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Great App Review Checklists for Teachers. The more apps I review here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning the better I become at recognizing and selecting the right educational apps to share with you.

Great App Review Checklists for Teachers

I have probably reviewed a little over 200 apps in the last couple of years but when I first started reviewing apps there were not many guidelines and checklists as is the case now. With the help of carefully crafted rubrics like the ones below, teachers can now follow a set of guidelines to select the apps that can work for them in their teaching. Parents too can use these checklists to sift through the piles and handpick the ones to give their kids. It is of paramount importance that you keep apps evaluative rubrics at your disposal to turn to whenever you want to recommend an app for your students . Today, I am sharing with you some new resources I came across through Speech Gagdet and Learning in Hand. 1- App Review Checklist and Rating Chart Click Here to download it. Ways to Evaluate Educational Apps. I am conducting a series of workshops in Florida and was asked to share a rubric to help teachers evaluate educational apps as part of the workshop.

Ways to Evaluate Educational Apps

In 2010 Harry Walker developed a rubric, and I used his rubric (with some modifications by Kathy Schrock) as the basis for mine. (Read Harry Walker's paper Evaluating the Effectiveness of Apps for Mobile Devices.) I kept in mind that some apps are used to practice a discrete skill or present information just one time. Others are creative apps that a learner may use again and again, so it's a challenge to craft a rubric that can be used for a wide span of purposes. I tried to make my rubric work for the broadest range of apps, from drill and practice to creative endeavors, while stressing the purpose for using the app. My rubric also emphasizes the ability to customize content or settings and how the app encourages the use of higher order thinking skills.

Web 2.0 Tutorials for Teachers. Scope & Sequence. Get Trained Use our professional development resources to learn best practices for teaching digital citizenship to your students.

Scope & Sequence

Onboard Students: Digital Passport. Teaching Channel Presents: Digital Literacy In The Classroom. Parents & Teacher Internet Safety. CDL MOOC-Ed_Digital Citizen Resource List. Digital Citizenship Resources. Articles. Educational articles are an excellent resource for parents who are interested in learning about the best parenting practices from experts in the field.


With insights from top education specialists, these parenting articles provide advice and information for both typical and unusual parenting circumstances. A large range of topics are covered in these educational articles, from back-talking toddlers to college-bound teenagers. There are also articles about best practices to use with kids and teens with specific mental and physical needs. These parenting articles are great for anyone who wants to raise a healthy, happy child. Popular Articles See All Articles Email. Creativity as a Life Skill: Gerard Puccio at TEDxGramercy. Get Short Link | Get Bookmarklet | Original Page | Black backgroundWhite background Gerard J.

Creativity as a Life Skill: Gerard Puccio at TEDxGramercy

Puccio, Ph.D. Gerard is chair and professor of the International Center for Studies in Creativity at Buffalo State, a unique academic department that offers the world's only Master of Science degree in Creativity and Change Leadership. Creativity as a Life Skill In the face of a fast changing and increasingly more complex world, many argue that creativity and innovation are crucial 21st century skills. Unfortunately schools and organizations seem to be ill equipped to promote this critical skill.

Common Core in Action: Why Collaboration and Communication Matter. When students graduate from high school, there is a collection of important (or core) skills we want them to possess.

Common Core in Action: Why Collaboration and Communication Matter

That's where the Common Core College and Career Readiness Anchor standards (CCRA) come in. With 32 anchor standards in total in the areas of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language, these anchor standards are generalized and quite broad. However, you can find more specific skills for teaching each of the anchor standards embedded within the grade-level Common Core state standards (CCSS). Living in a Digital World We Don’t Understand. Teaching 21st-century skills for 21st-century jobs GUEST COLUMN | by Cat McManus The term “21st century skills” gets thrown around a lot in educational circles.

Living in a Digital World We Don’t Understand

Some use this term to mean “computer literacy.” Others expand the concept to include a “range of skills and competencies that go beyond what has traditionally been taught in the classroom, [including] critical thinking and problem solving; communication, collaboration; and creativity and innovation.” Still others—most significantly the advocacy organization Partnership for 21st Century Skills—include “information literacy, media literacy, and information, communication and technology literacy.” Sir Ken Robinson: What you cannot miss in the classroom.

Collaborative Learning Builds Deeper Understanding. Steve Chabon: Here at the College Preparatory School in Oakland, California, collaborative learning is one of the most important ways our students learn and grow.

Collaborative Learning Builds Deeper Understanding

Harrison: In math we work in groups every day, asking each other questions before we ask the teacher. Maya: In English, we lead our own round table discussions to deepen our understanding of the books we read. The 6 Myths Of Creativity. Creativity.

The 6 Myths Of Creativity

These days, there's hardly a mission statement that doesn't herald it, or a CEO who doesn't laud it. And yet despite all of the attention that business creativity has won over the past few years, maddeningly little is known about day-to-day innovation in the workplace. Where do breakthrough ideas come from? What kind of work environment allows them to flourish? The 21st century classroom – where the 3 R’s meet the 4 C’s! Our world is changing and changing rapidly.

