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How to chop wood without messing around

How to chop wood without messing around

Documentary: The Grounded | Walking Barefoot By Dr. Mercola The surface of the Earth holds subtle health-boosting energy. All we have to do is touch it and become truly alive. In the documentary film Grounded, you can see this amazing phenomenon transform the life of people who had been struggling with health issues like chronic pain, and one man who had been wheelchair-bound for decades is able to walk again.Even plants are drastically impacted when they are taken away from the Earth’s natural energy. Yet, the act of grounding, or Earthing, as it’s sometimes called, isn’t really an unusual phenomenon at all. Your Body Needs Its Connection to the Earth In the film, you’ll see an orphaned baby moose that instinctively lies on an Earthing pad to connect him to the Earth while he’s being temporarily housed in a trailer. Rubber and Plastic Shoes Disconnect You from the Earth’s Energy Flow Grounding Is an Anti-Inflammatory and Helps Thin Your Blood One of the primary health benefits of grounding is its antioxidant effect.

Good Oils Gone Bad: Recognizing Rancidity and Other Defects By Dr. Mercola Olive oil, a dietary staple in Mediterranean regions, is now a healthy favorite oil in the US, valued not only for its flavor but also its health benefits. Rich in monounsaturated fats, olive oil may help lower your risk of heart disease and may even benefit insulin levels and blood sugar control, helping to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. As with most foods, however, not all olive oil is created equal. 4 Signs of Defective Olive Oil When you spend the money on a quality bottle of olive oil, you want to know that you’re getting what you pay for. As The Olive Oil Times reported, paying attention to these four potential defects can help you weed out the good oils from the bad: Rancidity Olive oil is highly perishable, but is generally said to be ‘good’ for two years from the date it was bottled (this will usually be the ‘Best By’ date). So the first step is finding an oil that was harvested as recently as possible. Unfortunately, as The Olive Oil Times reported: Fusty Oil

Brains Sweep Themselves Clean Of Toxins During Sleep : Shots - Health News Katherine Streeter for NPR While the brain sleeps, it clears out harmful toxins, a process that may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's, researchers say. During sleep, the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain increases dramatically, washing away harmful waste proteins that build up between brain cells during waking hours, a study of mice found. "It's like a dishwasher," says Dr. Maiken Nedergaard, a professor of neurosurgery at the University of Rochester and an author of the study in Science. The results appear to offer the best explanation yet of why animals and people need sleep. Nedergaard and a team of scientists discovered the cleaning process while studying the brains of sleeping mice. The scientists noticed that during sleep, the system that circulates cerebrospinal fluid through the brain and nervous system was "pumping fluid into the brain and removing fluid from the brain in a very rapid pace," Nedergaard says. So why doesn't the brain do this sort of housekeeping all the time?

L'éléphant, pas du genre à se tromper de direction | Espèces Des chercheurs écossais ont mis en évidence la capacité des pachydermes à comprendre des signaux typiquement humains. Un fait exceptionnel dans la faune sauvage. Quand le sage montre la lune, l'imbécile regarde le doigt, dit-on. Jamais la rubrique «Vendredi, vie sauvage» ne se permettrait de traiter un animal d’imbécile, mais force est de constater que la capacité à interpréter un geste de la main comme l'indication d'une direction n'est guère répandue dans la faune sauvage. Cette faculté existe en revanche à divers degrés chez la plupart des animaux domestiques, comme le constatent régulièrement les propriétaires de chats et de chiens. Ceci ne serait pas dû à l'intelligence de ces animaux mais à leur domestication, qui leur aurait permis au fil de centaines de générations d'intégrer la gestuelle humaine dans leur perception de l'environnement. C'est là que l'éléphant se distingue. Réussite du premier coup Gregory SCHWARTZ

30 DAY R.E.A.L. Food Meal Plans Listen: Don’t Decide Right Now…. We want you to feel absolutely confident in knowing that when you purchase a program from us, you’re going to see and feel the results. Feel Confident with our Young and Raw Triple Guarantee: If you don’t feel like you have more energy within 30 days of following the plans… If you haven’t saved time by using the done-for-you meal plans, shopping lists, recipes and preparation charts… Even if you don’t like the font we use… it doesn’t matter… we’ll refund your money. That is how confident we are in this program getting you noticeable results you can feel, and that you and others can see. Get all of this now when you purchase the 30 Day R.E.A.L. When you purchase these plans, they come with a Risk Free, 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. We know that these plans are built to get you results, so we’ll trust that when you place your order below, you will follow the plan as it’s designed and do what it takes to achieve your desired results.

Name Mangler One simple mission All Name Mangler wants to do is help you tame your filenames. Whether you're a photographer with thousands of "IMG_" files, or someone who needs to Windows-proof filenames, or someone who works with tons of clients and wants to use filenames to help sort client files properly, Name Mangler will help you safely—and very speedily—rename your files. Pop-up solutions Name Mangler makes most renaming tasks as easy as choosing your desired action from a pop-up menu, then configuring a few options for the chosen action. For example, the Change Case action offers the ability to change filenames to lowercase, to uppercase, or to title case. Configure the chosen action, check the preview of the files' new names, click the Rename button, and that's all there is to it. Speed thrills Name Mangler is really fast. Other renamers may give you time to get a cup of coffee while processing your files, but Name Mangler gives you something much better: your files, renamed. Meta everywhere

Le Canada n’est pas notre pays | Chroniqueurs | Opinions cet article est réservé aux membres vip Pour poursuivre la lecture / mois * Taxes Incluses * Certaines conditions s'appliquent Contenu réservé VIP : Nouvelles exclusives Galeries photos Cartes interactives Vidéos exclusives Contenu des chroniqueurs Compléments d’information Vos privilèges VIP : Accès illimité à 100 % du contenu internet Application mobile pour appareils Android et iOS. Offre valide pour 6 mois, pour les nouveaux abonnés seulement.

