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Every Last Drop – An Interactive Website about Water Saving

Every Last Drop – An Interactive Website about Water Saving

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9 Web Design Trends Set To Boom in 2014 Share on Twitter12Share on Facebook8Share on Google Plus2Share on Stumbleupon0Share on Reddit0 As we are now a month into 2014 we are starting to see some new trends emerging, some old fads evolving into fully blown mainstream design standards and some design fads dying a slow death. There are some significant changes taking hold in the web design world that I believe will take off this year and stay for years to come. It is notoriously hard to predict the next big trend or what will just be a passing fad but I am going to have a go and hopefully give you a heads up on growth areas that will bring in more clients and improve your hourly rate over the coming year. So, here are a few of my fearless web design forecasts:

Dino Pet: The living lamp that grows brighter the more you care for it The BioPop Company have come up with a very different and very cool living light/virtual pet by the name of Dino Pet. This is a biological lamp that has very small bioluminescent plankton inside it, called dinoflagellates, which glow in the dark with their own inner light. [Image Courtesy of Biopop] brand identity - welcome get information newsletter choose your language Content Marketing Framework: Plan Plan the work. Work the plan. Planning can take a number of forms, depending on where you lie in your content marketing journey. If you are just beginning to build your program, planning might take the form of a business case or even a simple mission statement. For other organizations that have been building a content marketing program for some time, it may exist as a regular checkpoint to ensure that your programs continue to meet broader (and sometimes changing) business goals. Regardless, the “planning” element of your program should be the first — and strongest — thread throughout your content marketing framework.

Designers checklist advices — Project by Adrien Heury 10/10Be proud of your work Anton RepponenCreative director • Fantasy interactive • NYC I know so many designers who aren't happy with their work at the end of a project. Award-Winning Newspaper Designs Advertisement Print and Web are different. Traditional layout techniques from print, particularly an advanced formatting, aren’t applicable to the Web as CSS doesn’t offer sophisticated instruments to design such layouts (e.g. text floating around an embedded image; some “floating” techniques provide such results, however they produce bloated source code just as well).

This Wearable Plant Cleans The Air For You When Pollution Is Bad It’s a simple and poignant concept: A tiny plant in a transparent backpack as the sole source of sustenance in a bombed-out world. Chiu Chih’s "Survival Kit for the Ever-Changing Planet" bounced around the design web on the strength of these images, with only glimmers of information about their provenance. But the artist’s backstory make it all the more interesting. The project was ostensibly a school project for Wuhan University, where Chih studied industrial design. "My project wasn’t what my teachers expected," he says. His stubborn insistence on his vision was, he says, something he learned as an intern at Qiao Design.

PlaceIt by Breezi - Generate Product Screenshots in Realistic Environments How do I record my iOS app? Please click here for instructions on how to record your iOS app. How do I record my Android app? Infographics: How to Strike the Elusive Balance between Data and Visualization They started out as a social media experiment and then suddenly everyone wanted a piece. A couple years back, if you dropped the word ‘Infographic’ or ‘Dataviz’ in a conversation, you would have been greeted by a good number of confused looks even if you were among other web designers. Today, so many infographics have gone viral that it’s practically impossible to ignore them.

Inspirational Quotes / Motivational Quotes / Quotes to live by This site is not suppose to look like this, it's suppose to be a little more fun. You are probably using an old browser like Internet Explorer (Shame on you). Use the latest versions of Firefox, Safari or Chrome instead. If you are using one of those browsers try to reload the page. Inspirational Quote 68 Chinese Proverbs for the Mind Oops! Forgot to update. Nic’s store is on sale for a few days! I saw the “你和, 我六十九/ touch one’s heart, never be apart” proverb on there. Perfect for upcoming Valentine’s Day, methinks. ( ˘ ³˘)♥ I love you.

Reviews for DART.ENVS.02X: Introduction to Environmental Science from edX Introduction to Environmental Science, ENVX, was first offered in early 2015. Environmental science is the study of patterns and processes in the natural world and their modification by human activity. To understand current environmental problems, we need to consider physical, biological and chemical processes that are often the basis of those problems. This course will give you the skills necessary to address the environmental issues we are facing today by examining scientific principles and the application of those principles to natural systems. Older → Reblogged 8 months ago from fastdays-longnights (Originally from mineyoursourswhatever) 420,700 notes View comments Reblogged 9 months ago from a-t-o-m-i-c (Originally from tight---jeans) 32,676 notes View comments Reblogged 9 months ago from patchill (Originally from mortur) 177 notes View comments

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