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The Future Of UX Design: Tiny, Humanizing Details

The Future Of UX Design: Tiny, Humanizing Details
Dan Saffer, like many designers, likes to quote Charles Eames. But unlike many designers, Saffer—Director of Interaction Design at Smart Design—wrote a whole book inspired by one of his favorite Eames quotes: "The details are not the details. They make the design." So what is a "microinteraction," anyway? These atomic design moments, Saffer argues, are what whole products, and even whole systems and "wicked problems," ultimately boil down to. When microinteractions succeed—even invisibly, which is how most of them do—they make an emotional difference that’s greater than the sum of their tiny parts. And that’s what’s tough about designing these micro-moments: They can be so subtle and fleeting that ultimately their success or failure may come down to personal taste. In the end, Saffer’s mission is less about defining what kinds of microinteractions are "good" or "bad" than about providing a useful way to pay attention to them and iterate on the process of creating them. Related:  octaluk

Constructed wetlands constructed wetlands design and construction design and build ECOFYT Over ons ECOFYT is ontstaan in 1992.Het is het eerste Nederlandse bedrijf dat zich geheel gespecialiseerd heeft in helofytenfilters,de zeer natuurlijke wijze van waterzuivering. We houden ons bezig met zowel oppervlaktewater (beken, vijvers) als afvalwater (huishoudelijk, agrarisch of industrieel).En wij verzorgen het ontwerpen en het aanleggen van deze rietbed zuiveringen. Tot het assortiment behoren: * infiltratievoorzieningen, * vloeivelden, * horizontaal doorstroomde helofytenfilters en vooral: * verticaal doorstroomde helofytenfilters. Over hoeveel water hebben we het? Trends De laatste jaren worden we vaker gevraagd om grotere projecten te ontwikkelen. Een andere trend is dat we meer voor de echt ingewikkelde projecten worden uitgenodigd. Maar ook internationaal wordt er een beroep gedaan op onze kennis. PrijzenMet hetzelfde team deden we in 2010 mee aan een ontwerpwedstrijd, uitgeschreven door Amsterdam Oost-Watergraafsmeer. En voor U? Wij hopen dat u onze website kunt waarderen.

The Rapidly Disappearing Business of Design By almost every measure, 2014 was a breakthrough year for design and big business. Any list of highlights would include John Maeda joining the ranks of Kleiner Perkins as a partner, Jony Ive re-asserting Apple’s product vision and IBM rapidly building the largest design team on the planet. Beyond all of the hype, we can measure the rise of design in terms of dollars invested by major corporations in design talent. In 2014, design went to the bank! The recent departure of Todd Simmons—the top creative at arguably the most celebrated brand agency in the world, Wolff Olins—for the leadership team at IBM is a fitting bookend to the year. So, you might ask yourself why leading design firms are contracting or exiting the business just when it has become more relevant than ever to corporate America. Adaptive Path, a bay area pioneer in User Experience Design (UX), recently exited the business, finding greener pastures as the in-house design agency for Capital One. Robert Fabricant's About

3D Print Your Own Solderless Circuit One of the main problems with making your own circuits is the tricky and often dangerous soldering process, so Instructables user Mikey77 has come up with a solderless 3D printed circuit. It is the same size as standard 1/16" thick, through-hole soldered perfboard, and can be made a little quicker than soldered circuits, but it does require a bit of skill to make. This example is a simple micro-controller circuit that flashes three LED's in sequence. It was made on a MakerBot Replicator 2 with PLA filament and is intended to be a minimal illustration of what is possible. In order to avoid using a soldering iron, he uses a commercial conductive paint, though he does include recipes for making your own conductive glue here and here, as well as recipes for conductive rubber here and here. If you don't want to make the circuit yourself, you can also send the stl file to Shapeways, or another commercial 3D printer. Have you heard about the 3D Printer World Expo?

