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Everything2 Fabricated Terrorists, Chechen-Jewish Family in Moscow Is under Threat of Murder Their Son Mansur Edilbiev, 26, a football player, who lived in Moscow all his life, was abducted by the FSB agents, tortured in a secret cell to plead guilty in attempted blow-up a luxury train; then, a staged court trial sentenced him to 16 years in high security colony. Mansur had nothing to do with the 18-year-long war in Chechnya, never took any part in hostilities, let alone terrorism, his desperate parents said to human rights activists. Mustafa Edilbiev, father, and Ziva Liron, mother, addressed their plea to Yuri Chaika, Attorney General of the Russian Federation. They also told their story to the Independent International Human Rights Group and published the facts at some Russian-language social networks and websites.

Guide Rapide des Signes Traduction: Henri R. Le but de cette page est de décrire brièvement les acteurs principaux qui s'agitent sur la scène mondiale aujourd'hui et qui contribuent au déclin entropique de la race humaine telle que nous la connaissons. Le format est un résumé rapide de la vision de l'Equipe des Signes (Au moins pour maintenant. Nous sommes toujours ouverts à de nouvelles informations et à changer nos hypothèses), et une définition rapide de certains des termes qui apparaissent régulièrement en commentaire, avec une lecture supplémentaire pour ceux intéressés. Cette page n'a pas pour intention d'être complète, mais est plutôt pour aider ceux qui viennent à étudier ce qui est, sans connaissance à priori pour s'approcher rapidement, ou pour juste donner une idée aux nouveaux lecteurs de ce que nous faisons ici. Nous pensons qu'avant que nous puissions nous engager dans un acte vraiment créatif, nous devons apprendre à voir le monde tel qu'il est réellement, pas comme nous voudrions qu'il soit.

Anonymous, Islamist Hackers Plan Major Assault for Tuesday UPDATED 1 p.m. ET Monday with further comment from the Izz al-Din Qassam Cyber Brigades. Ascribing a consistent political agenda to the hacktivist collective Anonymous is almost impossible. Anyone can claim the "Anonymous" moniker and use it for good or evil, provided that his or her work is subversive. This time, a number of hacktivists from around the world, some of them taking on the Anonymous label, have set their sights on the United States' most powerful institutions in an event dubbed "OpUSA." Anonymous and various Islamist groups claim that they will take down nine U.S. government websites tomorrow (May 7), including those of the Pentagon, the National Security Agency, the FBI and the White House, along with over 130 bank websites, such as those belonging to Bank of America, Capital One and TD Bank. Anonymous claims the Qassam Cyber Fighters will be participating in tomorrow's attacks; the Cyber Fighters have confirmed only that they support the goals of OpUSA. 0 of 9

Osservatorio censura: Tecnologie Modalità della censura In Italia la censura è implementata dagli Internet Service Provider con uno o entrambi di questi sistemi, a seconda delle circostanze. Altri soggetti, come per esempio le aziende, non sono tenuti ad adempiere e quindi molte reti aziendali non risentono del problema. Falsificazione del dominio L'ISP configura i name server usati dai propri clienti in modo che rispondano che il dominio non esiste, oppure che dirigano la richiesta verso specifici server web contenenti una pagina di errore. Intercettazione del traffico verso l'IP L'ISP agisce sulla propria rete in modo che il traffico diretto al IP del server che ospita il sito censurato non sia inoltrato a destinazione. AAMS prevede la censura solo di domini, mentre la lista del CNCPO può contenere sia domini che IP. Per incoraggiare la trasparenza, in occasione del lancio del CNCPO nel 2008 ho sviluppato e pubblicato il kit censura. Come evitare la censura

Freedom of Speech Doesn’t Sit So Well With Those Who Have Misused It ~by Amy Lynn Burch I’ve been accused lately of misrepresenting myself as a registered private investigator. I am one, for those who cannot figure out how to verify that information on their own. However, my role on this, my victim advocate’s blog, is not as a private investigator but as a – dare I repeat myself – victim advocate for which I receive no compensation. Never have, never will. Furthermore, my capacity with BehindTheYellowTape at this time is as an investigative journalist whose job it is to research and investigate facts, then report those facts to our listeners and readers. Apparently, certain supporters of the very people who hack other people’s information, particularly the private kind, and then post stated information on whichever sites they choose (such as pastebin) believe that my posting message copies between Joey Ortega and Alexandria “Prinnie” Goddard have somehow crossed an ethical line. And with that I give you the following. Like this: Like Loading...

You Are Not So Smart Freedom of Speech Doesn’t Sit So Well With Those Who Have Misused It | NotYourPlaything ~by Amy Lynn Burch published on May 1, 2013 @ 10:34pm (EST) I’ve been accused lately of misrepresenting myself as a registered private investigator. Apparently, certain supporters of the very people who hack other people’s information, particularly the private kind, and then post stated information on whichever sites they choose (such as pastebin) believe that my posting message copies between Joey Ortega and Alexandria “Prinnie” Goddard have somehow crossed an ethical line. The private messages obtained and reposted here on NotYourPlaything were given to me to use as I deemed appropriate in the pursuit of exposing the truth behind Alexandria “Prinnie” Goddard’s involvement and motivation regarding the Steubenville Rape Case. And with that I give you the following. Like this: Like Loading...
