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Instants! Collection

Instants! Collection

RecordBrother I don't know about you all, I'm about to burst, seems like so much is out of sync with my own sense of right & wrong, many years ago noticed that things i saw or knew to be false where taken as gospel truth by many more people than saw my perception of the situation, and a host of other " my brain is hanging upside down" moments (great Ramones song by the by) Also noticed that people where less and less likely to say thank you or even understand that you've done them a good deed and I'm not just talking about small kindnesses but big ass hook ups and many times over the last several years I've received the Golden "F**K YOU for helping me" I've been pretty floored by some of the people in my life who have pulled this stunt.... Alright I'll shut up for a bit and there much better articulations and even great dialog going on about this stuff I'm spewing about here and I could go on and on but the ranting of an old man just ain't that sexy knowwhati'msaying

11 Sexy Photos Totally Ruined By People in the Background There's some part of human nature that really makes us laugh when attempted sexiness crashes and burns. This photo collection is a celebration of that horrible, yet undeniable, instinct that we all have. I've been collecting funny photos off the Internet for years and these are the 11 best photos I've ever found where someone (read: a woman) was trying to be sexy... but someone or something crept into the background of the photo and ruined it.

Guide to Job Security for Software Developers: 15 Sure-Fire Methods Oct 4th, 2007 | Job, People Job Security (my definition): perceived company’s losses of firing you are much higher than keeping you around. I proudly present comprehensive collection of three sure-fire strategies and 15 sure-fire methods that could dramatically enhance your job security. Strategy 1. Thriving on Complexity Complex, irrelevant solutions and long projects with many problems are your best friends.

Fox-Tossing: Lessons in horrific/ridiculous history - Boing Boin Is there a German word for "the feeling you get when something is so ridiculous that you want to laugh, yet is simultaneously jaw-droppingly horrible"? Can we make one up? I ask, because I recently discovered Fox-Tossing, a 17th/18th century European pastime that is exactly what it sounds like. HOW TO WRITE GOOD Caveat emptor. Carpe diem. O si villi, si ergo, fortibus es in ero. Et tu, brute. by Frank L. Visco

#477454 - Insulting source code Reported by: Sebastian Dröge <> Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:24:01 UTC Severity: serious Tags: upstream Found in versions quodlibet/1.0-1, quodlibet/1.0-2 Fixed in versions quodlibet/1.0.ds1-2, quodlibet/2.0-1 The 6 Most Baffling Things Every TV Ad Assumes Are True Commercials are duplicitous. They are designed to elicit the same response from us as a burning fire; our interest level is minimal at best yet we can't tear ourselves from a constantly shifting image. Advertisers do this to protect the absurdity in every commercial, encouraging viewers to watch, but not too intently that reason might step in and say, "What the fuck is going on here?" And ordinarily, we accept it without argument the same way we accept blue raspberry as a legitimate flavor.

Dogs Don't Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving Packing all of your belongings into a U-Haul and then transporting them across several states is nearly as stressful and futile as trying to run away from lava in swim fins. I know this because my boyfriend Duncan and I moved from Montana to Oregon last month. But as harrowing as the move was for us, it was nothing compared to the confusion and insecurity our two dogs had to endure. Our first dog is - to put it delicately - simple-minded. Our other dog is a neurotic German shepherd mix with agonizingly low self-esteem who has taken on the role of "helper dog" for our simple dog. This guy is trying to rip me off on ebay. How should I respond to his email EDIT If you don't want to read 2000 posts, go to or Well, the bandwidth for and is up. Mirrors availible: PDF ONLY Please help spread the word I'm selling a Apple G4 PowerBook for my friend on ebay.

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