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Cipher Tools

Cipher Tools
Let's say that you need to send your friend a message, but you don't want another person to know what it is. You can use a full-blown encryption tool, such as PGP. If the message isn't that important or if it is intended to be decrypted by hand, you should use a simpler tool. This is a page dedicated to simple text manipulation tools, which all can be replicated with just paper and pencil. If you know of another cipher that you think should be on here, leave me a message below.

Related:  Ciphers & PuzzlesGamification

Cipher Codes generally substitute different length strings of characters in the output, whilst ciphers generally substitute the same number of characters as are input. There are exceptions and some cipher systems may use slightly more, or fewer, characters when output versus the number that were input. Codes operated by substituting according to a large codebook which linked a random string of characters or numbers to a word or phrase. Trip's GeoAdventures If there was ever a cache that everyone should try once, pict-o-caches would likely be near the top of the list. They take aspects of several different types of caches and join them together to make a cache that everyone can participate in and enjoy. But how do they work? First, we need to establish what they are… Pict-o-caches are a class on their own.

Carvings riddle stumps villagers Puzzled residents across Yorkshire are turning detective after mysterious stone heads were left outside their properties in the dead of night. The sculptures feature the same carved symbol and come with a riddle attached. Despite CCTV film showing a man leaving three heads outside a post office, their origin remains unknown. Home - “For me the magic moment came on page 2 where the green picture could mean any of three things. I identified the picture almost at once but could not see in which of the three directions it might go. And I knew that I had to find out!”

Keyed Caesar One variation to the standard Caesar cipher is when the alphabet is "keyed" by using a word. In the traditional variety, one could write the alphabet on two strips and just match up the strips after sliding the bottom strip to the left or right. To encode, you would find a letter in the top row and substitute it for the letter in the bottom row. For a keyed version, one would not use a standard alphabet, but would first write a word (omitting duplicated letters) and then write the remaining letters of the alphabet. Gamification: Where to Begin? #gamification #3dgamelab #gbl #arg Playing Futures: Applied Nomadology – Some Rights Reserved I’ve been getting questions about where to begin if you want to gamify your classes and I thought I’d share some of what has worked for me here. To begin I just want to say that gamification can happen without spending any money. I think the most important aspect of gamification be a change in how you run your classroom especially the way teachers traditionally grade, assess, and show students how they are doing. Gamification refers to using some form of game mechanics from video games in a non-video game setting.

Cryptography When I wrote my first book, Fermat’s Last Theorem, I made a passing reference to the mathematics of cryptography. Although I did not know it at the time, this was the start of a major interest in the history and science of codes and code breaking, which has resulted in a 400-page book on the subject, an adaptation of the book for teenagers, a 5-part TV series, numerous talks and lectures, the purchase of an Enigma cipher machine and the development of an interactive crypto CD-ROM. In the Crypto Corner, you will find details about my book on cryptography (The Code Book), information about my TV series based on the book (The Science of Secrecy) and you can explore the Black Chamber, which is an interactive encryption and codebreaking section. You will also find a section about the Cipher Challenge, there are some cryptograms (coded messages) for you to try and crack, a free downloadable CD-ROM version of The Code Book, and a quick Q&A based on the questions I am most often asked.

Code Names for the Classroom - MAKE LEARNING MAGICAL! Game Scenario:Two restaurants have been temporarily shut down due to a failed restaurant inspection. The Executive Chefs are on a race against the clock to find the source of the failed score and save their restaurant from closing forever. (Change the game scenario to match your content!)​ ​Materials needed:200 3x5 cards cut in half.The the map cards from the original Code Names gamePlastic stand from original game.

MP3Stego When looking at the steganographic tools available on the Net, it occurred to me that nothing had been done to hide information in MP3 files, that is sound tracks compressed using the MPEG Audio Layer III format. There is a growing interest world-wide in MP3 or indeed WMA files because they offer near-CD quality at compression ratio of 11 to 1 (128 kilobits per second). This gives a very good opportunity for information hiding. Although WMA has better quality in general, I did not have access to code and only an implementation for MP3 is provided as a proof of concept. Here’s how to look at life-sized animals in AR through Google Search At its I/O developer’s conference in May, Google announced that it was bringing a neat feature to its search results: augmented reality models, which allows users to take a look as a 3D image of a search result. The company just rolled out the feature to users with an ARCore or ARKit-ready Android phone or iPhone, as spotted by Cnet. The feature only has a couple of animals that you can check out right now, such as a tiger, a lion, a giant panda, a rottweiler, a wolf, and a bunch of others. (Cnet’s Scott Stein has a thread that lists off the ones that he found.) It’s AR of the tiger!

GC1M2NP A Lesson in Ciphers # 1 (Unknown Cache) in Missouri, United States created by TripCyclone This cache series is designed to give you an introduction to the world of ciphers. It will not cover every type of cipher out there, instead focusing on a small variety of different ciphers. Hopefully, you will walk away from solving this series with a new set of puzzle solving skills. And maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to go to that puzzle that's always bothered you and begin to see it with a new pair of eyes. I have designed this series such that you will not be able to solve them all in one swipe. How you may ask? Sharky's Vigenere Cipher This page is for amusement only. Instructions are given below this form. instructions: Enter the string to encrypt or decrypt in the Input field (you may copy and paste it from another text editor). Enter the key in the Key field.

Google Slides interactive notebooks + 20 activities to fill them - Ditch That Textbook There are TONS of awesome multimedia activities you can do with interactive notebooks. They’re easy and free! Get the how-to’s and a downloadable template to get started!
