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The Miso Project

The Miso Project

SPIF - Streaming Progressive Image Format MultiRes is an image format that makes images look good on all screen resolutions, from mobile displays to Retina displays. Test it now! Zoom in to the photo on the left. You can use Ctrl/Cmd-+ to zoom in. Note how the GitHub banner gets pixelated but the photo stays sharp. You can see more examples on the sample images page. When an image is zoomed out, MultiRes loads a smaller version of the image. How MultiRes works MultiRes keeps each screen pixel filled with at least one image pixel, up to the maximum resolution of the image. A MultiRes image directory contains several versions of the same image at different resolutions. The MultiRes viewer loads the version of the image that's closest to the displayed size. The MultiRes viewer saves bandwidth by not loading the other versions of the image. What happened to SPIF? You can still check out the SPIF image format prototype here.

Programming Cloud: Introducing a Programming Revolution Battle-Tested Systems The core infrastructure of Wolfram Development Platform has been battle-tested for years in Wolfram's widely used public Wolfram|Alpha system. Maximize Programmer Productivity The knowledge-based Wolfram Language dramatically changes the economics of programming by automating many programming tasks and letting programmers start from a very high-level platform of built-in capabilities. Consulting if you Need It Wolfram Solutions has a distinguished history of providing outstanding solutions to top organizations around the world. Apply Your Own Web Code Wolfram Development Platform is set up to interoperate with standard web systems and code, supporting editing of web assets, as well as sophisticated programmatic templating of web content. Completely Scalable Code Many great businesses can be built with just the right few lines of Wolfram Language code. Automated Testing Is Built In Source Code Control Data-Science-Level Logging Infinite Interoperability

kig/JSARToolKit slowhttptest - Application Layer DoS attack simulator SlowHTTPTest is a highly configurable tool that simulates some Application Layer Denial of Service attacks. It works on majority of Linux platforms, OSX and Cygwin - a Unix-like environment and command-line interface for Microsoft Windows. It implements most common low-bandwidth Application Layer DoS attacks, such as slowloris, Slow HTTP POST, Slow Read attack (based on TCP persist timer exploit) by draining concurrent connections pool, as well as Apache Range Header attack by causing very significant memory and CPU usage on the server. Slowloris and Slow HTTP POST DoS attacks rely on the fact that the HTTP protocol, by design, requires requests to be completely received by the server before they are processed. Slow Read DoS attack aims the same resources as slowloris and slow POST, but instead of prolonging the request, it sends legitimate HTTP request and reads the response slowly. Installation and usage examples How I knocked down 30 servers using slowhttptest 25 November 2013

Vanilla JS Hack Back Alley Coder | A blog about the web, javascript, business, and my life at large kitao/divsugar Sometimes I hack One of the cool things about working at Yahoo! is that you get to see and play with a lot of little toys before the rest of the world does. YUI was one such tool. I started playing with YUI while it was still in version 1, and its API was much different from what it looks like now. A couple of years ago, I published instructions for adding drag and drop to any website, but that still needed a little technical know-how on the user's part. Simply drag that link to your bookmarks toolbar, and you're ready to use it. Now, if you click on the bookmark (in your bookmarks toolbar) when you visit a website, most sections of the page should become draggable. Let me know if it doesn't work for you, and let me know of additional features that you'd like to see.

gorhill/Javascript-Voronoi Hogan.js Getting started Hogan.js is a 3.4k JS templating engine developed at Twitter. Use it as a part of your asset packager to compile templates ahead of time or include it in your browser to handle dynamic templates. If you're developing with Node.js, just use NPM to add the Hogan package. $ npm install hogan.js Alternatively, drop hogan.js in your browser by adding the following script. Templates Hogan.js was developed against the mustache test suite, so everything that holds true for templates as specified here, is also the case for hogan.js. That means you get variables, sections, lambdas, partials, filters, and everything else you've come to expect from mustache templating - only much, much faster. Compiling Use hogan.compile() to precompile your templates into vanilla JS. It's best to serve your templates precompiled whenever you can (rather than the raw templates), as parsing is the most time consuming operation. Rendering Hulk Hulk is Hogan's command line utility.

Tempo :: The tiny JSON rendering engine by TwigKit Introducing JSON Template March 2009 JSON Template is a minimal but powerful templating language, currently implemented in bothPython and JavaScript. To use it, simply copy the Python file or the JavaScript file into your project. Neither has any external dependencies. Since there are over one bajillion template languages for Python alone, it deserves some explanation. Simple example This Python example should look familiar to many people.* The JavaScript version is a straightforward translation of this API. Full Example To read this example, keep in mind the following: These few constructs are surprisingly powerful. The following example uses most of the language, but not all. A template string ... ... combined with a data dictionary ... ... gives output: Here is the rendered output: Here is the same example live in JavaScript. Motivation There are a few problems with the state of the art: Nearly all template languages are inexpressive and ill-specified procedural languages. Design JSON is the "data dictionary" format. License

