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Energy sources: Our Technical Reality

Energy sources: Our Technical Reality

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Modeling brain disorders in a petri dish Confocal images of neurons derived from patients with Schizophrenia. SCZD hiPSC neurons express βIII-tubulin (red) and the dendritic marker MAP2AB (green), DAPI (blue). (Credit: Kristen Brennand, UCSD) 4 Rare Earth Elements That Will Only Get More Important Sir William Crookes, a 19th century British chemist, once wrote that, "rare earth elements perplex us in our researches, baffle us in our speculations and haunt us in our very dreams." These weren't easy elements to isolate or to understand, and so there was a very long lag time between the discovery of the rare earths, and the discovery of practical uses for them. It didn't help that individual rare earth elements don't occur by their lonesome—they travel in packs.

Panarchy Panarchy What is Panarchy? Panarchy is a conceptual framework to account for the dual, and seemingly contradictory, characteristics of all complex systems – stability and change. The Venus Project In A Nutshell (Almost) #The_Venus_Project: It’s complex and not easy to explain in 140 words: #The_Venus_Project: depends on a non-interpretable-language to be used by the entire world’s population. #The_Venus_Project: Also all national boundaries will cease to exist producing a world-wide community. #The_Venus_Project: has no government, laws, armies, shops or money. #The_Venus_Project: People get supplied all the basics they need from supply points for free #The_Venus_Project: uninterrupted communications system with data from all over the world being available 2 all people.

Secrets of the first practical artificial leaf A detailed description of development of the first practical artificial leaf -- a milestone in the drive for sustainable energy that mimics the process, photosynthesis, that green plants use to convert water and sunlight into energy -- appears in the ACS journal Accounts of Chemical Research. The article notes that unlike earlier devices, which used costly ingredients, the new device is made from inexpensive materials and employs low-cost engineering and manufacturing processes. Daniel G. Nocera points out that the artificial leaf responds to the vision of a famous Italian chemist who, in 1912, predicted that scientists one day would uncover the "guarded secret of plants."

Meghalaya villagers create 'living' bridges by training roots across a river By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 15:35 GMT, 10 September 2011 Deep in the rainforests of the Indian state of Meghalaya, bridges are not built, they’re grown. Ancient vines and roots of trees stretch horizontally across rivers and streams, creating a solid latticework structure strong enough to be used as a bridge.

Not basing your society around money, The Venus Project If you are just interested in the Zeitgeist Movement, then that section is below The Venus Project section. Thanks for taking a interest in these two topics. The Venus Project Shortened Link to this WordPress site: Not basing your society around money, The Venus Project; also included: the Zeitgeist Movement: As you may know: The Venus Project and Zeitgeist Movement have split up. The Venus Project has a new website and is functioning differently from what it previously did–improved system for visitors, members, and the media who file reports or write about them. BOINC malariacontrol - Linguistic Team International Wiki From Linguistic Team International Wiki Return to BOINC Project Gateway The Project! The project is an application that makes use of network computing for stochastic modelling of the clinical epidemiology and natural history of Plasmodium falciparum malaria.

TreeHugger iFixit/CC BY-ND 3.0People are talking a lot about cell phone unlocking in the news this week. Until recently, unlocking mostly flew under the radar—a common technique used by consumers who need to use their phones with more than one carrier. But late last year the Librarian of Congress banned the practice, catapulting cell phone unlocking into the national spotlight. Unlocking is a software tweak that disables a device’s SIM lock. Buddhadasa Bhikkhu - Is Your Hair On Fire? Imagine a person who feels completely healthy, completely free of all illness, sickness and physical disability. Wouldn’t it be ridiculous for that person to get medicine? What would be the point of that? What would be the rationale in getting medicine when you feel completely healthy? Those people who don’t see any problems, who are not aware of any dukkha, unsatisfactoriness, in their lives, what would be the point in their attempting to study the dhamma and to practise meditation? If you are new to this thing called ‘dhamma’, and new to meditation, then you are not expected to immediately agree that you have all sorts of problems and are suffering from many burdens in life.

The Scientific Method Today A Clear, Easy to Understand Explanation of the Steps of the Scientific Method as They Relate to Research, Problem Solving, Decision Making & Critical Thinking Skills Explains all about: and other important explanations of the scientific method Urban Green Council report: How New York City could cut emissions by 90 percent by 2050 Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images Climate scientists have estimated that, in order to avoid runaway global warming, the world would need to cut its carbon emissions roughly in half by 2050. Since emissions in developing countries like China and India are still rising fast, meeting this target would require developed nations to aim for a figure more like 80 percent.

Where Are You Really? © 2011 by Gary Vey exclusively for Viewzone Exactly where are you? Right now, as you read this, your attention is focused on the words and phrases as you scan the page with your eyes. You might even hear a familiar voice in your mind, reading the text. At the same time, words and phrases create ideas and visual images associated with memories.

Also, the end of this video was made before The Venus Project and the Zeitgeist Movement slit up. by electronics Oct 17

This information of various energy sources in this article is well worth examining as seperate toplics in pearltrees. by electronics Oct 17
