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Representation. Activism. Feminism. Sexisme et politique. Feminism. Mujer.


Féminin. Le vide de l'homme, la femme évidée. Womens Rights Africa. SaraLakshmiKali MA Women Rights India. SaudiArabia Al-Uzza,Al-Lat,Menat. French Pages. Spanish Pages. Russian Pages. Women Rights Pearlers. Feminism. English Pages. Gender FR-US. Cómo combatir los prejuicios de género. Declaraciones ofensivas sobre niñas y mujeres son mucho más comunes de lo que pensamos.

Cómo combatir los prejuicios de género

A diario, mujeres de todo el mundo escuchan palabras groseras y abusivas hacia ellas, por esa razón la ilustradora brasileña Carol Rossetti ha creado una serie de ilustraciones de apoyo denominada Mujeres, que ayuda a motivar a las mujeres en su lucha contra los prejuicios y la discriminación de género hacia ellas. ¡Poder femenino! Rose decidió no tener hijos. No te preocupes, Rose. ¡La maternidad es una opción y tu decisión no te hace menos mujer! Mujer, sorpresas y decepciones. « Cajón de Sastre. PPP Human Rights Cell demands government respond to Taliban threat to minorities. Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission hosts public hearing on gender discrimination.

By Noel Lyn Smith The Daily Times Updated: 02/15/2014 04:43:06 PM MST0 comments Farmington — The Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission wants to hear testimony on gender discrimination against Navajo women and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer tribal members.

Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission hosts public hearing on gender discrimination

The commission will have a public hearing from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Today, One Billion Rise by Christa Hillstrom. Rise, strike, dance!

Today, One Billion Rise by Christa Hillstrom

Join the worldwide walkout for the end of violence against women and girls. posted Feb 14, 2013 Click here to view photos from the worldwide preparation for the One Billion Rising day of action. Photos courtesy of V-Day. Five years ago, I was working on a story about efforts to curb violence against prostituted women in Chicago—and to punish those who profit from it. Antony Hegarty: Future Feminism. Antony Hegarty has been guest-editing Dazed Digital all week ahead of Meltdown Festival, which he'll be curating later this month.

Antony Hegarty: Future Feminism

Now speaking openly with Dazed, the form-flouting Mercury Prize winner leads us on a two-part excursion away from familiar territory - through gender-politics, ecology and power structures - to the final frontier of Future Feminism. Women bloggers call for a stop to 'hateful' trolling by misogynist men. Laurie Penny is one of a number of women writers who have decided to go public with their concerns.

Women bloggers call for a stop to 'hateful' trolling by misogynist men

Photograph: Guardian Crude insults, aggressive threats and unstinting ridicule: it's business as usual in the world of website news commentary – at least for the women who regularly contribute to the national debate. Barely Civilized. Women in Science. Bourdieu : la domination masculine - une vidéo Actu et Politique. 'License To Pimp,' San Francisco Documentary, Sheds Light On Strip Club Corruption (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

SAN FRANCISCO -- While working on a film about the lives of sex workers, a San Francisco documentarian received a shocking letter from a colleague's 10-year-old niece: a schedule of the girl's fantasy life as a stripper.

'License To Pimp,' San Francisco Documentary, Sheds Light On Strip Club Corruption (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

Filmmaker Hima B. was in the midst of filming her first documentary about the sex industry when she received the young girl's note. It included the following fascinating and horrifying schedule (misspellings included): 1. Go to the stripping company for sex. 2. Go to the strippers joint to stripp. 3. L'Islande est-elle vraiment le paradis des femmes ? Contemporary Feminism - Feminism Is An Incomplete Revolution. Elite Women Put a New Spin on Work-Life Debate. WEDO. English - About us - Issues & Projects - Project: Putting Gender Equality Central. Putting Gender Equality Central; a project to promote a gender and human rights perspective in WECF's activities In an effort to mainstream gender issues in WECF’s work and organisation, this year a project is executed to promote a gender and human rights perspective in WECF’s activities.

English - About us - Issues & Projects - Project: Putting Gender Equality Central

Irene Dankelman, gender-environment expert from the Netherlands, has been asked to guide this process. Main aspects include the development of a gender policy and strategy for WECF, building on the experiences from partners and the secretariat so far. This strategy will be part of the overall strategy that WECF is developing for the period 2009-2014. WECF’s International Advisory Board will advice on the draft document during its meeting, September 2008.

The development of a brochure on Sustainable Sanitation and Gender issues, and discussions around it, are part of the project. Women Money Power - If You Have the Will to Succeed, You Will Succeed! Telling Our Story: Women and Business. International Women's Day 2012. American Electra: Feminism's ritual matricide—By Susan Faludi. Diane MacEachern: Women Leave Rio+20 Motivated to Galvanize Sustainability Around Family Planning and Reproductive Rights. There is a direct correlation between access to voluntary family planning, women's empowerment and environmental sustainability.

