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WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists

WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists

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About Drawing Academy - How to Draw Video Course | Drawing Academy Extrinsic Motivators and Creativity I've been reading some interesting literature on the science of motivation in human behavior. The book is "Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" by Dan Pink. In the book Dan presents what four decades of scientific research tell us about what it is that motivates humans. For a quick intro into extrinsic and intrinsic motivators and how they affect us here's one of my favorite RSA videos. So how is this relevant for artists and other creatives? "Something similar seems to occur for challenges that aren’t so much about cracking an existing problem but about iterating something new. “Our results were quite startling,” the researchers wrote. Not always, but a lot of the time, when you are doing a piece for someone else it becomes more “work” than joy. Another study of artists over a longer period shows that a concern for outside rewards might actually hinder eventual success. This result is not true across all tasks, of course. I find this type of research fascinating.

CFAB-Your Comicbook Fanart Archive huBsite CFAB Tip: Click to View List Entries. <A HREF=" Tip:</A> Click to View List Entries. <a href=" align=middle border=0 width=16 height=14 src=" Copyright © 2000 Glockgal and Quincunx. Disclaimer: All entertainment properties and recognizable characters mentioned or utilized here are the legal property of their respective creators.

Google Buzz Is Just A Baby Step So it has been a while since the original release of Google Buzz. I figured that I would post my personal review of Buzz after some time, but I have decided against it. There are enough reviews of the functionality for you to read and argue with. First, why was Google Buzz integrated into your GMail? Second, why is Google responding so quickly to any and all problems? Third, have you seen how active the Google Buzz team is on Buzz? Why is this all so important? The next incremental changes will come over a number of months. The other interesting side of this is the evolution of product development within Google.

Art Fundamentals: Learning to Draw from the Ground Up Art and Reference point - Further Tutorial Reference Comic Art Community AUCTIONS Original Comic Book Art, Chat and Gallery
