7 Ways to Learn to Code Right Now for Free
Learning to code is one of the most powerful and satisfying things you can ever do. If you’re a designer, learning to code can help you understand what you’re creating for, and if you’re looking to build a startup from scratch, being a technical founder can make things exponentially easier for you. No matter why you want learn, the only thing you really need is curiosity. 1. Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions. ➤ Processing (Reference, Tutorials, Wiki, Forum, Inspiration) 2. Codecademy bills itself as “the easiest way to learn how to code,” and thanks to this startup, learning to code online has never been so accessible. ➤ Codecademy 3. Bloc, a new educational startup, makes it easy for you to start writing in Ruby. But what makes Bloc different from the likes of Codecademy? ➤ Bloc 4. Sometimes there’s nothing better than “bumping elbows” with peers. ➤ Meetup, Hackathons 5. 6. 7. I know.
What is Bullying?
Aggressive behavior may be bullying depending on what happened, how often it happens and who it happens to. Find out what bullying is and what the different types are. You can also learn more about other topics related to bullying. Bullying Definition Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The Roles Kids Play There are many roles that kids can play. Related Topics There are many other types of aggressive behavior that don’t fit the definition of bullying.
Kodu is a new visual programming language made specifically for creating games. It is designed to be accessible for children and enjoyable for anyone. The programming environment runs on the Xbox, allowing rapid design iteration using only a game controller for input. Programming as a Creative Medium The core of the Kodu project is the programming user interface. The Kodu language is designed specifically for game development and provides specialized primitives derived from gaming scenarios. Key Features Kodu provides an end-to-end creative environment for designing, building, and playing your own new games. High-level language incorporates real-world primitives: collision, color, visionUses Xbox 360 Game Controller for input — no keyboard requiredRuns on XBox 360 and PCInteractive terrain editorBridge and path builderTerrain editor - create worlds of arbitrary shape and size20 different characters with different abilities
Why You Haven't Learned How to Code Yet
Over the past year there’s been unprecedented enthusiasm for learning to code. From NY Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s pledge to the White House’s national summer effort, programming has never been such a valuable career move and somehow it has even managed become a bit trendy, too (depending on your geographical location). With all this new energy comes initiatives like Code Year, which lets anyone pledge to learn to code with weekly tutorials via Codecademy. So maybe you signed up, or perhaps you did some research on your own, but here we are and you still can’t code… If this situation applies to you, know that you’re not alone. It’s tough work, but don’t get discouraged. OMG choices!? If you’ve never written a single line of code, the odds are you’re having trouble deciding where to start. Of course there are plenty of other options as well. From an artistic or design perspective, you might want to look into Processing, which is a visual programming language created to help teach coding.
Web standards checklist
Date: 13 August 2004 Author: Russ Weakley Web standards – more than just ‘table-free sites’ The term web standards can mean different things to different people. For some, it is ‘table-free sites‘, for others it is ‘using valid code‘. However, web standards are much broader than that. A site built to web standards should adhere to standards (HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSLT, DOM, MathML, SVG etc) and pursue best practices (valid code, accessible code, semantically correct code, user-friendly URLs etc). In other words, a site built to web standards should ideally be lean, clean, CSS-based, accessible, usable and search engine friendly. About the checklist This is not an uber-checklist. to show the breadth of web standardsas a handy tool for developers during the production phase of websitesas an aid for developers who are interested in moving towards web standards The checklist 1. 1.1 Does the site use a correct Doctype? More: 1.2 Does the site use a Character set? Character encodings W3C Link checker
Papercraft World
Teaching kids how to code
by Marshall Brain Quick Intro - If you are looking for a quick and easy way to teach your kid a real programming language, without downloading anything or buying anything, try these Python tutorials. Your kid will be writing and modifying code in just a few minutes. Marshall Brain's quick and easy Python tutorials Let's say that you have children, and you would like to help them learn computer programming at a youngish age. Let's start with a something important: Every kid is different. The second thing to realize is that real analytical skills often don't start appearing until age 11 or 12 or 13 in many kids, so expecting huge breakthroughs prior to that may be unrealistic. That being said, there are lots of fun things you can try as early as five or six... Games Let's start with a few games. Magic Pen (wait a few seconds to see the word "play", then click the word "Play") Fantastic Contraption Auditorium (Drag the circle-with-arrow-in-it around. I love Light Bot. Python for Kids RoboMind
Free Address Book Script ( PHP + MySQL )
Ver 1.18 ( Security patch applied ) This is a free Address Book PHP script with a MySQL database. This script allows users to search, view, add, edit, and delete address entries from a web browser. Each user can have a different login username. It's very easy to add/remove fields to/from the script. In fact, I've seen others using this script to store something totally different from addresses. You can customize Address Book Script online and/or manually. To manually customize it, please see Customization Quick Guide. To customize online, use Address Book Builder, which guides you through the steps of building a custom version of Address Book Script. Ajax Fileup Addon for Address Book Script Monday, August 12, 2013 Address Book Script: Converting a Text Field to a Date Field To convert a text field to a date field, open web/codelib/asc/df.fl. The following example is a typical text field definition: (example) Edit the value of XA_CLASS and XA_SEARCH, and add XA_FORMAT line like shown below: <? Top