Un paragraphe comme celui que vous lisez est délimité par les balises <p> et </p> (voir le source de cette page). b. Fonction : Force un retour en début de ligne suivante à l'intérieur d'un même paragraphe. 3. 4. 5. III.

Converting jQuery Code to a Plugin Martin Angelov When it comes to efficiently organizing jQuery code, one of the best options is turning certain parts of it into a plugin. There are many benefits to this – your code becomes easier to modify and follow, and repetitive tasks are handled naturally. This also improves the speed with which you develop, as plugin organization promotes code reuse. This is why today we are going to demonstrate the process of converting code to a plugin. We are going to take the code from our jQuery & CSS3 Select Replacement tutorial, and turn it into a ready for use jQuery plugin. The Idea Writing a jQuery plugin is not at all difficult. Here are several problems that we need to solve when converting the tutorial code into a jQuery plugin: We need to give users the ability to control what markup is generated for the dropdown. The Code As you remember from the tutorial, our jQuery code scans the select’s option elements and builds an unordered list. This is, however, too specific for a plugin. jQuery

10 Useful jQuery Plugins for Images We all know and love jQuery for its flexibility and many uses. But some of the most impressive jQuery applications are those that involve images. It really can allow you to do some useful stuff and even add a “wow” factor to your project. So here we’ve rounded up 10 jQuery plugins to help you display images in your next project. Slides Slides is a crazy simple slideshow plugin for jQuery. Face Detection Face Detection is an impressive plugin that does just what its name suggests. AviaSlider AviaSlider is a jQuery slideshow plugin with unique transition effects. Fullscreenr So you want to have a background image on your website, which always fills the screen and maintains its aspect ratio? Slidy jQuery Slidy is a plugin that generates a customizable transitions automatically. MobilyNotes MobilyNotes is lightweight (2KB) jQuery plugin that shows your images or other html content in a stacked format. jQuery Easy Slides Easy Slides is an extremely easy to use plugin for making slideshows. Booklet

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