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Extended Language (API)

Extended Language (API)
Cover Download Exhibition Reference Libraries Tools Environment Tutorials Examples Books Overview People Foundation Shop »Forum »GitHub »Issues »Wiki »FAQ »Twitter »Facebook Reference. The Processing Language was designed to facilitate the creation of sophisticated visual structures. Structure () (parentheses) , (comma) . (dot) /* */ (multiline comment) /** */ (doc comment) // (comment) ; (semicolon) = (assign) [] (array access) {} (curly braces) catch class draw() exit() extends false final implements import loop() new noLoop() null popStyle() private public pushStyle() redraw() return setup() static super this true try void Environment cursor() displayHeight displayWidth focused frameCount frameRate() frameRate height noCursor() size() width Data Primitive boolean byte char color double float int long Composite Array ArrayList FloatDict FloatList HashMap IntDict IntList JSONArray JSONObject Object String StringDict StringList Table TableRow XML Conversion String Functions Array Functions ! ? !

Books Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists Casey Reas and Ben Fry (Foreword by John Maeda). Published August 2007, MIT Press. 736 pages. Hardcover. » Order from Extended Framework (API) Cover \ Exhibition \ Reference \ Learning \ Hardware \ Download \ About »Feed »Forum »Wiki »Code Framework (A-Z) \ Libraries \ Environment \ Language: Structure [] (array access) = (assign) , (comma) // (comment) {} (curly braces) #define delete . (dot) false #include loop() /* */ (multiline comment) new null () (parentheses) return ; (semicolon) setup() true void Data

Jonathan Channon's Blog When a new project comes along why should you automatically choose ASP.NET MVC? Yes, its Microsoft based so you may have more of your peers fluent already in that architecture but is there an alternative, a better alternative? I believe so and its called NancyFX. Your first reaction, what is so special about Nancy? I also believe you’ll ask what is wrong with ASP.NET MVC but maybe you should look at it differently and ask what is right with Nancy?

Tutorials Video Tutorials Links to videos that cover the Processing basics. Hello Processingby Daniel Shiffman et al.Short video lessons introduce coding exercises that lead to designing an interactive drawing program. Welcome to Processing 3by Daniel ShiffmanWhat's new in Processing 3? Processing.js BouncyBubbles Based on code from Keith Peters ( Multiple-object collision. Original Example: BouncyBubbles

BoardSerialSingleSided3 If you don't have an easy way to order an Arduino board or kit, you can etch this PCB design by hand and solder it together. It is pin-compatible with the Arduino Diecimila, and should work with any Arduino shield. This is the third revision of the board: the Arduino Single-Sided Serial version 3, or s3v3, or Arduino Severino. It was designed by Adilson Akashi, based on the previous version. A4 Image for Toner Transfer (.png) Schematic (.png) Echo Web Framework Echo is a platform for building web-based applications that approach the capabilities of rich clients. The applications are developed using a component-oriented and event-driven API, eliminating the need to deal with the "page-based" nature of browsers. To the developer, Echo works just like a user interface toolkit. The latest iteration, Echo3, features the ability to write applications in either server-side Java or client-side JavaScript. Server-side applications run in any Java Servlet Container and do not require developer knowledge of HTML, HTTP, or JavaScript.

Just Landed: Processing, Twitter, MetaCarta & Hidden Data I have a friend who has a Ph.D in bioinformatics. Over a beer last week, we ended up discussing the H1N1 flu virus, epidemic modeling, and countless other fascinating and somewhat scary things. She told me that epidemiologists have been experimenting with alternate methods of creating transmission models – specifically, she talked about a group that was using data from the Where’s George? project to build a computer model for tracking and predicting the spread of contagions (which I read about again in this NYTimes article two days later). This got me thinking about the data that is hidden in various social network information streams – Facebook & Twitter updates in particular.

Websites - Sviluppatori di Facebook As mentioned, the code above uses the common defaults for the options available when initializing the SDK. You can customize some of these options, if useful. Changing SDK Language Thorax: Backbone + Handlebars Registry Thorax creates a special hash for each type of class to store all subclasses in your application. The use of Thorax.Views and Handlebars.templates (usually defined by Handlebars) is required to allow the view, template and other helper methods to operate, but the use of Thorax.Models and Thorax.Collections are optional and provided for consistency. name If a name property is passed to any Thorax classes' extend method the resulting class will be automatically set in the corresponding registry.