Diane MacEachern: Women Leave Rio+20 Motivated to Galvanize Sustainability Around Family Planning and Reproductive Rights

And though the official delegates to last week's "Earth Summit" tried to water it down, thousands of grassroots activists made it one of the biggest issues to rock Rio+20, as the event was also called. Why? Because ensuring that women have full reproductive rights creates one of the most desirable "two-fers" on the planet. Complete access to voluntary family planning is among the quickest, simplest, and most affordable ways to improve women's quality of life. It is also one of the most direct, immediate and cost-effective ways to reduce climate change. Women took these issues to Rio because more than 200 million women in the U.S. and around the world cannot choose whether or when to have a baby, simply because they don't have access to voluntary family planning. This did not sit well with Hillary Rodham Clinton, the U.S. Dr.

Girls Judge Boys in Desert Sex Factor - Human Planet: Deserts, Life in the Furnace Preview - BBC One. Género. ONU Indicadores violencia contra mujer. Key findings • Violence against women is a universal phenomenon. • Women are subjected to different forms of violence – physical, sexual, psychological and economic – both within and outside their homes.

ONU Indicadores violencia contra mujer

. • Rates of women experiencing physical violence at least once in their lifetime vary from several per cent to over 59 per cent depending on where they live. . • Current statistical measurements of violence against women provide a limited source of information, and statistical definitions and classifications require more work and harmonization at the international level Download chapter 6. Rachel Maddow: Treating the shattered economy as a crime scene. Rachel Maddow: More lip service than legislation from Wisconsin GOP on jobs. Feminist frequency. 8 de marzo Día Internacional de la Mujer Trabajadora. Muchas de las acciones que han desarrollado el movimiento de mujeres y feminista a través de la historia, son desconocidos por las generaciones presentes.

8 de marzo Día Internacional de la Mujer Trabajadora

A pesar de lo difícil que significa reconstruir la historia, el aporte de innumerables mujeres por recrear los hechos tal y como se dieron, nos permite acercarnos, en gran medida, a las antecesoras del movimiento social más importante del siglo XX: el movimiento Feminista. A continuación presentamos parte de un artculo de ANA ISABEL ÁLVAREZ GONZÁLEZ (1999) publicado en Espai de Dones, donde ella expone, versiones, fuentes y aclaraciones que dan origen al 8 de marzo.

Espai de Pro-Choice Voter Guide. * NARAL Pro-Choice America PAC endorsed candidate President President Barack Obama (D) is pro-choice. Día Internacional de la Mujer, 8 de marzo. Eurasia Review. By Magharebia By Hayam El Hadi Nearly 150 women made their way into the Algerian legislature after the recent election, setting a post-independence record made possible by the quota system stipulated in the Constitution. But the new system is not to everyone’s liking. Prior to the November 2011 introduction of a law expanding women’s representation in elected institutions, the proportion of women reached only 7.7% in the National People’s Assembly (APN) and 5.1% in the National Council. Washington post article. I was 18 years old when I landed in the kingdom of Bahrain, off the coast of Saudi Arabia, in the winter of 2005. It was the first time I'd ever left the continental United States. My joints ached after more than 24 hours of travel, but I knew that a new life of service and adventure awaited me on the other side of that aircraft door.

This was the day I had been dreaming about since I'd enlisted in the Navy a few months before, on my birthday. I loved my country, and I knew that I was ready to prove myself in action. EVE, Inc. (End Violent Encounters) Women In Military Service For America Memorial. WOMENVETERANSOFAMERICA.COM. About « Everysaturdaymorning's Blog. Hi, I am one of the Escort Volunteer Coordinators for the only abortion clinic in Louisville Ky. I have been escorting for almost 10 years and organizing for 6. Every Saturday Morning wonderful, brave, compassionate volunteers come out before the sun comes up to provide emotional and tactical support for people accessing Reproductive and Sexual medical care. We are a diverse group of people who all work together to make sure this resource is available to our community.

We are a decentralized group of autonomous individuals who come together to empower ourselves and others. Not Everything Has Changed. The Unfinished Revolution: How a New Generation is Reshaping Family, Work, and Gender in America in America by Kathleen Gerson, Oxford University Press, 297 pages, $24.95 When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present by Gail Collins, Little, Brown and Co., 480 pages, $27.99 My upbringing was something of an anachronism. My dad went to work every morning at the family business (where his father and grandfather had both worked), and my mom spent her days at home with me and my brother and sister. Even though I was born in 1982, I grew up much the same way both of my parents did in the late 1950s and 1960s -- but very differently from the majority of my peers. The economic and social shifts that have made arrangements like my parents' increasingly rare are chronicled with a broader scope in When Everything Changed, Gail Collins' 480-page attempt to tell the history of American women over the past 50 years.

EQUALS? - Join the big inequality debate. Anarcha. Women's Bean Project. The Rebirth of the Feminist Manifesto. Living > Features > The Female Perspective - A Modern Guide to Dating.