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5 Tips For Butchering Your Life...So You Can Finally Live Emancipating One’s Self Takes Patience, Grace and a Level of Brutality In Order to Hack Away at That Which Doesn’t Serve In Growth I had been a free-spirited artist who put my dreams, passions and convictions aside to adopt a life that I thought was necessary in order for me to ‘grow up’ and ground myself. You know…to live the American Dream. I became a wife to a safe man who took care of me financially, while taming me into ordinary. Then I woke up. 2013 was when I purposely and methodically butchered away my life, my Self, the heavy skin from 10 years of marital and personal discord, as well as sever the restraints of that which I had grown to know as my cage. I was left in pieces—hacked, chopped, bloody and raw. That was the most challenging and painful set of events in my entire life thus far. As the dust has begun to settle around broken debris of framework, I can now more clearly see the crystal blue sky and the seemingly infinite space around me. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Relephant Reads:

Cleverbot Polish Concert Pianist Builds a ‘Viola Organista’ Based on a 500-Year-Old Leonardo Da Vinci Sketch Viola Organista built by Slawomir Zubrzycki Codex Atlanticus by Leonardo Da Vinci, (page 93r) Buried in the pages of Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous 15th century notebooks, amongst the sketches of flying machines, parachutes, diving suits, and armored tanks, was a curious idea for a musical instrument that merged the harpsichord and cello. Now, after an estimated 5,000 hours of work over three years and nearly $10,000 invested in the project, Polish concert pianist Slawomir Zubrzycki has unveiled his own version of the viola organista. The flat bed of its interior is lined with golden spruce. Here’s an additional interview with Zubrzycki, where you can see the instrument up close (click the “CC” icon for English captions): You can learn more about Zubrzycki and the history of the viola organista over at the History Blog.

How Meditation Changes Your Brain Frequency As yogis have known for centuries and scientists can now prove, the benefits of meditation are profound. Meditation is perhaps the most crucial instrument to harness the power of thought, cultivate more peace, clarity and happiness. Learning to train the brain and focus our attention is crucial to thriving and cultivating a peak performance in any endeavor. Longtime psychotherapist Dr. There are five major categories of brain waves, each corresponding to different activities. Slower wavelengths = more time between thoughts = more opportunity to skillfully choose which thoughts you invest in and what actions you take. 5 Categories of Brain Waves: Why Meditation Works 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How to Meditate: A simple meditation to use to begin the transition from Beta or Alpha to the Theta State is to focus on the breath. To begin the meditation, sit comfortably in your chair with your shoulders relaxed and spine tall. Watch your breath. Silently repeat the mantra: “Breathing In. Consistency is key.

MapCrunch - Random Google Street View error Newsletter Edición Impresa Edición Digital Síguenos en: iPad Este mes + sitios Editorial Televisa S.A. de C.V. Out of Character: The Psychology of Good and Evil by Maria Popova What Aristotle has to do with Tiger Woods and the story of the world. The dichotomy of good and evil is as old as the story of the world, and timeless in its relevance to just about everything we do in life, from our political and spiritual views to our taste in music, art and literature to how we think about our simple dietary choices. In Out of Character: Surprising Truths About the Liar, Cheat, Sinner (and Saint) Lurking in All of Us, researchers David DeSteno and Piercarlo Valdesolo explore this curious disconnect through the rigorous lens of science. The derivation of the word ‘character’ comes from an ancient Greek term referring to the indelible marks stamped on coins. In this excellent talk from Northeastern’s Insights series, DeSteno reveals some of the fascinating research behind the book and the illuminating insights that came from it. The analogy of color is an interesting way to think about [character]. Donating = Loving Share on Tumblr

The Internet map Mind Tools - Self-Study Management Trainin How to Explain Complex Ideas (Like Tech) to Those Who Don’t Understand 22 rincones curiosos de México que tal vez no sabías que existían (Parte 2) - 101 Lugares increíbles 101 Lugares increíbles 12 ene 2015 Después de una primera parte con tantos lugares sugeridos en comentarios, no queda menos que extender una lista que pedía incorporar más rincones curiosos. Esta es una segunda selección, para seguir elevando las maravillas naturales y poco conocidas de México por lo alto: 14. Imaginen una cavidad con forma de cono de 376 metros de profundidad en caída libre, y una apertura en el fondo de hasta 300 metros. Edgar Garcia Imagen Stubb / via Wikimedia bajo licencia Free Art Jose Manuel Escarcega Tad Lebon Muy recomendable mirar este video con dos minutos de increíbles saltos dentro del Sótano de las Golondrinas, una forma de dimensionar ésta maravilla: 15. Esta piscina natural entre cascadas y con agua turquesa en el estado de San Luis de Potosí, a simple vista hasta parece un cenote, pero su formación y origen es completamente diferente: la erosión de la fuente de agua en un lecho rocoso ha recreado un paraíso miniatura. Carlos Adampol Galindo Carlos Adampol Galindo 16. Rene De la Garza

Zentangle: Pattern-Drawing as Meditation by Maria Popova If greater creativity and more mental balance are among your new year’s resolutions, look no further than Zentangle — a type of meditation achieved through pattern-making, created by artist duo Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts. Each pattern is built one line at a time, organically combining simple patterns into complex zentangles in unplanned, unexpected ways that grow, change and unfold on the page as you enter an immersive state of flow. Totally Tangled offers a fantastic introduction to the relaxing and beautiful practice through step-by-step instructions and over 100 original tangles. We’re particularly taken with Zentagle because its basic principle — building on simple shapes and combining different patterns into complex creativity — is such a beautiful visual metaphor for our core philosophy of combinatorial creativity. Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter. Share on Tumblr
