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Experience maps, user journeys and more…

Experience maps, user journeys and more…
Experience Map is an important design tool to understand our product/service interactions from users’ point of view. One experience map is basically a visual representation that illustrate users’ flow (within a product or service) their needs, wants, expectations and the overall experience for a particular goal. Besides Experience Maps, different names are used to refer to similar representations, some of them are: Customer Journey, User Journey and some time Blueprint or Service Ecology, although there are some nuances in the latter two, I prefer to include them in the group of the multidimensional maps. If you search the internet you will see that there are many different examples of experience map, with some common elements between them. After reviewing many of them, investigate the existing methodology and design one for the company I work for, I have reached the conclusion that there are some design patterns, more or less clear, here I will share with you some insights about them. Related:  UI & Coding

Optimizing Emotional Engagement In Web Design Through Metrics Interaction | Pause & Effect: The Art of Interactive Narrative This chapter is from the book  The most engaging interactive narrative relies upon flow; that is, uninterrupted participation in the unfolding action. Poor interaction design can interrupt flow and degrade the experience. —Brenda Laurel Interaction can be described as many things. Interactivity is a continuing increase in participation. 1.4.1: Interactivity Isn't a Feature of a Medium This is why, like smoke and fire, communication is implied wherever there is interactivity. Interaction operates on something. Interactivity requires rule sets and constraints in order to function smoothly. In the Middle East drivers generally honk to say "I am here" and in North America drivers generally honk to say "You shouldn't be there." As Nathan Shedroff, design consultant, founder of Vivid Design Studios, and author of the recent publication Experience Design puts it, The fact that you can conduct general decisions within the framework of specific guidelines is a key trait in good interaction design.

User Interface Design Basics | User Interface (UI) Design focuses on anticipating what users might need to do and ensuring that the interface has elements that are easy to access, understand, and use to facilitate those actions. UI brings together concepts from interaction design, visual design, and information architecture. Choosing Interface Elements Users have become familiar with interface elements acting in a certain way, so try to be consistent and predictable in your choices and their layout. Interface elements include but are not limited to: Input Controls: buttons, text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown lists, list boxes, toggles, date field Navigational Components: breadcrumb, slider, search field, pagination, slider, tags, icons Informational Components: tooltips, icons, progress bar, notifications, message boxes, modal windows Containers: accordion There are times when multiple elements might be appropriate for displaying content. Best Practices for Designing an Interface Keep the interface simple.

15+ Ways of Teaching Every Student to Code (Even Without a Computer) According to, 90 percent of parents in the U.S. want their children to learn computer science—it will be crucial for many jobs in the near future—but only 40 percent of schools teach it. Critics claim that it is mainly the more affluent schools that offer computer science courses, thus denying those who attend poorer schools the chance to learn necessary skills. A focus on STEM is not enough: also reports that while 70 percent of new STEM jobs are in computing, only 7 percent of STEM graduates are in computer science. In my opinion, parents of every student in every school at every level should demand that all students be taught how to code. With the following resources, you can teach programming to every student and every age. Teaching Coding to the Youngest Students Tynker Games: Use these age-appropriate games to teach your elementary students coding concepts. Teaching Coding to Kids 8 and Up Hopscotch is a free iPad app for upper elementary and above.

API Introduction - TheGamesDB Wiki API Overview Our API is what makes it possible for you to bring all of this artwork and metadata together and integrate it into your application of choice. You can use any number of programs to scrape from our website via our API. For more information on some of the most widely used programs, check out our showcase page. All of the API methods are currently available in XML, and will soon be available in JSON format (API v2). Who can use the API? The API is available for anyone to use, but if you're a developer, we would like you to make an introduction post in our forums. API v2 (Future) We will soon begin the process of creating API v2 and restricting the use of the API to members with valid API keys. Once our next version of the API is written, we will publish information on how to request an API key here. Showcase Imagine yourself sitting on your couch with your remote in hand. API can do the following: > Search for specific games. > Search for a loose list of games. GetGame

Yoann Pignole's Blog - The hobbyist coder #2: A way to approach coding by flowcharts The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. Hi everyone and thanks for all the comments on my first “hobbyist coder” post, it encouraged me to write this second one: expose a way to approach coding for non-coders. As for my first post, maybe this way is a “classic” one in a coder formation but I remember, when I wanted to start coding, I found a lot of very useful tutorials on the internet about specific codes, syntax, algorithms but I never found a more global article about the way to “think” the code and how to transform any mechanic in code lines… So I’ll try to give one answer here, based on my own experience. Let’s draw it As I said above, the method I used when I tried to learn how to code was to start with a “flowchart”… At this point, some people may ask “But what is a flowchart”? Variables Translation And here we are! Conclusion

Interactive documentary tools Below is a selection interactive documentary tools (free and premium), plus further resources for creating your own i-docs… AngularJS A Javascript MVC framework created by Google to build properly architectured and maintenable web applications – need to be able to code to use. Creatavist Online interactive publishing tool. Free & premium plans available. Explory A free mobile-storytelling app that allows you to create engaging interactive stories in minutes. Frame Trail FrameTrail is an open source software that allows you to experience, manage and edit interactive video directly in your web browser. It enables hyperlinking filmic contents, including additional multimedia documents (e.g. text overlays, images or interactive maps) and adding supplementing materials (annotations) at specific points. Exposure Primarily aimed at photographers, Exposure allows you to create a blend of text narratives and photographs within a drag and drop framework. Interlude Treehouse The Korsakow System Klynt Pageflow

Interactive Factual Question 6: The interface: what is its role in an i-doc? Answered by Gavin O’Carroll, Creative Digital Designer Why Gavin O’Carroll? Gavin O’Carroll has an extensive experience in User Experience, User Interface Design and User Experience Architecture. Hangout n.1: I invited Bjarke Myrthu, to comment on Gavin O’Carroll’s point of view. Bjarke is an interactive storyteller, an entrepreneur, a producer and a journalist. DIG DEEPER (links related to Bjarke’s answer):
