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Flipped Learning Community - A professional learning community for educators using flipped learning.

Flipped Learning Community - A professional learning community for educators using flipped learning.

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Three-Cornered Things Buckyballs are remarkable structures, and not just to mathematicians. In chemistry, a buckyball—more correctly, a spherical fullerene—is a molecule of carbon atoms forming a hollow spherical “shell.” Many sizes and configurations are possible (and stable!), but due to Carbon’s chemical properties they always have a few common characteristics: the faces are rings of 5 or 6 carbon atoms, and each carbon atom bonds to 3 others. The most commonly occurring one, buckminsterfullerene, is made with 60 carbon atoms in the shape of a soccer ball: These molecules were named after architect Richard Buckminster Fuller due to their resemblance to his famous geodesic domes. The Flipped Class: Myths vs. Reality Editor's Note: On the heels of our viral posts in over 100 countries about the flipped classroom earlier this year (links below), we asked Jon Bergmann if he could share some of the feedback he was receiving in light of the notable interest about this topic. The timing couldn't have been more perfect since he was about to leave for a conference about you-guessed-it, the flipped class. Here is Part 1 of our three part series The Daily Riff.

BlendKit Course Introduction The BlendKit Course is a set of subject matter neutral, open educational resources related to blended learning developed by Dr. Kelvin Thompson and available for self-study or for group use. Periodically, these materials will also be used as the basis for a facilitated open, online course. Simulating What You See Simulating What You See written by Doug Brown and Wolfgang Christian This conference proceedings paper describes how the Tracker video analysis and modeling program enables students to create particle model simulations based on Newton's laws and to compare their behavior directly with that of real-world objects captured on video. Tracker's "model builder" provides a gentle introduction to dynamic modeling by making it easy to define and modify force expressions, parameter values and initial conditions while hiding the numerical algorithm details.

Flipped Classroom How flipping works for you Save time; stop repeating yourself Record re-usable video lessons, so you don't have to do it again next year. It's easy to make minor updates to perfect lessons over time once the initial recording is done. Best Practices « SHSUOnline Blog Welcome to the Best Practices for Teaching online or as we like to call it: Strategies for Success in your Online Course page. No matter what tool you use or technological journey you embark upon, is the method and not the medium that will help you ensure success in the online, face-to-face and hybrid courses you are teaching. These best practices/strategies will help you with organization, communication, time saving, assessment as well as many other areas. Just looking at this list of best practices, it is easy to understand how you might feel overwhelmed.

How the Flipped Classroom Is Radically Transforming Learning Editor's Note:Posts about the flipped class on The Daily Riff beginning in January 2011 have generated over 240,000 views to-date - thanks contributors and readers . . . See our other links related to the flipped class below this guest post. Since this post was written, Bergmann and Sams have released their book, Flip your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day. Do check it out. - C.J. Westerberg A Letter to Students and Parents I began writing my course audit for AP Biology this week, which is always a fun thing to do. Part of my course description includes a short letter to parents and students at the beginning, so they have glimpse of my philosophy on the class and school. I also looked back at a course audit I had written for AP Chemistry my first year of teaching.

Learning Platform - itslearning Elisabeth Engum records herself explaining a maths concept for her students and posts the video on itslearning. She asks her students to watch the video at home in the evening, and in class the next day the students complete exercises related to the video. They work together or individually while Elisabeth moves between students helping them solve the equations. Example 4: Online Journal Rubric - ELC Support One use of an online journal is to facilitate the documentation of knowledge you are constructing throughout the course. It will help you take control of and direct your own learning experience, identify what you have learned, what questions you have, and what you would like to know more about. You should not only reflect on knowledge gained through materials and discussion, but also new ideas to explore feedback from others.

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