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Flipped Classroom A New Learning Revolution

Flipped Classroom A New Learning Revolution
There has been a growing buzz around a recently coined phrase " Flipped Classroom". This term starts to take root in education as more and more educators are discovering it. So what is this all about and what are its advantages in learning and teaching? ( Awesome Infographic included below ) Flipped Classroom is an inverted method of instruction where teaching and learning take place online outside of the class while homework is done in the classroom. Advocators of this approach believe that this is the ideal method of instruction in our digital age. Flipped Classroom shifts the learning responsibility and ownership from the teacher's hands into the students'. Flipped Classroom depends a lot on educational technology and web 2.0 tools such as podcasting and screencasting applications. A direct and concrete example of Flipped Classroom concept is the popular Khan Academy. Read the following inforgraphic for more details Created by Knewton and Column Five Media

Related:  21st century teaching and learning

7 Pillars Of Digital Leadership In Education 7 Pillars Of Digital Leadership In Education by Eric Sheninger, Principal at New Milford High School in New Jersey As schools change leadership must as well. With society becoming more and more reliant on technology it is incumbent upon leaders to harness the power of digital technologies in order to create school cultures that are transparent, relevant, meaningful, engaging, and inspiring. In order to set the stage for increasing achievement and to establish a greater sense of community pride for the work being done in our schools, we must begin to change the way we lead.

Engage All Levels of Education You want to use digital learning in your classroom, but how do you start? Today's educational climate puts an increasing emphasis on incorporating technology into student learning, including everyday projects, lessons, skill sets, and online assessments. Watch the recorded presentations, below, from your favorite flipping pioneers at ISTE 2013. Get Education Pricing Try TechSmith tools free for 30-days and save big with education pricing! Digital leaders at the Naace 3mhothouse The digital leader network Like many others I filled in the online form to attend the Naace hothouse, hoping to network and extend my ICT knowledge, skills and understanding. I was asked by Jan to provide a 'workshop' on the digital leader network and, apart from being a bit stunned, was delighted to be given the opportunity to spread the word again.

21st Century Skills are so last century! The new mantra, the next big thing, among educators who need a serious sounding phrase to rattle around in reports is ‘21st Century Skills’. I hear it often, almost always in some overlong, text-heavy, Powerpoint presentation at an educational conference, where collaboration, creativity and communication skills are in short supply. Thank god for wifi! But does this idee fixe bear scrutiny?

The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture for Tinkering and Maker Education If you have been following my blog series on The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture, you know that I am using this opportunity, given all the press on flipped classroom, to discuss a model of teaching and learning based on experiential education. It is a model in which authentic, often hands-on, experiences and student interests drive the learning process, and the videos, as they are being proposed in the flipped classroom discourse, support the learning rather than being central or at the core of learning. The idea of experience being core to learning has been discussed by Dale Dougherty, the publisher of Make Magazine, in the context of Maker Education: I see the power of engaging kids in science and technology through the practices of making and hands-on experiences, through tinkering and taking things apart.

What do students entering HE expect from digital technologies? When we come across new technologies or digital platforms for the first time in further and higher education (HE), how do we decide what the technology does or should do, and how we can use it to help us? In the digital student project we have been investigating incoming students’ expectations of the digital environment in HE. Institutions will be working to meet or manage expectations as hundreds of thousands of new students arrive in September but it’s no small task to build a picture of students’ hopes and aspirations when there are modules to rewrite and technology to update over the summer. Clearly experiences of digital technology while at school will be a major influence, so we have looked closely at the sort of technologies schools own and how they use it. In the classroom Coming to an understanding of the use of technology in schools wasn’t straight forward.

Experimenting with the Mastery Flip.. In the fall of 2011, I piloted 1 class with the flip classroom. In January of 2012, I decided to roll it out with all four sections of 8th grade science and not only that (at this point, I must have lost my mind), I decided to try to the mastery flip technique. I am not going to lie, I spent most if not all of my Christmas break in 2011 assembling the pieces of trial run. Since my school district is not 1 to 1, I had to be creative and design a way that could work for my classroom. I was able to sign a laptop cart out for every Monday and Friday during the course of the unit.

The 21st century pedagogy teachers should be aware of Interpersonal learning , personalized learning, second life learning , 3d learning, collaborative learning and virtual learning , these are just some of the few buzz words you would be be reading so often in today’s educational literature. Things have changed , old methods and pedagogies are no longer relevant. The teacher-controlled learning where pre-constructed information is presented in a formal and standardized classroom settings becomes very obsolete. The urgent questions we should , as educators , ask ourselves are : what are the driving factors behind this huge transformation in learning ? and Do we need a new pedagogy to better enhance learning ?

Free learning videos go viral Educator's 'profound change' on teaching Salman Khan: I had no idea my learning videos would go viralHe says he's given up hedge fund work, dedicated himself to nonprofitKhan: Videos and software don't replace teachers but can make them more effectiveTeachers can cut lecturing time and work with students one on one, he says Editor's note: TED is a nonprofit organization dedicated to "Ideas worth spreading" which it distributes through talks posted on its website. (CNN) -- When I posted my first math video on YouTube in 2006, I had no idea that it would be the first of a series that would reach well over 2 million unique students a month -- or that this would become my life's focus. Even stranger to the 2006 hedge-fund-analyst Salman would have been the idea that the videos would be the launching point for a not-for-profit organization that would completely rethink how learning can and should be done. The Khan Academy ( is now much more than videos.

OU Digital Tools: Connected Learning Infographic Thanks to Karen LaBonte, I learned about this amazing infographic about Connected Learning. You can see the jumbo-sized version of the graphic for details. I find it wonderful but overwhelming, so I decided to break it up into piece that I can cope with! Using Flipped Learning in the College Classroom As the instructional specialist in the Learning Center at Robeson Community College, I was asked to develop a workshop for faculty. I chose to offer this professional development opportunity on Flipped Learning. I did so in part because I was using flipped lessons out of necessity in my own class. Most community colleges are leaning towards blending reading and writing classes into one class.

What does it mean to be literate in 2012? As it currently stands, the school ICT and computing curriculum does little, if anything, to stimulate an interest in these key subject areas. From key stage 3 upwards, the focus tends to be on spreadsheets and databases, and an overuse of Word and PowerPoint, geared as it is to enabling pupils to pass the national curriculum and coursework requirements. You would have to be a very keen enthusiast to get to the end of your key stage 4 course and still want to learn more about computers and technology as the curriculum currently defines it. Even if you did, the key stage 5 qualifications are unlikely to help you study a very technical degree in university as they are no longer "fit for purpose", covering much less complicated areas such as programming, but requiring mountains of coursework to complete the course. One of the main problems facing teachers in these subject areas, is the gap between what pupils know and do at home, compared with what they know and do at school.

What is a Relevant Educator? - Corwin Connect Contributed by Tom Whitby Education in America has been around for several hundred years now, going back to colonial times in the 17th century. Back then, teachers were not only content experts, but also models for moral standards for children.
