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A chi appartiene la nostra attenzione? | Siderlandia Bologna, sabato sera, piazza Maggiore. Luci soffuse mi fanno sentire in una grande casa universitaria, mentre moltitudini eterogenee mi danno la sensazione che la globalizzazione possa essere anche cosa viva. Entro in Sala Borsa per distrarmi un po’; tutta la provincialità che mi porto appresso mi pervade. L’atrio è accogliente e maestoso ed è qui che c’è una tra le tantissime biblioteche che cospargono la città. Forse la Sala Borsa è la più bella, o forse la più affascinante. Da Skizomedia tenterò di estrarre – non assicurandovi la bontà del risultato – i concetti più interessanti. Negli ultimi anni due sono i filoni riguardanti l’innovazione tecnico-digitale e dei suoi effetti sociali. Dall’altra parte c’è invece il filone della resistenza anti-digitale, che oppone valori umanistici all’invadenza del digitale. Ma le condizioni di perfetta trasmissione NON esistono. Nel 1992 Bill Gates diceva: il potere consiste nel rendere le cose facili.

The Logic of Science Hidden Potencies 2011 was the first year of the European uprising, when European society entered into a deep crisis that seems to me much more of a crisis of social imagination than mere economics. Economic dogma has taken hold of the public discourse for three decades and has destroyed the critical power of political reason. The collapse of the global economy has exposed the dangers of economic dogmatism, but its ideology has already been incorporated into the automatisms of living society. Political decision has been replaced by technolinguistic automatisms embedded in the interconnected global machine, and social choices are submitted to psychic automatisms embedded in social discourse and in the social imagination. But the depth of the catastrophe represented by the collapse is awakening hidden potencies of the social brain. The European collapse is not simply the effect of a crisis that is only economic and financial – this is a crisis of imagination about the future, as well.

The NESS Spurious Correlations The Skeptic's Dictionary The Encyclopedia Of Scams - home RationalWiki Borg Complex Case Files 2 UPDATE: See the Borg Complex primer here. Alright, let’s review. A Borg Complex is exhibited by writers and pundits whenever you can sum up their message with the phrase: “Resistance is futile.” The six previously identified symptoms of a Borg Complex are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. In an effort to further refine our diagnostic instruments, I am now adding two more related symptoms to the list. 7. Consider this claim by Tim O’Reilly highlighted by Carr: “I don’t really give a shit if literary novels go away. … the novel as we know it today is only a 200-year-old construct. Well, there you have it. 8. This symptom identifies historical precedents as a way of saying, “Look, people worried about stuff like this before and they survived, so there’s nothing to be concerned about now.” To this list of now eight symptoms, we might also add two Causes. 1. 2. Now let’s consider some more cases related to education, a field that is particularly susceptible to Borg Complex claims.

Blog Posts The Problematic Process of Cryptozoologification How did the traditional character of the cannibal ogress Dzunuk’wa come to be claimed by cryptozoologists as a depiction of their hypothesized “Bigfoot” cryptid species? (Kwakwaka’wakw heraldic pole. Carved in 1953 by Mungo Martin, David Martin, and Mildred Hunt. Thunderbird Park at the Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria. Photograph by Daniel Loxton) Much of my skeptical research traces the historical pathways through which pseudoscientific and paranormal beliefs emerge and evolve over time. My research has often led me to consider how folkloric phenomena are brought under the umbrella of cryptozoology (the largely pseudoscientific “study” of legendary, allegedly “hidden” animals). Daniel Loxton is the Editor of INSIGHT at and of Junior Skeptic, the 10-page kids’ science section bound within Skeptic magazine. Resolving Conflicts in Findings: Vaccine Promotion is Tricky These two conclusions seem to contradict each other.

You Are Not So Smart Skeptoid | Critical Analysis of Pop Phenomena There are different ways of learning, but they are not mutually exclusive. Battling and countering myths is, of course, something we skeptics do a lot, especially here at the Skeptoid podcast and blog. But once in a while, some organization outside of the skeptical circle also tackles the topic of countering common myths. No, this time I’m not talking about Playboy, but about the consulting company McKinsey. In their July issue of their McKinsey Quarterly, they critically analyze three myths about learning. As others have said elsewhere (such as Jozef Van Giel, on his Belgian skeptical podcast Kritisch Denken) and as I’ve experienced myself, the workplace and HR are sadly riddled with a lot of myths and woo.
