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Prison Reform Trust creating a just, humane and effective penal system

Prison Reform Trust creating a just, humane and effective penal system

Focus Prisoner Education Overcrowding Our prison system was not built to hold nearly the amount of prisoners it currently does, let alone the predicted increasing numbers pushed even further by a global recession. Well over 70,000 people are being held in a system designed to hold around 50,000. Although the capacity of the penal system is being increased, the rise in the number of people within the system is outstripping the rate at which new places can be provided. What price lack of freedom? It costs £65,000 to imprison a person in this country once police, court costs and all the other steps are taken into account.

Poverty and disadvantage among prisoners' families Download as PDF 0.1 MB This study explores the dilemmas faced by families when someone receives a custodial sentence, and how families respond to the financial, social and emotional challenges. Key points Prisoners' families were vulnerable to financial instability, poverty, debt and potential housing disruption following the imprisonment of a family member. Families subsidised the imprisonment by sending prisoners money, clothing and electronic goods.

FAKTSA: An Acronym for Remembering Key Resume Enhancers Printer-Friendly Version by Katharine Hansen, Ph.D. What are the most important things to remember about writing an effective resume? They can be encapsulated in a six-letter acronym, FAKTSA, in which the letters stand for: FocusAppearanceKeywordsTransferrable SkillsAccomplishments Your rights - Classification, Categorisation and Allocation Category A prisoners also have an escape risk classification based upon their ability and willingness to escape. The classifications are exceptional, high and standard escape risk. Women prisoners and young offenders may be made Category A, but normally they will either be simply allocated to open or closed conditions. Category A prisoners have greater restrictions upon them for security reasons, and their visitors will be vetted by the police on behalf of the prison authorities.

List of Prisons Synopsis: Directory of all Prisons in the Geographical British Isles. Full accurate location and category info in one place. Guides, comment, and analysis. <DIV id=searalt>Enable javascript to search text in this page, use your Browser's search facility, or export content to a Text&nbsp;Editor. Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire Unauthentic leaders hide behind masks This questionnaire contains statements about authentic leadership. Next to each statement, circle the number that represents how strongly you feel about the statement by using the following scoring system: Almost Always True — 5 Mostly True — 4 Occasionally True — 3 Seldom True — 2 Almost Never True — 1

offendersfamilieshelpline Why are prisoners categorised? Some time after sentencing, adult male prisoners are assigned to the correct security category and allocated to an appropriate prison. Categorisation is based on the level of risk a prisoner might pose to the public or national security should they escape and the likelihood of their making attempts to do so. What are the categories? Managing transference and countertransference - The Performance Coach UK This is a guest post by one of our Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching and Development students, Nicola Williams Within a coaching relationship, unchecked transference can hinder the ability to hold positive regard and a non-judgemental position and research has found it is often the cause of the deterioration of a coaching relationship. In this blog post, I offer three steps the coach might use to help manage these processes. What is transference and countertransference? Transference and countertransference are two related psychological processes. Transference occurs all the time in everyday interactions and is where we may be reminded of someone in the behaviour of others or where previous memories are triggered.

Philip Seymour Hoffman and a double standard over drugs Anyone who saw Philip Seymour Hoffman in the film A Late Quartet could sense an accident on its way to happening. We now know that the actor and the tortured violinist he portrayed were close to the same person. Acting is a dangerous calling, pushing its practitioners back and forth over the border of unreality. Hoffman's death has been universally greeted as a tragedy. He struggled with addiction, seemed to recover, relapsed and died of what appears to have been an accidental overdose. The world of cinema mourns.
