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Journey into a Magical World | House at source Low cost airlines Little House on the Prairie Polish bonsai Tide Chess on island Dragon’s pleasure Erosion Hesia 2 Homestead The road The spring labyrinth The winter wave Painter’s Kitchen Wegener’s theory Four seasons The summer Brontosaurus civitas Carnival fights fasten Tectonic The city is landing Aquarium The Epitaphy The mystery garden The landscape cutter We’ve posted here works already created by Jacek Yerka. Do not forget to visit Yerka’s website here. ↑ Back to top Parametrische Flächen und Körper Parametrische Flächen und Körper Ich habe mein Tutorial von 2000 überarbeitet und noch einige interessante Objekte hinzugefügt. Die Plugins laufen jetzt alle unter Cinema Version 8.An der Beschreibung der Pluginentwicklung (Cinema Version 5) habe ich nichts geändert, das meiste gilt ja auch für Version 8. Ich habe noch weitere interessante, unsinnnige oder überflüssige Objekte hinzugefügt. zurück zu den Tutorials zurück zur Startseite falls links kein Hauptmenü (Frame) zu sehen ist Impressum

8 Drawing Exercises That Every Artist Should Practice | today in art Wire Drawing Exercise Example from – this example has been placed on a painted acrylic background With this exercise you are not going to be drawing at all. All you need is some wire and a pair of pliers with cutters. My favorite wire for this exercise is tie wire and you can get it almost any hardware store. The idea is to explore shapes and lines that you create by bending the wire. Non-dominant Hand Give your non-dominant hand a chance to shine. Draw Vertically you should be doing most of these drawing exercises vertically if you have an easel or drawing horse. Continuous Contour Line Drawing Examples from Draw and Paint Online A Continuous Contour Line Drawing is an exercise to help us focus on the line. Continuous Blind Contour Line Drawing Example from Anne Leuck Feldhaus If you enjoy the contour line exercise, then you should certainly try this one. Gesture Drawing Draw the Negative Space Value Drawing Exercise <A HREF="

Mary Button Durell “Artists create holes and openings in the universe. They sidestep the conventional, conditional, predictable and habitual, and they illuminate and connect different worlds.” Mary’s studio is in the Mission District in Project Artaud, an arts complex that includes three theaters and is home to over 80 artists and writers. I had briefly talked to Mary on the phone before our visit, and her exuberant, jangly voice prompted me to make a few pre-visit conclusions: I figured she’d be a bit of a character with a healthy dose of nervous energy and a propensity to laugh easily and heartily. I have to say, I pretty much hit the mark. What mediums do you work with? I like the challenge of pushing the limits with one material, it forces you to always think about what’s next and how to continue to reshape, redirect and transform that chosen material. As for my subject matter, I’ve chosen to work with the properties of light and translucency, biomorphic forms and patterns. Do you have a day job?

Brilliant photography from Natgeo archives | Pokkisam blog National Geographic is the source for photos, free desktop wallpapers of places, animals, nature, underwater, travel, and more.It's a long time inspiration for me but now only the time helps me to bring these awesome photographs for your display.I am very happy to bring those "brilliant photography from national geographic archives" here.The following 60 beautiful photographs has beautiful wild life,nature,people and bird photos. All the credit goes to Nationalgeographic and all the photographers :) About the author

Figures for "Gaudi's strange geometry" Figures for "Gaudí's strange geometry" Cameron Browne Figure 1. The tower at Park Güell, a trencadís chimney pot at Güell Palace, and the abelian sculpture study in the Sagrada Familia museum. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Figure 16. t o d d b o t . c o m - the comics and music of adrian todd webb please write and let me know what you thought of this book! if you enjoyed reading The Goldfish and Bob, click the button below to donate - your support makes it possible for me to continue drawing, and also goes towards the printing costs of new books! Or consider buying a copy for yourself or someone you loveBUY THE GOLDFISH & BOB NOW! PDF FOR $2 or IN PRINT FOR $10

