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After Effects and Cinema 4D Tutorials and Training

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5 expressions that will change your life - MoGraph Central - graymachine, on Oct 18 2007, 08:23 AM, said: You put them on any property you want. The golden rule with expressions is:Expressions ONLY do what you can otherwise do with keyframes. Their purpose is to simplify otherwise complex keyframe animation. 80+ Excellent Tutorials CINEMA 4D is a 3-D application that is popular amongst matte painters in film production, largely due to the BodyPaint 3D functionality. It is equally popular amongst motion graphics artists, thanks to its excellent integration with compositing application pipelines, and a very artist-friendly, customizable workflow and interface. It has been used for films such as Chronicles of Narnia, Beowulf, Polar Express, Spiderman 3 and Monster House. CINEMA 4D’s intuitive interface and logical workflow make it possible for those new to 3D artistry to dive in and be productive quickly. Feedback is smooth and interactive so you can let your creativity run free.

Cinema 4D And After Effects Training, Tutorials, and Plugins for Motion Graphic Designers Congratulations to Michael Rinnan for winning the Five Second Project for March. His entry had a great concept and was outfitted with excellent lighting, atmosphere, camera movements and sound design. We wanted to know a little bit more about Michael’s entry, so we asked him a few questions regarding his workflow and the process for creating his winning piece. Where do you work? What is your title? Tell us about what you do at your company.

Discover the language of motion design The proliferation of screens in our lives has transformed nearly every static surface into a dynamic canvas. In our pockets, on the street and projected onto virtually everything around us, technology has promoted a new aspect of our designed world: motion. Motion design is notoriously difficult to define. Depth of Field in Cinema 4D - grafxflow Simply put if you have something close up to the camera it will be in focus, and something in the distance is will be blurred and vice-versa. Part 1. Start by creating a new scene. The Adobe SpeedGrade Blog 2014 release of Adobe SpeedGrade CC now available 2014 release of Adobe SpeedGrade CC now available At last we’re delighted to announce that the 2014 release of SpeedGrade CC is now available.

Create Abstract Greeble In this tutorial you will learn how to create a complex (around 600,000 polygons) abstract Greeble scene without getting into too much modeling. Loft NURBS, Sweep NURBS, Formula object, Structure tools, and Visible light will be used to create the scene, and Advanced Render will be applied to generate the final image. You will also learn some cool tricks on how to tweak the final rendered image, by modifying the visible light, and adding glare and depth of field in Photoshop. Create a Plane object (Objects > Primitive > Plane) 800 x 800 m and 80 x 80 segments. Create a Formula object (Objects > Deformation > Formula) and drag it under the Plane object. Move the Formula object near to the edge of the Plane object.

After Effects Tutorials, Plug-ins and Stock Footage for Post Production Professionals When Fast & Furious star Paul Walker passed recently, the film sequel was put on hold. Now that producers are moving forward, and the question is how should they finish a film that is already more than half-way done filming? There has been talk of rewriting, re-editing or even using stand-ins to film the remaining scenes. But one suggestion has stirred a lot of controversy: Use a CGI Paul Walker! (Basically a computer generated likeness) Some people have suggested this is bad taste, disrespectful, creepy. Maybe it is, I don’t know.

Motion Design Business Practices Diagram courtesy of the author Motion design is a very rapidly growing creative field. Motion components—both high-end and low-end—are being integrated into online projects, television programs and commercials, feature films, games, applications and content for mobile phones and tablets, as well as three-dimensional installations and kinetic displays in public places. This diversity of projects has led to confusion about and inconsistency within motion design business practices and contract terms. Cinema 4D Plugins This is a generator object actually. It can map objects from an area which represents uv space to the surface of the respective object. The object used to define the mapping must a UVW Map. Ron Howard Teaches Directing When does the class start? Ron's class is scheduled to begin in Early 2018. Students who pre-enroll will receive early access to the class. What does the enrollment fee include?

Create Explosive Typographic In this tutorial I will walk through the steps I used to create this illustration to bring alive the word “collide.” While you may not find yourself needing to recreate the word “collide,” I hope you will find useful the techniques I will cover: - extruding text in Cinema 4d - using displacement maps in Cinema 4d - using the explosion deformer in Cinema 4d - exporting to photoshop from Cinema 4d - unique color enhancing techniques in Photoshop - various layer modes applied in Photoshop for great light effects (A basic knowledge of Cinema 4d and Photoshop is required) STEP 1: Creating 3d text I created a new document in C4d and added some text with the built in text tool. I typed the word COLLIDE in the Attributes manager. I applied Extrude Nurbs by making it a parent of my text.

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