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40 Times People Experienced Pareidolia And Captured It For Everyone To See (New Pics) "Pareidolia illustrates the interaction between the visual cortex and the frontal cortex of the human brain.

40 Times People Experienced Pareidolia And Captured It For Everyone To See (New Pics)

It suggests that our brain is highly sensitive and expecting to encounter and process some special classes of objects in our environment because they are biological and socially important to our adaptions to the environment," professor Lee explained to us. Paper Cut-Out Fashion Illustrations Feature Patterns Created by Nature. Preserved dandelion seeds. Our Blood. Need a fresh perspective? See the world like a horse, dog or cat. Raúl Soria Every weekday for the month of January, TED Ideas is publishing a new post in a series called “How to Be a Better Human,” containing a helpful piece of advice from a speaker in the TED community.

Need a fresh perspective? See the world like a horse, dog or cat

To see all the posts, click here. We are not alone. On Earth, that is. Why happy music makes you do bad things - BBC Future. It is a disturbing thought.

Why happy music makes you do bad things - BBC Future

She points to football fan violence and the role that team songs can play in that, for instance. “Music can create a feeling of group cohesion and agreement,” she says. “When people do things together they are more likely to agree with each other too. This leads to something called groupthink, where there can be a deterioration in moral judgement.” Pretentious Is Not A Sexual Orientation. Future - The benefits of having a babyface. The Theory Generation. If you studied the liberal arts in an American college anytime after 1980, you were likely exposed to what is universally called Theory.

The Theory Generation

Perhaps you still possess some recognizable talismans: that copy of The Foucault Reader, with the master’s bald head and piercing eyes emblematic of pure intellection; A Thousand Plateaus with its Escher-lite line-drawing promising the thrills of disorientation; the stark, sickly-gray spine of Adorno’s Negative Dialectics; a stack of little Semiotext(e) volumes bought over time from the now-defunct video rental place.

Maybe they still carry a faint whiff of rebellion or awakening, or (at least) late-adolescent disaffection. Maybe they evoke shame (for having lost touch with them, or having never really read them); maybe they evoke disdain (for their preciousness, or their inability to solve tedious adult dilemmas); maybe they’re mute. But chances are that, of those studies, they are what remain. “What on earth have you got in that backpack?” Why Spice Is a Staple of Science Fiction. Have you heard? The maths of rumour spreading. "A rumour without a leg to stand on will get around some other way.

Have you heard? The maths of rumour spreading

" - John Tudor How fast and wide does gossip spread? Rumours are everywhere. They circulate around schools, lie at the heart of political campaigns and — at their worst — can leave people fatally misinformed. In the age of social media it has become even easier for gossip to spread, often in the form of what's trending. Amongst other things, this has led to countless death hoaxes that in their time have concerned almost every known celebrity at least once. Paranormalizing the Popular through the Tibetan Tulpa: Or what the next Dalai Lama, the X Files and Affect Theory (might) have in common. What’s the newest and weirdest sub-culture on the Internet, you ask?

Paranormalizing the Popular through the Tibetan Tulpa: Or what the next Dalai Lama, the X Files and Affect Theory (might) have in common

Varieties of Tulpa Experiences: Sentient Imaginary Friends, Embodied Joint Attention, and Hypnotic Sociality in a Wired World. “The intention to know”, from Annie Besant & C.

Varieties of Tulpa Experiences: Sentient Imaginary Friends, Embodied Joint Attention, and Hypnotic Sociality in a Wired World

W. Leadbeater (1901) Thought-Forms. London: The Theosophical Publishing House. Introduction This article presents a summary and discussion of key findings from ten months of experimental cyberethnography among tulpamancers. Studying Tulpas and their hosts is fascinating on many counts, not least because it provides an opportunity to observe an emerging culture and the mediation of new kinds of persons – in this case, that of multiple humanoid and non-human persons ‘hosted’ in single bodies and a large-scale sociocultural matrix of ‘healing’ generated without physical interaction between members. My investigation is grounded in the study of interactions between environment, cognition, and culture. The Internet's Newest Subculture Is All About Creating Imaginary Friends. Kitsune, a tulpa hosted by Maciej from Wroclaw, Poland Kitsune was a mercurial orb hovering above a marble obelisk.

