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Why Not . . . Treat Your Body Like a Temple? - The Simply Luxurious Life® “Treat your body like a temple, not a woodshed. The mind and the body work together. Your body needs to be a good support system for the mind and the spirit. If you take good care of it, your body can take you wherever you want to go, with the power and the strength and energy and vitality you will need to get there.” ~ Jim Rohn Viewing my body as a temple is something I have absolutely no problem doing, but treating it as such is much more difficult. However, as I get older, I become more and more appreciative of what my body can do for me and because of this I am reminded of why – proper maintenance, regular attention and discipline – are so important. So often is the case that during the warmer months it is easier to get outside and be active, but as the daylight hours slowly shorten and our schedules become ever more booked, it is too easy to allow our fitness and wellness to slide. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Images: (1) Source (2) Source (3) Source inShare0. Avoir la classe - Forums Mon idée rejoint assez ce qui a déjà été décrit précédemment par Chic-N-Subtle, entre autres… Je suis assez d'accord avec toi, Winter_River, sauf à propos de la confiance en soi qui, d'après moi ou d'après ma conception de la chose, n'a rien à voir avec ça.Pour moi c'est un élément assez important au niveau de l'apparence, même si je saurais pas décrypter précisément ce à quoi ça tient quand je trouve une femme (comme un homme !)

Classe. Mais bon disons que pour une femme, elle le dégagerait malgré elle, ça ne me paraît pas être quelque chose de conscient et travaillé, du moins pas complètement. Parce que, bien sûr, elle peut prêter un peu d'attention à sa démarche, la rendre plus féminine par exemple, et accroître son potentiel de classieuté, hinhin. Mais je pense qu'à la base, c'est quelque chose d'effectivement inhérent à l'individu, bien que ça puisse être façonné. Édit. En fait, je crois pas qu'on puisse vraiment définir de critères ou de règle générale pour ça. Positively present. After discovering this awesome image on Tumblr (my new obsession, as those of you who follow me on Twitter know... you can find Positively Present on Tumblr here), I've been thinking a lot about what it means to be your own hero.

Many people spend such a great deal of time waiting around for someone to save them. There are quite a few poor souls, feeling stranded and alone, waiting for fate to swoop in and save the day. They are sitting where they are, looking around hopefully for a white knight or a Superman. Not to dash anyone's dreams, but, let's be serious: there is no such thing a knight in shining armor and I'm pretty sure Superman is a figment of someone's creative imagination.

It would be wonderful if we could all just sit around and someday be saved from whatever it is that is making us unhappy, but that's not the way life works. Yes, in some cases, we can be (and will be) saved. Love can save us. How To Be Your Own Hero Stop waiting. Take action. Don't give up. Be brave. How to Make a Meaningful Difference in the World. Edit Article Edited by Kittykun, Missjb11, BR, Sondra C and 9 others Everywhere it seems on the news and in the media there is negative news of injustice and damage to the environment, famine and thirst and hunger, and deep down a lot of us want to do something! So reclaim your passion this article will give you some ideas, but know the list is really as limited as your imagination. Ad Steps 1Write a list of social issues you are passionate about. 18Know that one voice makes a difference and be the change you wish to see in the world. Tips Read about those who have made a difference, such as Malala and Ghandi.

So You Want To Become a Man. Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from Cameron Schaefer, author of Schaefer’s Blog, a site dedicated to better living. Make sure to check it out and subscribe to his RSS feed. Cameron is a graduate of the Air Force Academy and flies C-17s for a living. In the modern techno-industrial culture, it is possible to proceed from infancy into senility without ever knowing manhood. ~ Edward Abbey Six weeks ago I became a father. This experience has changed my life. But more than anything it has got me thinking about being a man. I have noticed this more in the past few years as I’ve passed these points one by one. But are these life events really the best indicators of manhood? I wonder if in reality the whole process is somewhat counterintuitive, consisting more of dying to self and wrestling with humility, than inflating our ego and becoming the type-A Johnny we often see hailed in culture as “the Man.”

Selflessness Men live for someone or something greater than themselves. Consistency. How to Become the Woman You’ve Always Wanted to Be. “I was fortunate to become the woman I always wanted to be.” – Diane von Furstenberg Diane von Furstenberg’s initial business success came about in the late seventies as the feminist movement was gaining momentum. And what I admire and appreciate about Diane von Furstenberg is that she doesn’t cast aside her femininity, but rather revels in it, all the while reminding women that femininity is about equality and being able to have the freedom to live the life each of us wants without limitation due to one’s sex.

And while her above quote may sound rather simple, after contemplation, one quickly realizes to become what we’ve always wanted to be is no small feat. In fact, it may be the most difficult task each of us takes on as we go through life. So how exactly does a woman go about becoming the person she’s always wanted to be? 1. “I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I always knew the woman I wanted to be.” 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. “A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. 10. How to Inspire Others to Create a Positive and Productive Atmosphere. What Does It Mean Being a “Classy Woman”? Women keep hearing over and over from guys in different situations that men want to date and have relationships with a classy woman. Just take a look at most of the men’s dating profiles, and you will see that practically all of them want to meet and date a woman who has “class.” Indeed, being called “classy” is an ultimate compliment to a woman. But, what does it really mean being classy?

After searching the internet for an answer to this question, I wasn’t very satisfied, because every attempt to define a “classy woman” had one fundamental flaw. A woman can have all the qualities that make her classy according to those sources and still not have much class. For instance, being a sharp dresser, clean, and not using profanities are certainly qualities that flatter to a woman, but… they hardly make her come across as having “class,” if she talks too much and constantly draws attention to her persona. 1. 2.

A sense of fashion is an integral part of class. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Related. How to Be a Successful Young Woman: 15 Steps (with Pictures) Edit Article Edited by Dibz, Carolyn Barratt, Harri, Teresa and 23 others You can become a successful young woman and carry that forward all your life! If you want to refine and make yourself better in all facets of life, this article is for you. Ad Steps 1Make short term goals that lead to medium and long term ones and to your life's goal. 15Be persistent! Tips Be consistently helpful and kind. Warnings Don't ever let anyone, including a boy/or man, get in the way of your education, or other important goals.