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Articles sur forum pour apprendre et pratiquer l'anglais en ligne : MyCOW

Articles sur forum pour apprendre et pratiquer l'anglais en ligne : MyCOW

6e - 6e : le comparatif - Daily Routine Book2… - 6e : Your… - Where is it ? - Numbers - The alphabet - Cartoons 6e1 - Cartoons - Posters de 6e - 6e : I'm singing in… - Blog d'anglais du collège Denayrouze Mardi 15 avril 2014 2 15 /04 /Avr /2014 12:28 Quelques exercices pour t'entraîner (regarde bien la consigne en haut de l'exercice avant de le commencer) 1. Le comparatif de supériorité (er / more than) avec des mots au singulier : Listen to English and learn English with podcasts in English ► Level 1 For elementary and pre-intermediate students ► Level 2 For intermediate students ► Level 3 Écrire le script d’une histoire et elle se transforme en film vidéo Il suffit d'écrire votre histoire, choisir vos acteurs, choisir l'environnement et choisir la musique. Tous les mondes meilleurs films, de Casablanca à Star Wars, ont commencé avec du texte. C'est pourquoi, dans Plotagon, vous commencez votre film avec le texte. Il n'y a pas d'échéancier ou des clips d'animation. Juste les anciennes technologies de la créativité et de l'écrit. L'application réalise l'animation et le doublage Vous n'avez pas à apprendre des outils compliqués ou savoir quelque chose au sujet de l'animation.

Report Writing : Academic Skills Centre Summary of this page Report writing is an essential skill for professionals. A report aims to inform, as clearly and succinctly as possible. AOL On Homepage Up next 3:25 2:18 1:25 1:42 5:57 4:33 1:57 1:01 4:11 6:29 3:36 Caption Languages With pictures English Teachers: If you would like to use this Question Words wall chart in your classroom, then you can purchase a copy here: Question Words Wall Chart and Flash Cards. The most common question words in English are the following: WHO is only used when referring to people. (= I want to know the person) Who is the best football player in the world? Who are your best friends? Who is that strange guy over there?

Old Time Radio Shows Mysteries Click on the Links below to listen for free online: • Beyond Midnight• Bulldogg Drummond• Cabin B-13• Candy Matson• Danger Dr. Danfield• A Man Called X• Barry Craig Confidential Investigator• Blackstone the Magic Detective• Call the Police• Calling All Detectives• Casey Crime Photographer• Chandu the Magician• Charlie Chan• Cloak and Dagger• Crime Classics• Crime Club• Crime Doctor• Crime on the waterfront• Deadline Mystery• Defense Attorney• Ellery Queen• Fear on Four• Haunted Hour• Haunted Tales of the Supernatural• Hidden Truth• House of Mystery• Jeff Regan, Investigator• Magic Island• Majestic Master of Mystery• Manhattan at Midnight• Philip Marlowe, Adventures of• Police Headquarters• Richard Diamond Police Detective• Sealed Book• Unexpected, The• Unsolved Mysteries• Voyage of the Scarlet Queen• World Adventure Club More Mysteries coming soon... Click Here To View A List of all the Shows That We Offer Click Here to return to our main page

AUE: The Audio Archive The spoken texts The sound samples on this page are available in MP3 and WAV format. The MP3 files are recommended because they are much smaller, so they download more quickly and are more economical with Internet resources. Also a few users have found that the WAV files sound garbled on their PCs. To enable MP3 in your browser, visit MPEG.ORG. "RP" stands for "Received Pronunciation" (more information). The Talking People Podcast » Search Results » useful language Useful Language. Letter-Writing. Requesting information 01 With this audio we’re pushing our section of Useful Language a bit further, to include… letter-writing! Why record audios of that?
