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The Art of Trolling: Yahoo Answers, Chatroullette, Omegle

The Art of Trolling: Yahoo Answers, Chatroullette, Omegle
Most Upvoted 1945 votes The Guys in the Collars Don't Appreciate Ms. Cyrus 1062 votes Merber shers bern wit ert

Dickonomics: How 5 Everyday Businesses Trick You Ah the mall, the Mecca of North American culture. What makes it, and its shops, so enticing that people will refuse to stop shopping for anything, even at the risk of being consumed by flames? "We just got a shipment of half-a-dozen Wiis in, now if you could all line up in an orderly fashion..." E-mails from an Asshole Dishwasher Confusion Posted at: 2010-10-21 09:16:27 Original ad: I need a dishwasher dont care what color so long as it is a good working dishwasher that is cheap. I have a truck and can pick it up if necessary.

Rage Comics Most Upvoted 243 votes This 78-Year-Old Granny Has the Reaction to Roller Coasters We Can All Relate to 188 votes What on Earth is Tomodachi Life? 173 votes 5 Superpowers You Didn't Know Your Body Was Hiding From You Those motivational speakers are right: You are capable of amazing things. You wouldn't know it, because 99 percent of the time your body or brain hides these superpowers from you. Sure, they say there's a good reason, but we're not sure we're buying it. Dammit, we want our... Life is pretty normal today Today at Goodwill, I sat on a couch waiting while my Aunt was shopping. A cute guy came over and said, "Since you're sitting there, I'll have to put a price tag on you." I said "Go ahead" But he only smiled and walked away. MLIA. Today I was walking and I saw a twenty dollar bill on the ground with a string on it. I picked it up and the string broke and then I heard someone from behind a building say "ahhh fidle sticks."

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Comixed - 4 panel comic strip (yonkoma or 4koma) Most Upvoted 985 votes Your Sweet Sweet Tears Will Give Me Strength in Battle 732 votes The loneliest ponies 679 votes Pictures of Pennies Hi, I'm Mitch Fincher and these pages are from a talk I gave while a Civil Engineering student at Texas Tech University. The following is the basic pattern for building cantilevered structures with Pennies. Although it looks trivial, we can build amazing structures with these pillars.

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