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Facebook Privacy Watcher – Die Privatsphäre Ampel für den Browser. Soziales Netzwerk vor dem Börsengang - Facebooks erdichtete Weltanschauung - Digital. Facebook SICHER nutzen. Online - Diaspora-Gründer setzt auf Langzeitstrategie gegen Facebook & Co. Diaspora, eine dezentrale Alternative zu Facebook, war im vergangenen Jahr unter großem Medienrummel gestartet, um ein sicheres, technisch offenes und vor allem nutzerkontrolliertes Social Network zu errichten.

online - Diaspora-Gründer setzt auf Langzeitstrategie gegen Facebook & Co.

Mittlerweile ist das Projekt, das Nutzer mit insgesamt 200.000 Dollar Spendengeldern förderten, aus den Schlagzeilen verschwunden. Maxwell Salzberg. einer der Gründer, erläuterte im Interview mit Technology Review die künftige Strategie. Der 23jährige bezeichnet sich selbst stolz als Hacker, hat ein Informatikstudium an der New York University absolviert und kümmert sich seitdem verstärkt um den Aufbau von Diaspora. Seine drei Mitgründer und Freunde Dan Grippi, Raphael Sofaer und Ilja Zhitomirskiy stammen von derselben Fakultät. "Es war wirklich ein bisschen wie ein verrücktes Märchen damals", erinnert sich Salzberg an die Startphase. Diaspora ist mittlerweile nach San Francisco gezogen, wo die Firma Pivotal Labs dem Projekt Büroräume angeboten hat.

Soziale Netzwerke - Facebook schaltet unbemerkt Freunde ab - Meldung. Heimlich, still und leise haben die Betreiber von Facebook die Einstellungen der Nutzerkonten geändert.

Soziale Netzwerke - Facebook schaltet unbemerkt Freunde ab - Meldung

Jeder Facebook-Nutzer bekommt nun nur noch Meldungen ganz bestimmter Freunde zu sehen. erklärt, wie Nutzer das wieder rückgängig machen können. [Update 14.03.2011] Änderungen sukzessive. Creating Community on a Facebook Page. I was talking about Facebook with someone at a conference last week when he said, “yeah, but Facebook isn’t really engaging.

Creating Community on a Facebook Page

When Pages get too big, it’s not really a community.” There’s a lot of truth to that. The Facebook platform makes it difficult because a Page does not offer cross-conversations, so conversations become silos. A Facebook Page is a community, but it is usually a loosely-tied community of lurkers and inactives who don’t have the opportunity to interact with each other or the Page often enough. I think of my colleague’s comment as a challenge: I believe that you can create community within a Facebook Page, but it takes a lot of work, discovery, and dedication. Who are the fans and why are they there: the discovery phase One of the key issues is understanding exactly who the audience is and why they are fans. The Other Social Network. Have you checked out LinkedIn lately?

The Other Social Network

If you thought the world’s largest professional network was little more than a place to post your resume, you owe yourself another visit. LinkedIn is set to eclipse the 100 million member mark sometime this sprin g, and it is quickly becoming the social network of choice for B2B professionals. LinkedIn gets none of the buzz of Facebook, and no one’s going to make a movie about it. Its format is austere, it has few third-party applications and it doesn’t support chat, photo libraries or videos. Untitled. Foodie Startup Dubbed ‘The Facebook of Food’ “What do you want to eat?”

Foodie Startup Dubbed ‘The Facebook of Food’

It’s one of the most common questions we ask every day. But while the foodie media answers this on television, on the web and in blogs, the ever-growing world of social media has yet to tap in to foodie market. Enter Foodily, a sleek and comprehensive recipe and ingredient search engine with impressive social integration.

The startup, which was founded by two former Yahoo! Employees, aggregates millions of recipes from all over the web. When searching for an ingredient or dish on Foodily, your results are displayed in a cool, sideways-scrolling interface that shows a photo of the dish, the recipe and where it came from (recipes are sourced from commercial sites like Epicurious and from popular food blogs, a special addition that other recipe aggregators lack). The real triumph here is that the search engine can be as broad or as narrow as you want.

Meet People. Anytime. Anyplace. Is the new social web. What if social networks were more like email?

is the new social web.

What if they were all inter-connected, and you could choose which software (and even which provider) to use based purely on what they offered you? Now they are! Friendica is bringing them all together. All of these can be included in your Friendica "social stream" where you may interact with them using a familiar conversational interface - and perhaps arrange them into private conversation groups.

This lets you easily separate what posts can be seen by your co-workers and your beer-drinking buddies. Note: Two-way and private communications are not yet available on all networks, and in a few cases these abilities are not possible due to limitations in the underlying communications formats. You wouldn't have to give up any of your existing friends. But wait, there's more... Friendica is also the most technically advanced and feature-rich decentralised Facebook alternative currently available for the indie web.

Oh, and Friendica is free. Better Facebook: Recommended by Chris Kertels! Wkw. Orkut - Why Google+ Is an Education Game Changer - Education. It's been a week since I snagged a Google+ invite, and while it's fun to hit the reset button on my personal social media life, what I'm really interested in is how the service is going to impact teaching and learning.

Why Google+ Is an Education Game Changer - Education

There's a good chance that Google+ is going to become a powerful communication and collaboration tool in the classroom. In fact, it could end up being a serious education game changer. Google+ has some clear advantages over Facebook in the K-12 arena, especially since students younger than 13 can't join Facebook. Some school districts even have policies prohibiting teachers from friending students of any age, period. There isn't (yet) any such prohibition around Google+, and because the Circles feature makes it simple for teachers to separate their personal lives from their professional lives, all the awkward possibilities of students seeing photos of their teacher from a party pretty much disappear.

Willkommen bei Facebook. Insoshi.