Sanitation Commons Wiki | Sanitation Hackathon Akvopedia is a community-created water and sanitation resource. You are invited to log in, edit and create content to contribute to this shared resource center. This portal describes sanitation technologies which can be applied from the household level to the village level. Below, sanitation technologies are presented in different functional groups: User interface (Toilets, urinals, handwashing), Collection and Storage / Local Treatment, Conveyance, (semi-) Centralized Treatment, and Use of products / disposal. Jump to more Sanitation links and resources below. Field experiences These projects are utilizing sanitation techniques and are part of the project listing in Really Simple Reporting (RSR) on Sanitation links and resources IRC Sanitation Pack - IRC Sanitation Pack, SanPack for short, contains an overview of available methods, techniques and tools in a low-cost, non-sewered sanitation service model. Sanitation systems Example... Acknowledgements

Myths busted about Web Design and User Experience - Octal Info Solution UK Web design is a crucial factor when you intend to pass on a information to users through online presence or web platform. Design of business website drops an impression on your users about personality of your business. If you are searching for any product over internet, then several suggestions will be displayed by search engine. We generally click on some website displayed by search engine in search result but stop at only that website which serves better designing experience. There are several things to consider about web designing and user experience when you have a sketch of web design in your mind. Below mentioned are some misconceptions about web designing and user experience that everyone need to consider before designing any web page. Your visitor likes to read This is very common myth among webmasters and web designers. Number of clicks is important When it is product related website, then navigation matters a lot. Fewer Scrolls Design is only about looks Responsiveness in design

432 Hz - Your Natural Rhythm For Spiritual Evolution A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature. The universal music of sacred geometry According to Brain T. Collins, a musician and researcher, the standard pitch (A=440 Hz) does not harmonize on any level that corresponds to cosmic movement, rhythm, or natural vibration. There’s a growing musical and metaphysical movement for recovering optimal integrity in the music industry and spirituality through the 432Hz tuning. The healing benefits According to Richard Huisken, music tuned to 432 Hz is softer and brighter, giving greater clarity and is easier on the ears. 432 Hz seems to work at the heart chakra, “the feeling”, and therefore could have a good influence on the spiritual development of the listener. Listen to 432Hz and enjoy living in balance Where does it come from? Orpheus playing at in harmony with nature

Ecovillage - ecology, spirituality, community building Op deze website kun je informatie vinden over de Vereniging Ecodorp, haar projecten en de initiatieven van haar leden. Bovendien functioneert de website als interactief kanaal waarlangs belangstellenden en leden met elkaar kunnen communiceren (via het prikbord) over ecodorpen, waarbij het gaat om de combinatie van ecologie, spritualiteit en gemeenschapsvorming. Momenteel (2011) is er geen ecodorp-project in uitvoering waar wij als vereniging direct bij betrokken zijn. Er zijn een paar initiatieven afgerond (klik op ‘Projecten’) en we hebben wat ijzers in het vuur voor toekomstige locaties. Tevens is er, of wordt er gezocht naar, samenwerking met organisaties met overeenkomstige doelstellingen. Op de laatste algemene ledenvergadering is besloten om de vereniging een relatief sluimerend bestaan te gunnen. De leden en meer dan 1.500 belangstellenden van de Vereniging Ecodorp ontvangen de Nieuwsbrief. Heb je belangstelling en wil je graag de nieuwsbrief ontvangen Klik dan op Aanmelden .

How to Craft your Mobile Web Strategy - Octal Info Solution UK Instant access, one touch communication and screen responsiveness have something in common. These features come naturally to your mind when you thing about mobile web. Mobile web development takes care of these ideas and many more around the realm of mobility, to give you the personalized handy gadget feel across all responsive affairs of interaction with your mobile device. Well, for something that important, you need to be much focused with your proceedings and craft real ideas doing justice to its kind existence. Avoid scaling down your desktop site This is the first thing you should do to get on the right track with your mobile website. Focus on User Experience Mobile has its purpose to serve. Structure the content right Placing the compressed version of desktop content on your mobile website is not going to work. Related Posts 6 Stages for Building a WebsiteDesigning a website is more of a function.