How long did YOUR ancestors live while eating BACON, LARD, & WHOLE MILK? | Weed'em & ReapWeed'em & Reap My Great-Grandma was a tough ol’ chick. She ate real, traditional food & could cook up fried chicken from scratch. When I say “from scratch” I literally mean “from scratch”. Naturally, when I started to research traditional, nourishing foods, I thought of my great-grandmother. Did Grandma really know best? One of the most common questions when talking about the wisdom of traditional diets is….. WRONG! The truth is the human lifespan has been consistent for more than 2,000 years! “The inclusion of infant mortality rates in calculating life expectancy creates the mistaken impression that earlier generations died at a young age; Americans were not dying en masse at the age of 46 in 1907. Just for curiosity, I decided to research my own ancestral line as well as my husband’s ancestral line to find out how long our very own ancestors lived… These are real live pictures of our ancestors, ya’ll. Crazy, right?! That’s a REAL LIVE journal entry from 1901, you guys. Share

99 Life Hacks That Could Make Your Life Easier Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Herbs Inflammation can affect any part of the body and will usually be perceived as pain and redness. Although it is the bodies way of warning you that something is wrong inflammation can be destructive in itself. Over the centuries different cultures have found natural ways of treating inflammation. Check out this list of great anti-inflammatory herbs and why they just may do the trick. Top Anti-Inflammatory Herbs 1. This herb is widely used in Asian and Mexican dishes. 2. In many countries especially in Asia, ginger is used as a natural anti-inflammatory medicine. 3. Also called Indian frankincense, this is among the anti inflammatory herbs that are also used to address joint pain and rheumatoid arthritis. 4. Rosemary is a popular spice that is used in international cuisines. 5. This is one of the most common anti inflammatory herbs that you can always find in your kitchen. 6. Many of us are very much familiar with licorice as a candy and not as one of the anti inflammatory herbs. 7. 8. 9.

How To Make Pure Coconut Oil Soap (For Cleansing And Laundry) Amazing Lather? Check! Simple ingredients? Yep, only three. When it comes to soap, this is probably the easiest recipe you’ll ever make. Traditionally, soaps are made from 5-7 oils blended to balance cleansing/moisturizing/and lathering properties. Fortunately, there’s a way to simplify things without skimping on the end product – it’s called “superfatting.” The best part? How To Adapt This Recipe To Make Laundry Soap Normally it is not advised to make soap with under 4% superfat due to the fact that it can be excessively drying and even burn skin if some of the lye remains unconverted, but for laundry soap it’s perfect! I’ve found that using a 1% superfatted recipe yields a very cleansing bar with no extra oil. Here’s the full scoop on making your own laundry detergent using just the laundry soap recipe below and one other ingredient. “I washed a couple loads of laundry today- and it worked so well! Click here to get the laundry detergent recipe Now, About The One Rule You Can’t Break

La dangereuse chenille processionnaire débarque au Québec | Santé Une espèce de chenille nouvellement arrivée au Québec donne du fil à retordre aux spécialistes de la santé depuis le début de l’été. De jeunes enfants sont passés tout près d’y laisser leur vie après avoir mis l’insecte dans leur bouche. La chenille processionnaire a une particularité bien spéciale qui la distingue des autres. «Cette petite chenille grise et orange arrive tout droit d’Europe et a fait son chemin en se camouflant dans les bagages des voyageurs, a expliqué Anita Lee, allergologue dans différents hôpitaux de Montréal. Mme Lee a été témoin de trois cas au cours de l’été. Les problèmes respiratoires qu’ont subis les victimes sont dus aux longs poils qui traversent le dos orangé de la chenille et qui se détachent au contact de la peau. «Ça n’a l’air de rien comme ça, mais ces poils-là peuvent faire énormément de rava­ges, souligne Mme Lee. Les trois enfants ont été atteints de la même façon, après avoir mis la chenille dans leur bouche alors qu’ils jouaient à l’extérieur.

PHOTO. Barbie a oublié de se maquiller INSOLITE - On ne s'attaque pas à Barbie, c'est sacré. Et pourtant. Un artiste, Eddi Aguirre, a imaginé une version de la célèbre poupée... sans maquillage. Terminé le rouge à lèvres, le fard à paupières et le fond de teint. Place aux bagues sur les dents, aux cernes sous les yeux et aux grains de beauté sur le menton... » Découvrez en image la Barbie non maquillée de l'artiste Eddi Aguirre : La préférez-vous à l'originale ? À LIRE AUSSI : » Voilà les proportions d'une Barbie dans la vraie vie» Valeria Lukyanova, la Barbie humaine pose pour V Magazine» La Barbie humaine s'en prend à Ken également sur le huffpost :

Ce à quoi ressemble Barbie sans maquillage (PHOTO) INSOLITE - Le mythe de Barbie n'est décidément plus ce qu'il était. Après avoir été brutalement ramenée à des proportions humaines, la voilà dépouillée de son maquillage. Cette image, publiée sur Reddit, nous montre la poupée blonde au naturel sans le classique fard à paupières turquoise, le rouge à lèvres fushia et les cils de biche. Cette version fait un peu moins peur que celle qui avait circulé il y a quelques mois. L'auteur en voulait clairement à Barbie et l'avait affublée d'un appareil dentaire, de cernes, de rides et de boutons. LIRE AUSSI :» Voilà les proportions d'une Barbie dans la vraie vie» Valeria Lukyanova, la Barbie humaine pose pour V Magazine» La Barbie humaine s'en prend à Ken» Et si Barbie oubliait de se maquiller?