Pavages apériodiques du plan Pavage Ammann A3 Pavage Ammann A4 Pavage Ammann-Beenker Pavage Ammann-Beenker rhomb triangle Pavage Ammann chair Pavage Armchair Pavage Binary Pavage Example of canonical 1 Pavage Example of canonical 2 Pavage Chaim's cubic PV Pavage Chair Pavage Chair variant Pavage Coloured golden triangle Pavage Cubic pinwheel Pavage Cyclotomic rhombs 7-fold Pavage Danzer's non-FLC 5 Pavage Danzer's 7-fold Pavage Danzer's 7-fold variant Pavage Domino variant 1 Pavage Domino variant 2 Pavage Domino variant 3 Pavage Equithirds Pavage Fibonacci times Fibonacci Pavage Golden pinwheel Pavage Golden triangle Pavage Goodman-Strauss 7-fold rhomb Pavage Half-hex Pavage Harriss's 4-fold rhomb Pavage Harriss's 9-fold rhomb Pavage Imbalanced orientations Pavage Kenyon's non-FLC Pavage Kenyon (1, 2, 1) polygon Pavage Kite-domino Pavage Limhex Pavage Lord Pavage Maloney's 7-fold Pavage Octagonal 1225 Pavage Penrose kite-dart Pavage Penrose pentagon boat star Pavage Penrose rhomb Pavage Penrose triangle Pavage Pentomino Pavage Pinwheel variant 1

Flash, Design, Vector, Photoshop, Graphic Inspiration, Adobe Tutorials | Des carrés inscrits, et plus ... - IREM d'Aix-Marseille Les triangles de Reuleaux, courbes de diamètre constant, sont un exemple de forme qui se déplace tout en ayant plusieurs points en commun avec une autre courbe. Un article récent vient de proposer une autre version de ce problème, avec une courbe sur laquelle peut se déplacer un carré inscrit : Michel Lafond, "Une courbe méconnue : la bizarroïde", Feuille de vigne N° 116, Irem de Dijon, 2010. On propose ici une démonstration plus simple de ce résultat, ce qui permet d’avoir facilement une généralisation. 1. Dans la version de l’article cité il s’agit de la courbe paramétrique définie par M(t) de coordonnées on pose Si on écrit la version complexe de cette paramétrisation on a Considérons les 4 sommets d’un carré inscrit dans le cercle unité Les 4 points de la courbe, s’obtiennent sous la forme ce qui permet de voir que les 4 points sont les translatés des 4 points , donc sont aussi les sommets d’un carré, inscrit dans la courbe. 2. La démonstration précédente montre trois choses : la relation

Yosemite Panorama Pictures Hetch Hetchy Reservoir Half Dome Cable Route On the hike to Half Dome Flat Half Dome Summit Looking from Half Dome Summit into the Main Valley (Glacier Point, Sentinel Dome, El Cap visible) Looking from Half Dome into Tenaya Canyon (left) and Little Yosemite Valley (right) Back of Half Dome (left), Liberty Cap (middle) and Nevada Falls from Panorama Trail Glaciert Point (left) and Half Dome (right) from Panorama Trail Panorama from Glacier Point (Half Dome, Nevada and Vernal Falls) Glacier Point (Half Dome and Tenaya Canyon) Liberty Cap and Nevada Falls Mono Pass Parker Pass Lower Cathredal Lake Upper Cathredal Lake Panorama from Sentinel Dome

Images des mathématiques Paver avec des dominos L’exemple que nous considérons ici est celui des pavages d’une région du plan avec des dominos de taille . Les règles du pavage sont les suivantes : les dominos doivent remplir toute la région et ils ne doivent pas se chevaucher. Bien sûr, il n’est pas toujours possible de paver une région donnée. Une région impossible à paver Un pavage impossible Il est impossible de paver l’échiquier écorné (62 cases) avec 31 dominos. Voici un exemple de pavage impossible : On veut paver avec des dominos de taille l’échiquier de taille « écorné » : on lui a ôté les cases de deux coins opposés. Encore une figure non pavable Et pourtant elle contient autant de cases noires que de cases blanches. Notez que l’égalité entre le nombre de cases blanches et de cases noires est nécessaire, mais non suffisante, comme le montre le contre-exemple ci-contre. Pavage aléatoire L’algorithme du touillage de dominos Voici les diamants aztèques d’ordre 1, 2, 3 et 6 : Le diamant aztèque d’ordre 2

The Gashlycrumb Tinies
