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This Chart Shows The Bilderberg Group's Connection To Everything In The World

This Chart Shows The Bilderberg Group's Connection To Everything In The World
The Bilderberg Group is 120-140 powerful people who meet each year to discuss policy. The meetings are closed to the public. This graph we found on Facebook shows the members' connections to a ton of corporations, charities, policy groups and media. Everyone from Eric Schmidt to George Soros is a member. There are tons of conspiracy theories about the group, including that they control the world economy. We took the findings with a grain of salt--after all, it's easy to trace an individual to a corporation and the graph doesn't specify what influence the member wielded. But perhaps it's a compelling argument for why the meetings should be public. Click image below to see full size > DON'T MISS: These 10 Corporations Control Everything You Buy >

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Middle East Water CHAPTER XX: Middle East Water The Geopolitics of Middle Eastern Water The squabbles between States in Western North America, and between water authorities, seem small-scale compared to the the struggles between nations for control of water resources. Sometimes the fate of a nation has depended on secure control of its water supply. The most important resource in the Middle East may be water, not oil. 6 Quick Ways to Spot Fake News The spectrum of less-than-credible links posted to social media sites is vast. In addition to deliberately written fake news stories (often somewhat inaccurately tagged as “satire”), the online world abounds with articles that are based on exaggerated, misconstrued, manipulated, misrepresented, or outright deceptive premises. It’s fair to say that the majority of users on social media sites wish to share interesting, funny, compelling, unique, or otherwise discussion-worthy material without having to run full-scale fact checks on everything. It’s also reasonable to observe that every so often, not-so-trustworthy information will sneak into posts despite the best efforts and intentions of social media users. However, some common elements help identify shaky stories and poorly-sourced claims.

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Gene Can Predict Likely Time Of Death - Scientists - Science/Technology Genetic "switches" determine much about our bodies, including hair color, blood type, and susceptibility to certain diseases. Now, researchers believe they have found a gene that regulates something far more eerie: the time of day a person is likely to die. In an study published in the November 2012 issue of the Annals of Neurology scientists studying the body's biological clock (a.k.a. the circadian rhythm) report the discovery of gene variant that not only determines the likelihood of your being a morning person, but also predicts, with unsettling accuracy, your likely time of death. The gene typically allows for three possible combinations of nucleotides (the four molecular building blocks of DNA): adenine-adenine (A-A), adenine-guanine (A-G), and guanine-guanine (G-G), according to a written statement released by Harvard Medical School. "This particular genotype affects the sleep-wake pattern of virtually everyone walking around," Dr.

Incredible Inventions (18) suppressed by Corporations, Government or Medical Associations INVENTIONS EVER!Part 1 This is a two part series, 18 inventions total of which 9 are listed today and 9 will be listed tomorrow. I think you will find all of these inventions fascinating and to some extent they will more than like outrage you. These inventions are not speculation, they all worked, they were all suppressed by medical associations, corporations or the government. In several of the cases all the drawings, schematics and writings were destroyed by the government.

Smallpox and Pseudomedicine A good case of smallpox may rid the system of more scrofulous, tubercular, syphilitic and other poisons than could otherwise be eliminated in a lifetime. Therefore, smallpox is certainly to be preferred to vaccination. The one means elimination of chronic disease, the other the making of it.Naturopaths do not believe in artificial immunization . . .—Harry Riley Spitler, Basic Naturopathy: a textbook (American Naturopathic Association, Inc., 1948). Quoted here.
