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33 Amazingly Useful Websites You Never Knew Existed bedtime calculator Intelligence™: Six Websites You Need to Bookmark: May Picks Entomological Society of America ★★★★ + Large amount of information for a broad audience At the website for the Entomological Society of America, insect lovers everywhere will find something to sink their teeth into. Through its many educational and informational resources, the website casts a broad net to appeal to a diverse audience including the general public, teachers, researchers, and aspiring entomologists. (Of course, there is also a great deal of members-only information for people belonging to the organization.)

Super Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies This post is a little different, as I developed this recipe as a collaboration with my old high school. I was contacted by a lovely woman named Garney, who works at the high school I went to, about a career board display she and some yearbook students were working on themed “Oh, the places you’ll go…” and they thought that this whole blogging and recipe-makin’ thing I do was interesting. The display went live today…and, seriously, who would have thought!? Especially among people who have become lawyers or are headed for medical school. Definitely not too-cool-for-high-school me. I went to a teeny high school, ECHS, in a speck of a town in the middle of Nevada. Truth be told, whenever I made chocolate chip cookies, I would always make the recipe on the back of the chocolate chip bag. Some things I did not know about baking in high school that will save you from a broken-cookie heart: Baking powder is not the same as baking soda. Don’t forget the salt! Super Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies

How I Learned to Read 300 Percent Faster in 20 Minutes | Tim Ferriss How much more could you get done if you completed all of your required reading in one-third or one-fifth the time? Increasing reading speed is a process of controlling fine motor movement -- period. This post is a condensed overview of principles I taught to undergraduates at Princeton University in 1998 at a seminar called the "PX Project." The below was written several years ago, so it's worded like Ivy-Leaguer pompous-ass prose, but the results are substantial. In fact, while on an airplane in China two weeks ago, I helped Glenn McElhose increase his reading speed 34 percent in less than five minutes. I have never seen the method fail. The PX Project The PX Project, a single three-hour cognitive experiment, produced an average increase in reading speed of 386 percent. It was tested with speakers of five languages, and even dyslexics were conditioned to read technical material at more than 3,000 words-per-minute (wpm), or 10 pages per minute. The Protocol First: Determining Baseline

Trouver un emploi/une thèse en bioinformatique : quelques pistes Parmi les lecteurs de Bioinfo-fr, il y a très probablement des étudiants de M2 qui, absorbés par leur stage de fin d'année, n'ont pas encore vraiment réfléchi à ce qu'ils voudraient faire à la rentrée ; des thésards dont la soutenance approche et qui aimeraient faire un post-doc à l'étranger ; ou encore des ingénieurs dont le CDD touche à sa fin et qui sont à la recherche d'un autre emploi. Pour les aider dans leur quête du Graal, j'ai compilé dans cet article plusieurs sites et listes de diffusion proposant des offres de stage/thèse/postdoc/emploi en bioinformatique. Cette liste étant loin d'être exhaustive, je vous invite vivement à la compléter en commentaire. Les sites ou listes de diffusion spécialisés pour la bioinfo : Vous pouvez également souscrire à ces listes de diffusion pour recevoir des offres d'emploi (et également des informations sur des conférences à venir) : Les sites non spécialisés : Les réseaux sociaux : Crédit image : Photo libre de droit (Source)

Psychological Life Hacks The brain can be a wonderful and powerful tool if you know how to manipulate it. Learn these psychological hacks cited by Redditors to maximize its potential. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility, so use these psychological tricks for the good of mankind and not for nefarious purposes. 1. Kill them with kindness When you encounter someone rude, do not stoop to their level. 2. Source: BBC When pitching something, make your case, then don't say anything else. 3. If you place a mirror facing your angry customers, they tend to act more rational. 4. You could frame a request as an offer. 5. Source: Lionsgate If you know you are going to be targeted at a meeting, sit next to the person who is about to launch the attack against you. 6. Make it a point to notice a person's eye color while smiling when you meet them. 7. People will agree to a task if you ask them to do something simpler first. 8. 9. Source: Quick Meme 10. If you're nervous about something, start chewing gum. 11. 12.

How To Get More Out Of Google - Virals Where would we be without Google? The Encyclopaedia Britannica would probably still be a best seller for one thing. Despite making millions of Google searches a day, most of us aren't getting the most out of this web miner. Do you, for instance, ask Google questions like it's an omnipotent oracle? Prepare to become the smartest Googler in your office. (Image: (Via: Tags: cool stuff, virals Six Websites You Need to Bookmark: June Picks Pathbase ★★ + Large image collection, provides contact information for image uploaders – Poor site organization (e.g. navigation bar at bottom) There are many ways to analyze the phenotype of a genetically modified mouse: behavioral analysis, gene expression levels, and tissue morphology, to name a few.