The Internet's Newest Subculture Is All About Creating Imaginary Friends

Maciej looked at her. “What do you want to be?” Conjuring Up Our Own Gods. What happens when a digital writer tries a digital detox? My week of 'intentional' smartphone use. If you've clicked on this story and read even just the first line, I've already succeeded in one goal.

What happens when a digital writer tries a digital detox? My week of 'intentional' smartphone use

I'm a writer working in a digital world, so getting you to read stories online is part of my job. But I know attention wanes and within seconds, some of you will jump to something shinier, newer, prettier. You and I, we share this in common — we live in this digital space together. Data & Society. The Art of Google Books. Warner Bros. signs AI startup that claims to predict film success. Storied film company Warner Bros. has signed a deal with Cinelytic, an LA startup that uses machine learning to predict film success.

Warner Bros. signs AI startup that claims to predict film success

A story from The Hollywood Reporter claims that Warner Bros. will use Cinelytic’s algorithms “to guide decision-making at the greenlight stage,” but a source at the studio told The Verge that the software would only be used to help with marketing and distribution decisions made by Warner Bros. Pictures International. In an interview with THR, Cinelytic’s CEO Tobias Queisser stressed that AI was only an assistive tool. “Artificial intelligence sounds scary. But right now, an AI cannot make any creative decisions,” Queisser told the publication. The Death of “the Death of” - 3:AM Magazine. By Jared Marcel Pollen. Literature in the mainstream might be dead, but so is the mainstream itself. Postmodernism, as has been rightly pointed out, is not a movement, a genre, a style, or anything else that can be formalized; it has no manifesto, no coherent creeds or tenets; only a loose association of tropes that have been exploited ad nauseam (irony, self-consciousness, recursion, epistemic contradictions).

Like it or not (despite claims about New Sincerity, or the Post-Postmodern) our age is still a thoroughly postmodern one, and it’s hard to conceive of a time when it won’t be. This is conditioned partly by the belief that things are coming to an end. Or, that things have already ended––the finish line has already been crossed and we’re simply running around the track because we have nowhere else to go. For decades now, essays spelling “the death of…” have become a cottage industry, almost a subgenre within the critical essay. What is camp? The Met Gala theme, explained in words and pictures — Quartzy. The Tripatorium™ Accelerating Future » Amusing Ourselves to Death. ObscUrban Legend Wikia. Welcome to the ObscUrban Legend Wiki The encyclopedia of obscure cryptids, paranormal happenings, and other phenomena that anyone can edit.395 articles since July 20, 2015.

About • Recent changes. Polyvore. Thinking for a LivingWe Feel Fine. Infinity List. Mirror Metaphysics. Create Contests, Giveaways, Polls and more for Social, Email, and your Website.

33 Myths of the System - Simplifica tu vida. The ANTHROPOLOGiST. Online lifestyle news site covering sneakers, streetwear, street art and more. Spirit of Adventure, Passion for Gear. Awesome Stuff - The Awesomer. A Surge of New Plastic Is About to Hit the Planet. Curating the very best packaging design. Invisible Design. Opening Your Third Eye. The Activation, Its Passive Usage Two exercises are given below: Mirror Watching A Single Person Watch your face in a mirror, with dimmed light. Make sure you are alone, or you know that no one will interrupt you, as you have to slip into a very relaxed state of consciousness, where any physical interruption may affect you much deeper.

Choose maybe an evening, not a special time, but maybe after work, when you are perhaps already a bit tired physical and mentally. Again, watch your face, relax yourself by a calming suggestion such as, "I'm in peace within myself, I simply watch my face to calm and find peace in me". Don't move with your sight or blink your eyes, because it's necessary to allow your attention to move away from your physical eyes toward your inner eye.

Choose a point on your face you focus, and don't change it anymore. The warmth is energy, which you attract by refocusing your attention. You have to release the attention to watch with your physical eyes. A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever. Fluoride removal: diatom, iodine and hydrogen peroxide supplements explained » The Abrahadabra Institute. ... en vue. Isochronic tone stimulation: Pineal Gland (30min) Riffing. Ripping. Ruminie. Gripping. St.ripping. Ruminating. Myth Story Tale. Trends.