fluoride removal: diatom, iodine and hydrogen peroxide supplements explained » The Abrahadabra Institute
“ A lifetime to build up” “Only days to remove” Please Keep that above statement in mind as we go down the “Fluoride” path together Because it can (and does) get weird and gross at every turn And in all fairness to anyone who has an interest in this subject I’m going to give the details for fixing the problem first Then afterward, I’ll go into the potentially lengthy description for how it all works As well as the reasons for why you would want to do this “Let’s begin” As far as the ingredients for this project go I have some good news And some more good news The good news is ALL the ingredients you will need for this project are very cheap The more good news is ALL these ingredients are very easy to get a hold of Get “PERMA-GUARD FOOD-GRADE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH” Except no substitutes, this stuff’s the goods! A ten pound bag of these beautiful creatures Is only $7.00 US Get “IODINE U.S.P” Make sure it’s the red stuff! This little bottle was $2.49 US This can be picked up at feed stores or on line 16 fl.
POZ Magazine - HIV AIDS
A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever
(NaturalNews) There has been some controversy over the activity of adding synthetic fluoride to municipal water supplies and elsewhere, but not enough. The seriousness of this issue is more than what most realize. Fluoridation ranks with GMO's and tainted, forced vaccinations among the great crimes against humanity. Understanding the Different Fluorides There are two types of fluoride. On the other hand, the type of fluorides added to water supplies and other beverages and foods are waste products of the nuclear, aluminum, and now mostly the phosphate (fertilizer) industries. For this article, the term Sodium Fluoride will include all three types. Health Hazards of Sodium Fluoride Generally, most fluoride entering the body is not easily eliminated. This consequence of dental fluorosis, which seriously harms teeth, from daily fluoridation has been documented. How Did We Get Stuck With Stuff? Fluoride was necessary for the processing or enriching of uranium. Avoiding Fluoridation Sources:
Star Trek Minutiae
A Surge of New Plastic Is About to Hit the Planet
Liber Libræ sub figura XXX :: The Book of the Balance
sub figura XXX The Book of the Balance 0. Learn first - Oh thou who aspirest unto our ancient Order! - that Equilibrium is the basis of the Work. If thou thyself hast not a sure foundation, whereon wilt thou stand to direct the forces of Nature? 1. 2. 3. Is it but now that the Higher Life is beset with dangers and difficulties; hath it not ever been so with the Sages and Hierophants of the past? 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
What happens when a digital writer tries a digital detox? My week of 'intentional' smartphone use
If you've clicked on this story and read even just the first line, I've already succeeded in one goal. I'm a writer working in a digital world, so getting you to read stories online is part of my job. But I know attention wanes and within seconds, some of you will jump to something shinier, newer, prettier. You and I, we share this in common — we live in this digital space together. I don't know about you, but I'm tired. Avoiding the cat-video rabbit hole I decide to take a page out of the book of University of Regina professor David Gerhard and his family. "We do spend a lot of time on our phones. Over the course of two weeks, I know for sure [my family has] had conversations that we wouldn't have if we were staring at a phone, instead of staring at each other.- David Gerhard Gerhard pointed out it's a tough task to divorce ourselves completely from smartphones, when we use them for just about everything. What might my family learn from doing the same, I wondered. 'The algorithm is us'
Tarot - Tarot Cards, Meanings, Readings & Community
by Michael McClain (comments/questions/visit)Back to Numerolgoy Index On this page, I have calculated the Life Path number for each of the US Presidents. The purpose of this study is to determine how the nine Life Path numbers each score in producing quality individuals to serve as our leader. Then, how do these leaders lead based on this important factor associated with their birth? In the analysis, the Presidents have been ranked. Just below is a listing of the Presidents in the order that they served, the historians' leadership ranking number, their birth date, and the resulting Life Path number. I've discussed the presidency of at least one or 2 Presidents from each Life Path group, in most cases focusing on the highest ranking example of each Life Path group.I also added our most recent past President, George W. The Life Path 1 The Life Path 1 Presidents: George Washington, Zachary Taylor, and William McKinley The Life Path 2 In 1983, Reagan sent U.S. The Life Path 3 The 4 Life Path