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Apprendre à programmer avec Scratch : Site collaboratif, pédagogique et autoformation

Related:  ScratchProgrammationRESSOURCES ET ACTIVITES

junebeetle Online ConverterDownloadTroubleshootingKnown ProblemsConverting to EXEs or APPs What is it? Hey Scratchers! Coding in French - Free Printable Coding Blocks It’s a pleasure to have a guest blog post today by Ashley Soltesz, a fellow French teacher who like me is on a mission to share French resources with others so we don’t have to keep recreating the wheel! She’s made some amazing free French printable coding blocks you can use in your classrooms, enjoy! A primary goal for me as a French Language Teacher is for my students to see the relevance in learning to communicate in French, be it in Reading, Writing, or Speaking. I want my students to know that what they do in English, they can do in French and in turn, receive many opportunities because of this skill that they have. If, somewhere in the future, my students think back to the time spent in my classroom, I want them to remember that what they learned, was useful and important to them. This includes use of the French language to discuss and teach others about their interests.

Machine Learning for Kids Machine learning projects These projects are downloadable step-by-step guides, with explanations and colour screenshots for students to follow. Each project is a stand-alone activity, written to last for a single lesson, and will guide children to create a game or interactive project that demonstrates a real-world use of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Suggestions for new worksheets, suggestions of improvements to any of the worksheets, or contributions of new project worksheets, are all very welcome. Describe the glass Create a game in Scratch that learns when you describe a glass as half-full or half-empty.

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