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CloudStack (Incubating): Open Source Cloud Computing

CloudStack (Incubating): Open Source Cloud Computing

Home » OpenStack Open Source Cloud Computing Software Open Source Los Premios PortalProgramas al Mejor software libre de 2013 han llegado a su fin, y ya tenemos los ganadores. Este año los usuarios han vuelto a decidir, nominando un total de 171 programas en las 10 categorías disponibl... Un joven de 23 años llamado Jacob Cook está cansado de los servicios de Google y de los riesgos que uno corre al utilizarlos. Hoy en día, plataformas cloud como OpenStack, CloudStack o Eucalyptus son alternativas de código abierto a las soluciones propietarias de empresas comerciales. IBM ha anunciado una nueva oferta de software y servicios cloud computing basados en una arquitectura abierta con el objetivo de que las empresas puedan aprovechar al máximo todas las oportunidades que ofrecen los datos ... En 2013, una de las tendencias a mirar de cerca en el panorama del cloud computing será la competencia entre las alternativas open source para el almacenamiento en la nube. Cloud computing esta obligando a Cisco a abrazar el software open source.

Home | StratusLab Amazon Web Services, Cloud Computing: Compute, Storage, Database ganeti Ganeti is a cluster virtual server management software tool built on top of existing virtualization technologies such as Xen or KVM and other open source software. Ganeti requires pre-installed virtualization software on your servers in order to function. Once installed, the tool assumes management of the virtual instances (Xen DomU). Ganeti controls: Disk creation management Operating system installation for instances (in co-operation with OS-specific install scripts) Startup, shutdown, and failover between physical systems Ganeti is designed to facilitate cluster management of virtual servers and to provide fast and simple recovery after physical failures using commodity hardware. Ganeti provides the following features for managed instances:

Floodlight OpenFlow Controller About : NiftyName Introduction Focus on the essential for your Enterprise Grade Services Engineers no more have to waste their time with screewdrivers and repetitive rack mounting, today power of hardware architectures and virtualisation principles help them to focus on their work with NiftyName. Licence It’s open source code under GPLV3. the benefits of NiftyName usage don’t come at the cost of a closed/proprietary solution. Even more, NiftyName will is to be compatible and interoperable at less the protocol, with other virtualisation solutions. Features Management Fine grained Role/user/permissions system.Invitations : you can call an expert and give him rights to help you.Secured : SSL + signed key authentification. Vsite (pool of virtual machines with their attached services : network, storage, etc…) Disaster recovery.Geographical redundancy. Network Private networks.Secured routing (isolation between vsites).Reverse DNS. Virtual machines Storage Components NiftyName is a set of 3 stacked components. sinn zinn Team
