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Life at the bleeding edge (of web standards)

Life at the bleeding edge (of web standards)
Quite often people assume that because the language I focus on is CSS, I must be a web designer. Don’t get me wrong, I love visual design with a passion. I have studied it a lot over the years and I’ve worked on several design projects for clients. Heck, I even have a dribbble profile! However, if I had to pick one role, I would definitely consider myself more of a developer than a designer. I discovered coding on my own when I was 12 and so far it has been the most long lasting love of my life.

Related:  CSS

Right Click Logo to Show Logo Download Options I was on the Invision website the other day and I wanted to snag their logo for some reason or another. Sometimes you can have better luck doing that (like when you happily discover it's SVG) than you can Google Image Searching or even regular web searching for something like "Invision Logo" and loping to find some kind of branding page with a logo kit download. So I right-clicked their logo, hoping to "inspect" it with the DevTools and check it out. Rather than showing me a context menu, it triggered a modal: I was pleasantly surprised, because that's exactly what I wanted. Here's a simple zero-dependencies way to do that

Rupture: Media Queries with Stylus Rupture is a utility for working with media queries in stylus. It takes advantage of stylus' new block mixins to provide useful helpers that make breakpoints much more clear to read and simple to code. Rupture is based loosely on breakpoint-slicer, a sass plugin with similar functionality. Installation HTML5 This specification defines the 5th major version, second minor revision of the core language of the World Wide Web: the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). In this version, new features continue to be introduced to help Web application authors, new elements continue to be introduced based on research into prevailing authoring practices, and special attention continues to be given to defining clear conformance criteria for user agents in an effort to improve interoperability. This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication.

CssDeck Alternatives AlternativeTo AlternativeTo is a free service that helps you find better alternatives to the products you love and hate. The site is made by Ola and Markus in Sweden, with a lot of help from our friends in Italy, Finland, USA and contributors from all over the world. That's right, all the lists of alternatives are crowd-sourced, and that's what makes the data powerful and relevant. Medium.js Medium.js This is Medium.js Easy Rotating Words with CSS Animations Using CSS Animations we will change or rotate some parts of a sentence. View demo Download source In today’s tutorial we’ll create another typography effect. The idea is to have some kind of sentence and to rotate a part of it. We’ll be “exchanging” certain words of that sentence using CSS animations.

Getting to Work with CSS3 Power Tools CSS3 is one of the coolest new web technologies available to web developers right now. Using some of its many features, it is possible to reproduce the effects that you might have previously done in Photoshop, with CSS code that is more maintainable, faster to load, and hip with the latest trends. Read on to learn about the power tools available to you and how to combine them to produce the ultimate graphical effects. CSS3 has many features, but some of them are imperative to learn if you are going to be reproducing Photoshop-like effects. I call these my "power tools." They include the following:

SweetAlert A beautiful replacement for Javascript's "Alert" So... What does it do? Here’s a comparison of a standard error message. The first one uses the built-in alert-function, while the second is using sweetAlert. Normal alert kurthlab personal cargo In the future it will be less about technology and more about content. Right now as it stands everything is focused on technology and the products that encompass them, rather than on the human factor. We have a myriad of products all of which having to have their own preferences set, their own differing complex interfaces that need to be releanred for each individual device. Reading an article on our mobile devices and then continue reading it where we left off when entering our office, the same with movies, or music, having a seamless experience from car to home to office, all of which with an easy intuitive way to get to it, recall it, and share it is not part of our reality. All these pieces of technology take so much away from our daily lives, when all they were meant to do is improve our lives.

Template Villa - Wordpress Blog Hello! If you are interested in CSS4 levels you’re completely right here! In CSS4-selectors you can find information about the coming Cascading Style Sheets Level 4, which is currently only a W3C working paper, but the first modern web browsers already implemented or are parties to implement this new specification! Here are some latest feature’s 1. Contenders for the Title 'The Netflix of Magazines' Emerge Creating compelling user experiences for mobile environments has been the goal of every sector of the publishing industry for more than a decade. Ebooks and newspapers have found a ready and growing market, but magazines have been slower to capture a foothold in the mobile marketplace—until now. Today, we are seeing the rise of well-financed competitive ventures to establish dominance in sales of key, popular magazines for the global app market.
