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Flat UI Design - A showcase of the best examples of the flat UI design aesthetic on the web.

Flat UI Design - A showcase of the best examples of the flat UI design aesthetic on the web.

Fonts 15.1 Introduction Setting font properties will be among the most common uses of style sheets. Unfortunately, there exists no well-defined and universally accepted taxonomy for classifying fonts, and terms that apply to one font family may not be appropriate for others. E.g., 'italic' is commonly used to label slanted text, but slanted text may also be labeled as being Oblique, Slanted, Incline, Cursive or Kursiv.

Reflections on Web Design Trends in 2013 Let’s try to reflect on today’s trends and look a bit ahead. Today, design is developing by leaps and bounds, and changes in styles are happening almost daily. A huge impact on design comes from inspiration boards. When in years past, a designer showed his creation to his granny, she nodded her head and the designer was satisfied. And then, the stream of thought stopped. 21 Inspiring Examples of Texture Use in Web Design Using texture is a great way of adding personality and depth to a webdesign. It doesn’t matter if you choose to use texture only in the navigation menu, the header or if you go with a totally textured background, as long as you pick the right texture and don’t over use it, the result, most of time, will be elegant and beautiful, as the examples we’re showing you in this post. Alxandr Grain & Mortar Brown’s Court Bakery

Ultimate Guide to Flat Website Design The combination of bright colors and exotic typography has paved the way for unique flat interfaces. Minimalism is a big part of this design idea, and you can see how popular these trends have become in recent months. Flat website design is a brilliant concept because it focuses solely on the content. But many designers are unfamiliar with the latest trends and don’t know where to get started. In this guide I want to present the ultimate collection of articles, tutorials, free graphics, and website layouts based on flat design. SweetAlert So... What does it do? Here’s a comparison of a standard error message. The first one uses the built-in alert-function, while the second is using sweetAlert. Normal alert Code:

Flat UI Header 3The Vatican transitions to a Header 4Great American Bites: Telluride's Oak, The Header 5Author Diane Alberts loves her some good Header 6With the success of young-adult book-to-movie Paragraph Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. 21 Awesome Bright and Colorful Websites Finding the right color scheme for a website design can often be a real challenge. Bright colors are sometimes not favored by designers, but in the right situation they can be very effective. In this post we’ll showcase examples of 21 different bright and colorful websites. Hopfully, seeing these examples will give you some inspiration when you’re considering color schemes in your own work. By seeing what other designers are doing and how they are able to make colorful web designs work, you may get some ideas of your own.

SlickMap CSS: A Visual Sitemapping Tool for Web Developers — Astuteo™ Side Projects SlickMap CSS is a simple stylesheet for displaying finished site maps directly from HTML unordered list navigation. It’s suitable for most web sites – accommodating up to three levels of page navigation and additional utility links – and can easily be customized to meet your own individual needs, branding, or style preferences. The general idea of SlickMap CSS is to streamline the web design process by automating the illustration of site maps while at the same time allowing for the pre-development of functional HTML navigation. Eliminates the need for additional software Easily revised with clients on-the-fly Clickable anchors with visible URLs Design process results in working HTML code

Making it Work: Flat Design and Color Trends We’ve talked a lot here about the flat design trend here at Designmodo. We’ve raved about it, showed you plenty of cool examples and even developed a free user interface kit for you to download and use for projects. But what if you want to do it yourself? One of the most important parts of the trend is color. Flat Design Refresher Flat design is a technique that uses simple effects – or lack thereof – to create a design scheme that does not include three-dimensional attributes.

30 Sites with Great (and Not So Great) Mascots All professional websites include a logo, and sometimes that logo is also a character. Yet, this logo character is not necessarily what we would label a "mascot." With a graphic logo, you will find that graphic everywhere, including in designs for brochure and business card printing. However, a website mascot may only land online, especially if the character is too detailed or large-scale to fit onto smaller print materials.
