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Hubble has spotted an ancient galaxy that shouldn't exist

You know what really keeps religious folks from believing in scientists claiming that an entire universe worth of stuff just popped up from nothing is. To begin with you have to believe in something from noting. In school we learned with 2 jars, some meat and a piece of cheesecloth that maggots didn't come from meat(And that something doesn't come from nothing). Then they tell us that particles pop into existence all the time from nothing, but no way to prove that it didn't just come from somewhere else, this is made worse by the fact that they now tell us that things can also pop in and out from other places. But since they can't prove that the something from nothing particle isn't actually a something from somewhere else particle. Secondly 99.9%(or more) of everything scientists have told us has been wrong at least once, and often it has to be "revised" many many time(meaning they were wrong many many times.

Hubble data predicts Milky Way galactic collision When Galaxies Collide! It sounds like an early science fiction novel. However, analysis of Hubble measurements shows that our own Milky Way galaxy is moving toward a head-on collision with our nearest neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy (also known as M31). The collision will start in about four billion years, and over the following three billion years the two spiral galaxies will coalesce into a large elliptical galaxy. Based on this data, NASA has produced a video of the upcoming collision. View all Birth of the Moon Posted by admin on Saturday, February 11, 2012 · The latest episode of Cosmic Journeys, enjoy in full HD 1080p. Scientists have been reconstructing the history of the moon by scouring its surface, mapping its mountains and craters, and probing its interior. What are they learning about our own planet’s beginnings? Decades ago, we sent astronauts to the moon as a symbol of confidence in the face of the great cold war struggle.

The James Webb Space Telescope About Webb's Orbit The James Webb Space Telescope will observe primarily the infrared light from faint and very distant objects. But all objects, including telescopes, also emit infrared light. To avoid swamping the very faint astronomical signals with radiation from the telescope, the telescope and its instruments must be very cold. Therefore, Webb has a large shield that blocks the light from the Sun, Earth, and Moon, which otherwise would heat up the telescope, and interfere with the observations. To have this work, Webb must be in an orbit where all three of these objects are in about the same direction.

Total Solar Eclipse 2012 photos, near Mount Carbine, Queensland, Australia November 14, Queensland, Australia Homepage Astrophotos Australia 2012 photos Purchase Photos! Total Solar Eclipse of November 14, 2012, as seen from a hilltop about 20 miles west of the Outback town of Mount Carbine, Queensland, along the Mulligan Highway (Peninsula Development Road), a road only paved in recent years. Heading inland to get away from coastal showers and clouds which were promising to interfere with the viewing, we drove some 150 miles into the outback to find a good spot the day before and settled upon a remote hillside, up along a dirt track that pulled away from the main road. The location was about 40 miles inland, and 67 miles from Cairns, as the crow flies. About 20 other cars camped out here as well under very dark skies.

About CANDELS CANDELS: A Cosmic Odyssey CANDELS is a powerful imaging survey of the distant Universe being carried out with two cameras on board the Hubble Space Telescope. CANDELS is the largest project in the history of Hubble, with 902 assigned orbits of observing time. This is the equivalent of four months of Hubble time if executed consecutively, but in practice CANDELS will take three years to complete (2010-2013). The core of CANDELS is the revolutionary near-infrared WFC3 camera, installed on Hubble in May 2009.

Hubble zooms in on a space oddity A strange, glowing green cloud of gas that has mystified astronomers since its discovery in 2007 has been studied by Hubble. The cloud of gas is lit up by the bright light of a nearby quasar, and shows signs of ongoing star formation. One of the strangest space objects ever seen is being scrutinised by the penetrating vision of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. A mysterious, glowing green blob of gas is floating in space near a spiral galaxy.

Exoplanets An interactive version of XKCD 1071: Exoplanets using data from Planetary Habilitability Laboratory (via @ProfAbelMendez) and adapted code from the d3.js Bubble Chart example (by @mbostock). Planets are drawn to scale using radius data. The dataset also includes attributes such as atmosphere type, which is included in the information area on the left. The dataset is large (about 1.1mb), so it may take a few seconds to load. All blue and light brown planets are smaller than Jupiter. About MAST History: The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) was already operating an efficient archive for distribution of the Hubble Space Telescope data in 1997, when the International Ultraviolet Explorer mission ended and NASA began to search for a permanent home for the IUE data archive. The clear synergy between HST and IUE science made it logical to combine the data into a single archive. Soon thereafter NASA made STScI the archive center for data from similar space-based missions with data in the Ultraviolet/Optical/Near-IR range. The name Multimission Archive at STScI (MAST) was chosen to convey that the broader focus of the extended archive. On April 5, 2012, the archive was named the Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) to honor Senator Mikulski for her career-long achievements and becoming the longest-serving woman in U.S.

Hubble Telescope Reveals Deepest View of Universe Ever The Hubble Space Telescope has captured the farthest-ever view into the universe, a photo that reveals thousands of galaxies billions of light-years away. The picture, called eXtreme Deep Field, or XDF, combines 10 years of Hubble telescope views of one patch of sky. Only the accumulated light gathered over so many observation sessions can reveal such distant objects, some of which are one ten-billionth the brightness that the human eye can see.

Eyes on the Solar System Explore theSolar System Start exploring our Solar System like never before with the Launch button, or jump into a module about a mission or spaceflight technology. Travel with Voyager at the edge of our solar system, land on Mars with Curiosity, learn about the power systems behind Curiosity, Voyager and other missions or fly with Juno to the giant planet Jupiter. Watch the intro to get started and the video tutorials to become an expert at using "Eyes..."
