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How to Write Gallifreyan by ~BlackHatGuy on deviantART

How to Write Gallifreyan by ~BlackHatGuy on deviantART

Circular Gallifreyan - Time Turners of the T.A.R.D.I.S. Circular Gallifreyan is a standardized version of the written Gallifreyan language as seen in Doctor Who. It was standardized by a fan, so it is not officially sanctioned, but it looks terribly cool. You can read a guide to Gallifreyan online or just read The Honey Badger's guide below. Legal Note! If you're reading this guide, that's probably because you found the original guide a bit too confusing. Letters Consonants Consonants take one of four forms and are modified by one of five different designs. When writing out a word in Gallifreyan, it is done based on English spelling with the exception of the letter C and a few phonetic letters (CH, SH, TH NG). 'Cat' would be written as 'Ka T' (don't worry about that a, we'll get to vowels in a second)'Sauce' would be written as 'Sa U Se''Thing' is written as 'THi NG', not 'T Hi N G''Shale' is written as 'SHa Le' not 'S Ha Le''Change' is written as 'CHa N Ge' and not 'C Ha N Ge' Vowels Vowels are a bit trickier. Words Sentences

Doctor Who Theme Tune 2005-2007 By Murray Gold Imagine Earth is in trouble. Like, really serious trouble. Aliens of the most gruesome sort are trying to invade our planet, and you are not even sure where their next strike will fall. As you call for help, whom would you be relieved to see? “Doctor Who”, a British science fiction television programme, hardly needs any introduction. The original “Doctor Who” theme was composed by Ron Grainer and realized by Delia Derbyshire in 1963 at the BBC Radio Workshop.