The 21st century classroom – where the 3 R’s meet the 4 C’s!

But while we often see digital natives on the covers of contemporary magazines, we have students in our classrooms from both sides of the divide. A 21st century classroom must engage and energize both natives and non-natives, preparing all students to be active participants in our exciting global community. Above & Beyond. In an increasingly complex, demanding and competitive 21st century, students need to learn more than the 3R’s they are tested on in school. It’s time to help them go “above & beyond”, by embracing the 4Cs – communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. To get the word out to about the “3Rs + 4Cs” approach, P21 and FableVision partnered to produce a short, animated film called Above & Beyond. Enjoy & share, so we can help ALL our students flourish in the 21st century. Many members of the Partnership for 21st Century Learning helped shape and refine this story – using their communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity skills.

Special thanks to Ken Kay, Tim Magner and the Executive Board and Strategic Council of The Partnership for 21st Century Learning for all their time, talent and vision on this project. Above & Beyond. The Seven Steps to Becoming a 21st Century School or District. Last summer, as I was winding down my eight years as president of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, I went around the country and met with 30 superintendents, asking them, "What can I do to support your efforts to implement 21st century education in your district? " Together we came up with the idea of creating a professional learning community (PLC) of education leaders committed to 21st century education. A team of us liked the idea so much that earlier this year we launched EdLeader21, a community of education leaders committed to building critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity into their educational system. Seven-Part Blog Series. Is There a Best Way to Develop the 4Cs in All Students?

Driving Question: Is There a Best Way to Develop the 4Cs in All Students? Lots of books and curriculum materials have been written about how teachers can incorporate critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity into their lesson plans. A-Guide-to-Four-Cs.pdf. TPACK 101. The 4C's: Making 21st Century Education Happen. Learning and Innovation Skills. Social Studies. Hammond, T. C., & Manfra, M.

M. (2009). Giving, prompting, making: Aligning technology and pedagogy within TPACK for social studies instruction. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education [Online serial], 9(2). Retrieved from. Sites/default/files/Courey.LePage.Siker_.Roschelle.Blackorby_In Press_Preparing Middle School Math Teachers.pdf. A New Great SAMR Visual for Teachers. Assessments. SAMR Model Explained Through Examples. SAMR is one of the relevant learning models teachers can use to effectively integrate technology in education.

Using SAMR to Teach Above the Line - Getting Smart by Susan Oxnevad - 1:1 program, Apple, edchat, EdTech, SAMR, technology. Using TPACK as a Framework for Tech PD, Integration and Assessment. Using TPACK as a Framework for Tech PD, Integration and Assessment. The Educator's PLN - The personal learning network for educators. Utilizing Twitter chats for professional development SmartBlogs. Each week, educators from around the world take part in various conversations on Twitter known as “chats.” These conversations have become an excellent way for educators to connect on relevant topics, share resources and best practices, all while challenging each other’s thinking. The premise of a Twitter chat is simple. Educational Leadership:Faces of Poverty:Put the "Personal" in Your PLN. Personal Learning Networks for Educators: 10 Tips - Getting Smart by Guest Author - edchat, EdTech, PLN.

Personal Learning Networks: Knowledge Sharing as Democracy. How Do I Get a PLN? Ed-Tech Coaches Are the Orchestra Conductors of K–12 Education. Ed-Tech Coaches Are the Orchestra Conductors of K–12 Education. Unlocking the Power of Collaboration. Its About the Questions.pdf. What Good Coaches Do.pdf. Insights Into Peer Coaching: Les Foltos. South Central Service Cooperative - PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. We are very excited to offer Service Cooperative members the opportunity to purchase Clarity, powered by BrightBytes. This is a learning analytics tool that collects data from administrators, teachers, and students in four areas (classroom, access, skills and environment).

The results help you measure and drive technology decisions and investments, position your students for success with technology in the 21st Century, measure the impact of technology spending on student learning, and save money on technology projects and professional development. At its core, the Clarity platform provides a quick, efficient way to measure the degree of instructional technology integration in the classroom, resulting in a detailed report that shows technology strengths in the district, provides a plan for meeting standards, identifies professional development needs, and allows districts to track progress over time.

South Central Service Cooperative - PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Ncate-tech-coaches-standards.pdf. SAMR Swimming Lessons. Instructional Coaching. Images/partnership/PartnershipLearningFieldbook.pdf. Images/partnership/PartnershipLearningFieldbook.pdf. Peer Coaching. What is an Instructional Coach? Friday Institute Evaluation Team. Stephanie Sandifer - Transformative Technology Coaching. Week 2-MOOC: Coaching Teachers- Promoting Changes That Stick. 3 tips for pedagogy-based coaching. Thought Process for Integrating Technology Into the Classroom.