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The Lesson of the Monkeys

The Lesson of the Monkeys
I was first told of this experiment* by a former work colleague, and later discovered this illustration of it. It’s both illuminating and disturbing. There is a clunky word that describes this phenomenon: filiopietism, or the reverence of forebears or tradition carried to excess. But I prefer another term for it: the tragic circle. I believe many of these tragic circles exist, mostly unseen, in across all cultures and societites, causing untold harm. When discovered, they should be terminated. The lesson is as obvious as it is important: question everything. * Stephenson, G. Related:  Distorted Thinking

Self Sufficient Living Art Books We've been noticing a bit of a recent obsession with books. And no, not with reading the little nuggets of knowledge but using them as the canvas for art. This is like a massive step-up from idle marginalia doodling, or those picture books from school you used to scribble in. This is proper, detailed and at times painstaking book art. You couldn't do that with a Kindle. Jacqueline Rush Lee, Pod 2010 First up we have the artists with a knack for curling and manipulating the book pages. Next up we have Robert The and his book guns. There's the compromise of letting their child enjoy the sensation of holding a gun that can't hurt even the slowest of targets. Abelardo Morell injects beauty into the sad school memory that is your water bottle leaking all over a textbook you actually need. Finally, Brian Dettmer's book sculpture is perhaps the most intricate forms of book art we're revelling in today. Now isn't it time to get your tools and neglected books out?

Psychology of Cyberspace - The Online Disinhibition Effect On the other hand, the disinhibition effect may not be so benign. Out spills rude language and harsh criticisms, anger, hatred, even threats. Or people explore the dark underworld of the internet, places of pornography and violence, places they would never visit in the real world. We might call this toxic disinhibition. On the benign side, the disinhibition indicates an attempt to understand and explore oneself, to work through problems and find new ways of being. You Don't Know Me (dissociative anonymity)As you move around the internet, most of the people you encounter can't easily tell who you are. As the character now becomes more elaborate and "real" within our minds, we may start to think, perhaps without being fully aware of it, that the typed-text conversation is all taking place within our heads, as if it's a dialogue between us and this character in our imagination - even as if we are authors typing out a play or a novel.

The Seven Pillars of the Matrix Robert Bonomo, ContributorWaking Times “No one is more of a slave than he who thinks himself free without being so.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Contemporary baptized, corporatized and sanitized man rarely has the occasion to question his identity, and when he does a typical response might be, “I am product manager for a large retail chain, married to Betty, father of Johnny, a Democrat, Steelers fan and a Lutheran.” His answers imply not only his beliefs but the many responsibilities, rules and restrictions he is subjected to. But is free the right adjective for him, or would modern domesticated simian be more apt? One of the most fascinating aspects of domesticated man’s predicament is that he never looks at the cattle, sheep and pigs who wind up on his plate and make the very simple deduction that he is just a talking version of them, corralled and shepherded through his entire life. DELUSION DWELLERS, Laurie Lipton, 2010 “–Behold! Education Government Patriotism What is a country? Circus

10 Ways Our Minds Warp Time How time perception is warped by life-threatening situations, eye movements, tiredness, hypnosis, age, the emotions and more… The mind does funny things to our experience of time. Just ask French cave expert Michel Siffre. In 1962 Siffre went to live in a cave that was completely isolated from mechanical clocks and natural light. He soon began to experience a huge change in his perception of time. When he tried to measure out two minutes by counting up to 120 at one-second intervals, it took him 5 minutes. But you don’t have to hide out in a cave for a couple of months to warp time, it happens to us all the time. 1. People often report that time seems to slow down in life-threatening situations, like skydiving. But are we really processing more information in these seconds when time seems to stretch? To test this, Stetson et al. (2007) had people staring at a special chronometer while free-falling 50 metres into a net. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Time is relative “Time is an illusion.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Lists 8 (Free) Books Every Intelligent Person Should Read A user posed the question to Neil deGrasse Tyson: "Which books should be read by every single intelligent person on the planet?" Below, you will find the book list offered up by the astrophysicist, director of the Hayden Planetarium, and popularizer of science. Where possible, we have included links to free versions of the books, all taken from our Free Audio Books and Free eBooks collections. Or you can always download a professionally-narrated book for free from Details here. If you're looking for a more extensive list of essential works, don't miss The Harvard Classics, a 51 volume series that you can now download online. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) Tyson concludes by saying: "If you read all of the above works you will glean profound insight into most of what has driven the history of the western world." He has also added some more thoughts in the comments section below, saying: Thanks for this ongoing interest in my book suggestions. Related Content:

Why We Believe Our Own Lies 0 Share Synopsis The power of cognitive dissonance in our daily lives. Leon Festinger was an American social psychologist, responsible for the development of the Theory of Cognitive Dissonance, which suggests that when people are persuaded to say things and to behave in ways that are inconsistent with their beliefs, an uncomfortable psychological tension is aroused. This tension will lead people to change their beliefs to fit their actual behavior, rather than the other way around, as originally thought. Festinger’s ground-breaking social psychological experiments provide a central insight into the stories we tell ourselves about why we think and behave the way we do. You are told the experiment is about how your expectations affect the actual experience of a task. Your first task is extremely boring. Then you are ushered through to another room where you are interviewed about the experiment you've just done. "No," you insist. The Power of Cognitive Dissonance

The Average Female Faces Around the World To determine the average female face from each country, scientists from Face Research have blended hundreds of photographs of women faces… FaceResearch IQ Test Labs - free online testing. Never Talk to the Police | Quick Hitts By Dave Hitt on Mar 31, 2010 in Featured, Police State What’s the best response when a cop asks you something? Silence, or a short, polite non-answer. Shut up. You should be polite and calm whenever dealing with any armed person. These videos made the rounds about a year ago. In the first part of the first video a fast talking law professor gives you detailed reasons why you should never talk to the police. This is part two, where a former police officer fills in the details. Here are some practical examples of how to legally preserve your rights in an encounter with police: Ok, after all that heavy duty stuff, we need a breather.

Don't Panic!: Il flusso del silenzio, l'insistenza dell'oblio La percezione, l'acquisizione e la diffusione dell'Informazione sta cambiando questa società (vedi penetrazione e sempre maggiore dei new media: social network, blog, youtube ecc). Molti se ne erano già accorti (ma son rimasti spesso inascoltati) prima ma solo in quesi giorni sembra accorgersene il resto del mondo (soprattutto l'Italia). E tramite Punto Informatico son arrivato a questo scritto di William Gibson , autore di fantascienza, datato 2008 (maggio, Roma) ma terribilmente e profeticamente attuale. "È qualcosa che vorrei sottoporre all’attenzione di ogni uomo di stato, leader politico e dirigente d’azienda: il futuro, alla fine, vi porterà allo scoperto. Il flusso del silenzio, l’insistenza dell'oblio di William Gibson Grazie per avermi accolto in questa Roma del Ventunesimo secolo, un posto che non ho avuto il piacere di visitare prima d’ora, sebbene l’abbia visitato un tempo, nelle spoglie di un uomo più giovane, in una delle sue innumerevoli versioni precedenti. Grazie.
