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Via Grafik // From Wall to Screen to Everything™ Relive and share your adventures using Stories - Google+ Help After you create albums in Google Photos, you can share them with other people. You can allow people to: Just view them Add photos Comment on them You can change the level of access any time. Let people view an album Open an album you made. Turning this off If you turn off "Share": All comments and any photos that were added by other people will be removed. Let people add photos to an album When you share an album, this will be on by default. Open an album you made. Turning this on When this setting is on, anyone who has the link will be able to add to and see your album. Let people comment on an album Open an album you made. Turning this off If you turn this off, existing comments will stay there unless you delete them. Delete comments On the comment, click More , then Delete comment. To review all the comments you've made, go to the Activity Log. Related pages Andrea is a Google Photos expert and wrote this page. Was this article helpful?

Sketch2Photo Sketch2Photo: Internet Image Montage Tao Chen1 Ming-Ming Cheng1 Ping Tan2 Ariel Shamir3 Shi-Min Hu1 1TNList, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University 2National University of Singapore 3The Interdisciplinary Center Abstract We present a system that composes a realistic picture from a simple freehand sketch annotated with text labels. The composed picture is generated by seamlessly stitching several photographs in agreement with the sketch and text labels; these are found by searching the Internet. Paper Sketch2Photo: Internet Image Montage ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009, ACM Transactions on Graphics, to appear Tao Chen, Ming-Ming Cheng, Ping Tan, Ariel Shamir, Shi-Min Hu System Pipeline Retrieval Results Composition Results Video Supplementary Materials 1. General supplementary materials, including intermediate results and comparisons. 2. High resolution compositions and detailed statistics of the user studies. Sktech2Photo Team Acknowledgments Note Original Name: PhotoSketch.

» Emily Stoneking Graphisme : expositions artistes et techniques: Graphisme > Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter Accueil > Graphisme Club des DA Club des DA-palmares 2014 PRINT et WEB Galerie: 29 images Le best-of de la création française publicitaire en 2013 par les DA eux-mêmes Gaîté Lyrique Sagmeister The Happy Show La quête du bonheur selon Stefan Sagmeister. Editions Terre bleue Michel Bouvet Typographies parallèles Un témoignage, un hommage aux peintres de rue, et aussi un appel pour un graphisme populaire. Art Vinyl Art Vinyl 2013 Les meilleures couvertures d’albums vinyl de l’année primées par le vote du public. Epica Epica Awards 2013 Fin d’année en beauté pour les agences de communication françaises aux Epica Awards. Cité de la Musique Europunk Une rétrospective institutionnelle sur l’esthétique punk. Grand-Hornu Stefan Sagmeister Grand Hornu Galerie : 7 images Plus de travaux et plus de visuels : Stefan Sagmeister s’expose en Belgique après Paris et Genève Slanted Yearbook of Type Galerie : 19 images Le premier guide biennal de la création typographique Maison de l'image Portrait

Create & edit stories - Photos Help Créez une histoire visuelle autour de vos plus belles photos et vidéos pour mettre en valeur les temps forts de votre voyage ou de l'événement immortalisé. La création d'une histoire peut aussi se faire de manière automatique. À vous de décider ensuite si vous souhaitez l'enregistrer. Créer une histoire Vous devez utiliser un appareil mobile pour créer une histoire. Ouvrez l'application Google Photos sur votre téléphone ou votre tablette . Pour afficher votre histoire, ouvrez le menu principal, puis sélectionnez Collections. Modifier une histoire Application Android ou iOS Ouvrez l'application Google Photos . Ordinateur Accédez à vos collections et ouvrez l'histoire à laquelle vous voulez ajouter des éléments. Appuyez de manière prolongée sur la photo ou le nom du lieu, puis appuyez sur Masquer le moment. Placez le pointeur de la souris sur la photo ou le nom du lieu, puis cliquez sur Supprimer. À droite du nom du lieu, appuyez ou cliquez sur la flèche déroulante. Ouvrez l'histoire à modifier.

Gamper Martino mister mourão | i'm into obsessive drawing Flyer Design Goodness - A flyer and poster design blog Snowflakes and macro photography Snowflakes and macro photography Snowflakes photographed in macro photography by Alexey Kljatov, a Russian photographer who has decided to create himself a special assembly of lens to capture these tiny wonders of nature… A series of beautiful pictures! I also recommend you the amazing macro photography of snowflakes by Andrew Osokin. Images © Alexey Kljatov Cuded My technique for snowflakes shooting This article on other languages: Фотографирование снежинок (russian version), Chinese version translated by Hung Li. My main hobby is taking closeup snowflake pictures. Real snow crystals are amazing objects for macro photography, thanks to their beauty, uniqueness and unlimited diversity. Even after eight winters of regular photo sessions, seeing thousands of snowflakes in all their details, i do not get tired to admire new crystals with amazing form or an incredible inner pattern. I capture every snowflake as short series of identical photos (usually 8-10, for most interesting and beautiful crystals - 16 shots and more), and average it (after aligning, for every resulting pixel take arithmetical mean of corresponding pixels from all shots of series) at very first stage of processing workflow. CHDK is not necessary for snowflake macro photography, but it is very useful, because it support RAWs as well as standard JPEGs and able to execute scripts. Equipment and place First efforts

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