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Awesome jQuery Plugins And Techniques To Create Visually Excellent Websites

Awesome jQuery Plugins And Techniques To Create Visually Excellent Websites

jQuery.fracs · To use the core lib just include jquery.fracs-0.12.0.js. The outline feature can be found in jquery.outline-0.12.0.js and depends on the core lib (you'll need to include both files). Fractions To retrieve the fractions of an element use: var fracs = $(selector).fracs(); this will return an object of type Fractions. Why programmers work at night [This essay has been expanded into a book, you should read it, here] Image via Wikipedia A popular saying goes that Programmers are machines that turn caffeine into code. And sure enough, ask a random programmer when they do their best work and there’s a high chance they will admit to a lot of late nights. Some earlier, some later.

Building a shopping cart with knockout.js - thebeebs Prior to joining Microsoft I worked for a large online retailer, so I know first-hand how difficult it is to produce a good shopping cart. As a user updates quantities, deletes items or changes delivery options it’s important to update the sub total, tax and shipping instructions. It’s critical that the experience reacts quickly and that nothing gets in the way of a user making the purchase. Even when creating a simple shopping cart it is easy to end up with a bug ridden, mess of JavaScript onChange events.

100 Essential Web Development Tools - Noupe Design Blog Mar 16 2010 By Neil Skirrow As web technologies constantly advance, the skills a developer is expected to have are constantly increasing. Web users are beginning to expect Ajax interfaces, charts and graphs and a whole host of other tricks and features. This means web developers not only have to be skilled with HTML and a server-side programming language such as PHP or Perl, but they now also need to be JavaScript gurus, Flash experts, and skilled graphic designers. When developing your applications, you simply can’t create every element yourself.

Image Desaturate jQuery plugin Latest version: 0.7 (changelog) Stable version: 0.6 (changelog) Prev. version: 0.5.2 Example jQuery plugin page Contact: How to Prevent Image Bandwidth Theft With .htaccess Protect your images from being linked by other websites while you pay the bandwidth! by Christopher Heng, If your website displays beautiful pictures, you may encounter the ugly situation where your photos and other images are used without your permission on other sites. Even worse, those websites "hotlink" your pictures, that is, they don't host the pictures directly on their site, but embed them into their pages by linking to the copy on your site.

15 Fresh and Powerful CSS3 Tutorials CSS3 is here, it’s fun, and allows us to evolve the look of the web as we go. Features like gradients, drop shadows, rounded corners, animations, and opacity are giving us the promise of more fun. In this post we’ve collected some new and brilliant tutorials that will help you in mastering your CSS3 skills.

33 Ways To Overcome Frustration I have a huge experience with frustration. I experienced it in so many ways, at so many times in my life, that I feel like I’m some kind of a specialist. If you wonder why I have this huge expertise, here’s the answer: growth never happens without it. Originally written for, grumble.js provides special tooltips without the usual limitations of north/east/south/west positioning. A grumble can be rotated around a given element at any angle, all 360 degrees. Any distance can be specified. Any CSS style can be applied. There's auto-magic size adjustment for use with localised text.
